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Show the galiery the -doors barricaded, and a leaded gun ready for the first man who comes to purchase garden sasa or green goods. Next time Dave Felt ar lives n Manli. soiuothiDg will happen, and at less! two of onr business men huve taken asudden dislike to foreign adverf'sing. County Briefs Tne- Logn Journal has be-n fold to ' a company of Democrats, for $6,500. Charleston -haa j 1st completed a fine opefa house. Mr. Dagdaie of tbe Enquire is again making his rounds. T!i& Christmas Hoiaid is a mammoth ' affiir.find as nsual gives evidence of the enterprise of the companv. 'wanted at once: Two car loads of good looking young men delivered a. the Mauti depot. Shipped C O D. J.C.Cahoou made the liiat iip out-Bids out-Bids of town to Gunnison on Wednesday with his new hearse. The Letter day saints meetinghouse at Mount Pleasant is completed, and last Sunday servicas were held there for the first time. A full line of groceries to be sold below be-low cost at the Manti Bakery. Bnt remember it will only last three days beginning January 5, 1892. On and after Jan. lst.trains will cease to run on the S. P. & R. R- and the previous railroad of Sanpete Co. will be a thing of the past- By favor of Don. Jhn T. Caiue wc have received copies of the governor and the Utah commission's reports to the secretary of the Interior. Every one in town eeemes to ha looking look-ing as if they had just woke up in the middle of the night, for Christmas seems to hang heavy on their stomachs The P. 0. S. of A; presented the dis trict schools of Salt Lake City, with na tional flags, on Christmas. Approprate exercise were rendered oa the occasion. A bank hooso at the Galena mine Bingham, was burned on Christmas morning and two miners. Tat 0. Xealby and Eric Johnfon were burned to death. gTbe Diepaich ccrrspondent gives Spring City a hard name. Ke says the doctor was busy, the day after a dance, ia that city fixing up the damsged limbs, ears, etc., of the dancers. Last Wednesday Bp John Sharp died at his residence, in the 72 year of his " cge- Bp Sharp was a well known char-aeter char-aeter in Utah, and was one of the band now fast disappearing who laid the fonndation of Utah's prosporuy. In business every man Is considered a rogue nntill he is known to be honest; iu conrts of justice every man is considered consid-ered innocent nntil he Is proven gnilty an11 in love it it best to consider every woman false nntil she is proven true. Hugh Sloan is one of the busiest men in town these d8s, king winter , - amosing himself by bursting the water - n'p-a. Thf disr-Rse seems to be particu-ii particu-ii idfal in tbe pipes put in by Air. , ' Ji,ne, nr rather by bis men. Moral Ene - uraie home talent every time. Wharher the prevailing epidemic is L Grippe, a Catarrh cold, or a type of ni. . Bri.Lct.itis there is one thing cer---mi, Ayr Ct'crry Peetoral ;s the most i - -i d ijinvvrsalh popular remedy i I l.a.seuH the cough, starts the p - ui, ii-i prcuiotHS expectoration. It 1- uio.upt to ac, sure to cure. T-i Br -t norr.b-r of the Utah Musical Jmir, .1 (.f Sal' Lke is received. It is eaii ed by Mr. J. C. WoHe and Is pub-ihi-il b Mensers Ai-kermun & Co. It Is bright and clean, and its columns are - replete with valuable and practical information. in-formation. Vocal and instrumental mnsic is found in its pages, which are valuable acquisitions to the family " mustca' library. An nufortunate hold np tried to sandbag sand-bag Dr. Olsteu a few days ego. Of course the footpad had never enjoyed the pleasure of an acquainlauce with the doctor, bnt acknowledged the introduction, intro-duction, as soon as the fourth of July ' toy, whica the doctor carries in his jeans, was brought to bear on hfm, and his apology wa3 duly accepted. It was a case of mistaken identity, and both parties came out of the skirmish all right. Brigham Bugler: A new game called "Editors Delight" is played in this wise: Take a sheet cf ordinary writing paper-fold paper-fold carefnlly and enclose a bank note, sufficiently large to pay np all arrears and one year in advance. What adds immensely to the pleasure of the game is to send along a name of a new subscriber sub-scriber or two, accompanied by the cash. Keep an eye on the editor aud if a smile adorns his face the trick works like a charm. Now is the time to plav tbe jafce. Tbe Christmas Herald arrived in town on Wednesday and when the citizen! citi-zen! saw the ad that bold of Striugham aud Stiinghani's new departure iu he grocery line, they sought the studio to purchase theirs Etjpplies of beans cab-dagi cab-dagi s etc, for Christmas. For half a bay tho artist answered In his usual .gentlemanly manner that the Jlanti G'ocerywas not connected with tho 'picture taking" business out was a tepaiHt.. and distinct concern. Bis i alienee lasted well, but about the mid-ci.' mid-ci.' i f the fiei noon began to give out, mi I to obt-iin a little consolation, be in ale a short trip to the Temple Hotel, wlieu be wh fast forgetting that such a ihina as trouble existed in the world, v,beu he was rudely brought frem dream lerd to stern facts by a shock headed m ho stuted 'im- ins mother had i.uu io So ,i . a a, s t , Ket a few ri ses. Kverv pl-n- l, Went te was qii--; on- :,i retl.j-, tothegreen !H.rv Olivine. (111tii uatare was ex-h..isr.,t ex-h..isr.,t n-1 whmi at last a little girl -m. in to out H buuch of c. I,ry, tbe mr hf-eone blue, and eulphrons flames rolled out through the door. Parties who have failed to see Stringham on Christmas are informed that be is iu |