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Show 1 WANTED. . ( "iir t or clAiic.'i.'tubi'. ors o loci.fp at li ni . 1 1 ih. Will hc-ly obtain oui- ' h. fur i i,jM mon. At' i Jaiu 11. WALL'S. Ptovo Utah i . , CRACKER FACTORY Received the first prize for Hs SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, October, 1S01. EEXRT WALLACE, - ilauucer. FERRON CO-OP. DEALERS IS General 31erchandisc, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, and Everything Belonging to, a First-class f . Store. Goods Cheaper than r at any other House in the County. Largest Store South . of Price. Ferron - Utah, j T?'Elli;QLIim SXIElip Dip. '13 an li ct obtained ..- -N . ' , Yollo- Pine Tree. lua- lltiscuprcmo'ca ' ' You cati vl-H aiK.rJ ( Suv FERNOUNE SHEEP DIP a trfal t. save ,o Sraa, dM. monev. K,:J tlle iZltmt?? 1JoETSIT,M1ONA'LV ' TE8TIMOMIAL." A' yi'.'c, c c' .' ''U..AM MORGAN"""' 18 Hioacivav, N V i 1 hkvouks Cmfms-ai. Co., tn,te ,l;, more than t' .... V..lle bn. tl. n,' , , - : 1 "'.and tby we entirely cutei ' the ,,,l,cai1..rt i the .hp. am! t! rre r,..- ,.e .,-,, , tiiipressi.in that the o'D was k s Hut ui.(,!: r.!i..r j ''. 'ir to jtse in tlend than em.n,rig f lICT-n a k .;, -. later. iti, th Utir and .'Cir S,?-' won!- "nd Vtevvnl tieatmcf them aenui a!..,hei iio.an. fa, ... . " "tn-leeDdip kiu ' "covered th; ail t,.,,,, OI lhe ,',V ";'"'"-. in my opimon. -ri rl.'jppeare.l. ami I . uei.tly abauJon.l M ( ., ;, , ;: !'" '',alir,f Lie iorcijoir.j I do B,e l,.-a ol turtj.er treannei.t. y, r K,r,;:,f " the belief that 1 find imr u.p v,-rt r.nyei.ient tc ne, and e-t , mfe ii . ,-. . V u'! Prove of the meat. J5r,eficutl rather tJuu m;iB,u .. tile sUctpa.id tt.e cv.le'u, -. J . , - . i ,r' p ri"m- d shotud 4pet. la4L Yoiir.truly, te (Signed) A. H. IH MPIIREYS. t!5,-,r T , , . , W.a tt ILLIAM MORGAN It jrou cannot nbtain FERNOLf E SHEEP DIP f,r i , ri for (t to UIP f,&11 dealer, ask him r Foinolina Chemical Co., 18 Broadway, N., A GREAT LIVES jiF.OICJ.VE. Dr. Gunn's rmprovt d L'.v-1 ;-it- c .sure cur fur Kit-k !u-...';:i';;,. coiiiplaints. dysp, ;is;a, ii:.'.!,i-u ; . nvtuess. torpid ihr, etc. ;-.ii:-insure perft-ft tliirrattun. imi rii i, it liver aod etoiuac ,, ifga aH tlin tuwK purify ami cmicii the tiiooti uud uiakt tna skin Cit-Hr. incy also pr ance n Kooi sppt'tito. end fuvigurttf ' ! strenstht-a the entire svsihiu by tlieir tunic action. So d at 25 cents a box at tiie City BruR store. XT JL3 Ph Y ivi T i , For Gormorhofa aad Glee1. A c;;:e guaranteed in six days. NTo drues necessary during treatment t nd n,, pain is caused by its use. A I : -sitive pieveiii.aive v! s.ictute and ail j i:l a!';e: efces. A perfectly safe ji' Tiec'y. F.irtii"! only. One injection Lt I'h'.inii is a perfect preventative if i-ed tli- Hiter See directions on j;jttle. fiice $2. Sent bvexpress.se curely sealed from observation. The i;!orv ol man is his strength. I HE SAMSON INVIGORATING AND TONIC. PILLS. The great sexual tonic are warranted to cure exhausted vitality and premature decline. So alarmingly pievalent among the enfeebled and enervated youth and manhood of the present day. arising from excesses, indiscretions, etc , univeisal lassitude of long standing has been positively and permanently cured by it. after every other remedy had been tried in vain. Through its wonderful tonic-invigorating effects indisposition to exertion of the most chronic type has been promptly cured by the great relief it afforded to the whole body from all its peculiar disabilities and infirmities. Depression of spirits and in fact, all the train ol the evils aiisingfioma disordered disor-dered state of the nervous or sexual system, such as extreme sensitiveness ol the most aggravated nature, unpleasant unpleas-ant dreams ol the most obstinate chat acter. dimness of vision, ringing in the ea'rs, palpitation of the heart, trembling of the limbs, pairs in the hack. It is the greatest known reniedv, and is w arranted ar-ranted io cine all forms i f nervous debility de-bility in even case, from w hatever cause it may or gir.aie, and to arrest all exhaustive ex-haustive discharges, or insidtious loss or waste. It inipaits a veritable tower of strength. A single trial proves it. It will be sent by mail securely sealed. Price Jj. The Simpson-Kill Drug Co , 8o West Second South stieet, Salt Lake City, wholesale and retail agents for Utah territory, who will nil all ordeis NOTE Purchasers of this reniedt will find a ticket enclosed with each bottle entitling them to a free consultation and advice trom the company's local surgeon. A physician of ability and experience, anthori.ied bv this company to represent liit-iii. may be lound in all important t ines of the union. ha try H HOSIERS. Wm. Timmoun, Postmaster of Iila-ville, Iila-ville, Irjd., writes: "Electric Bittera has Jone moro for me tl.au ail other medicines medi-cines combined, for that bad feeling avising from Kidney ami Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman of wine place, says: "F'ntl Electric Bitters Bit-ters to be the best Ki.lney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man," J. W. Gardner, hnrdware mer-rhant, mer-rhant, same town ?Bys: Electric Bitters i just the tti'ng for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or clier1 ; lie found new strength rood appetite ami felt Just like he had a new lease on life. Only DOe. a bottle at the Prog Store. FRED G. WILZZS. DEAI.KR IX General Merchandise Agent fo. Studebaker Bios. Wagons;, Carriages and Carts. Agents for Amos Whitney's Steel Mowers nd Reapers. POST OFFICE, SALINA, - UTAH. So'veuvjo-o. isXove DEALEK3 IN General Merchandise- DRY fOODS, j Groceries, CLOTIIIN C. Agents for fhe Cooper Wagoi. and the McCormiekMachineiy. SAZI2A; VI All SPECIMEN CASES, S. H. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheuraa-1 !!sm, his Stomach was disordered, his iiver was affected to an alarming tie 1,'rt'e, appetite fell away, and he was terribly ter-ribly reluced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, llarrisburg 111', had running sore on his leg of eight years' standinar. Used three bottles of b'iee-trie b'iee-trie Bitt'TS and seven boxeaof BucklenV Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound aril well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., had five large Fever sures on h;s leu. Am -tors siiiii he wat incurable. One ! t;!ii-1 Electric BitUra and one box BncklenV; Arnica Salve cured him entirely. SjM ; atlhe Cityllrug store. ' .' J. W. IIaGCAN, E. L. e.-.!:I'KNTKIi, J. II. OTTFfiSTRlWT. Agent, Mnnti. (ionwal Sale Aent. ' Aeent. Pleasant Valley Coal Co. SALT 3LiA.IS.3ZS OIX""Sr. Coal h.if. been reduced from to 25 to $4,75 per ton at all points on the line of the lt.fi V. Ky. in Sanpete valley. Horse Shoeing a Specialty Waarons, Buggies, Plow?, and all Classes of Elacksmithing done on Short Notice and in First-class Style at S.U.Xeilson's old Stand TMCctllti City, TJTila. H. A.Tucket Candy Co, 850 E. 1st St. 53o.lt Xj1so Oit3 HEADQUARTERS FOR Fritz Brothers Cigars. The Largest Steam Factory in the West, MANUFACTURERS OP Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. f G. A. Gardner, WATCHAKER, (Sj JEWELER, Watenes, Clocks arid Jewelry, Repaired on Short Notice. : i s Ezra Slioinalier, : -; James JU-tculf, Prri.Icnt ? . Julua II. Ch-isicnsen. I 5 J.CiUibcn.VlfePri-st. DtTGCtOTS 1 builier Tattl.-. i j W. ti.Ciuv,foi-l,'Sccivtaly WHBKUIU j ,ga,0 .ni(,,,le ; ; Albert Tutllo, Treasurer . ': Joint i-," Ketrlf, ) i James Cowcn, Manager. : i il.-nry MoKe.' na, ; : :. : X.t: eliristensen. ; COMPANY DEALER IN Wool Hides - Pelts Twine Wool Sacks Etc. - Parties wishing sacks will call on TUTTLE & CO, - - Slanti. Utah. GODBE PITTS DRUG CO. TheSiLafelei; - 'h Respectfolly solicits a Orders by Mail Promptly and Caret ully Filled Puie Wines, L:qaers, Ales and Porters for medicinal and family use, qnallty and price guaranteed. Please mention this advertisement if yon order of us. Salt Lake City, - '- Utah Ter- 25 CENTS FOR A Fountain Pen Send 25 cents to National Advertising Co., 803 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago, eel one of our late patent Fountain Pen- holders. Every pen warranted. 3 for 50c. Liberal terms to agents. Best sell-iiijr sell-iiijr pen ever made. B.etail trade supplied. sup-plied. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mention this Paper. Hugh R. Sloan BZACK8MIU1 Machinist and Pipe Fitter .. All kinds of Machinery, Engines and Boilers Repaired. Ami Woeev Wabeasted. Shop East of Manti Co-op. tjU)1 -lit rTT f 1 3 i , - rn"-r CM'CAGO- rS UNION SO'JARE. tt. Y. fre-;U.-a VoRSAlJt'Sv Ostler Si Sons, Nephi, Utah. - IS41SH m El, Manti, ... Utah Dealers in Harness .Saddles . Bridles .Etc. Tents and Wagon Covers Parties desiring anything in these lines, can save money by trading here, as we have a large etoefc on hand, at price that Defy Competition. GOODS GUARANTEED TO BE . ilx'jy t Class. Orders by Mail promptly attended to Next door North of Co-op Store, Main St., Manti. ltgjilinttrj inn;-jyi?r. Yon cau set your own U ason or Buggy Tiro without taking the wheel oit. Price within the reach of everybody Also carries a full line of School Supplies W H. CliAY & Co., Agent. J. M. DAvis, Traveling Agent for Sanpete Southern Utah. E. IV3 WORKS PROFHIISTOR OF THE i All kintlsof Sidlne, ilouldine, Flooring, i Doors, Windows, Sashes etc. constantly j on hand and made to order. j Oae block wes: Trcm the Temple hotel. PILES CUE ED. SAFE CUKE QU T0 FAT HaTiiiff ohiatne,! thf elusive rilit t"T f e-vier e-vier vnllcv, I am prepare.l lotrn.t racial dis-ertsc-9 tuiilcr T. A. Winter, n new tiestuiolit. l'll.KS penniinonllv cure.) w.ttinut sur;;l,-al treitn.ent. No ileteut ion front Inline. NO PAY UNTIL CURED IB. O. MASSES, Sa lina. Sevier CO BARTON & CO., THE KAPlIfi GL0TI1ESS Of !SvlT T,alio City. Nos. 45 and 47 - . - - - Main Street. Conference visitors should not fail to call on us while in t lie City. Ve have the larpest and best lighted clothing store in the West. Our prices and goods are always reliable. "Once n customer, a' ways a customer," is our motto. ! 22 and 2i West Second South St. Salt Lake City, Utah. ! Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Sporting Gcods Gtine, Ammunition, Cutlery, Fishing Tackles, Base Ball Goods. ShootiDg Ch th-in th-in Robber Coats, and Boots, 'i hum.-oa Boots and Shoes, Damb Bells. Fencmg Koils and Masks. Indian Clubs, Boxing Gloves. Cnapperel Leggings Poker Che ks, Playing Cards, Dominoes Pa u Men Sicdi, b'wlJ and Opera Glasses. HEADQCAfiTKRS FOB Bicycles. Tricycles, Valocipedes Police goods,' Large Stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. See me before urchasiug -General repairing- ' THE COMPANY 1b prepared to fill all orders on ehor notice. Building stone a epecialty. LOUIS C. OLSEN, Proprietor. f KNIGHT'S Blood Cure0 1 successful ou Wore liiin years. A posi-i've posi-i've cure lor DypcTjv..i, S.-rohii.1., r-.ervou3 P-.csttation. Constlpalkn end ad discuss .( fio Blood, Stomach ar.d I-ivi it. UHEOUA1ED FM PH06UCIN8 A C LCin COKPimon A purely botanical coirpnnnd put up i:-. l -i itrcs and Mly mail plpai,!. One Month's Treatment for ll.Vlr I atpepackafW. ft f ;ch:1r,.J .''Yr'V' c lian'' XNIGH'I EOIASICAL CO., tit Brci-ri?, K.V. I can recommend Knirlit's Blood Cur? Irr-ra personal experience. It is the omy rjwti-.o cur" I have ever lottrtl Icr chrnmc lsrr''. J. Crofoot, W VanSicklcnAic, B t!yn, Crptain McCormiri:, of the Hayes Arctic t-pediiion. t-pediiion. writes: " 1 advise you to IweP. . .... medicine chest well supplied w.tn Kn!el-.l Blood Cure. It is a spiriuii,! rciiwa, lor j blood and stomach disorders." ,-.,, Czptain b. J. Sic Cor.MlcK. Kcw Yuri:, Jan. 15, loot. Ballston, Sr.. N. Y.. Fni ?. 1S01. Knictit Botanical Co., Ki2 Broadway. N. Y. Gentlemen: I am pleased to iniorm you and those whom it may concern that. havinK personally per-sonally and thoroughly tried your remedy m abdcaseol biood poisoning with results most satistactory 1 do not hesitate to recommend it in all cases ol disoideied blood. ti, K, Ukigos, Scientist. RaisE Your Own Fish, GEBMAN.GABP, one year old, at 3 :r Hundred at (Pcrds. For esle bv Charles Musig, residence quarte. mile south br Funk's Lake, Sterling, Sanpete county, Utah Territory. C.S.WILKES. OFFICE V U S.IAND OFFICE BUIIDIKO- Land Agent& Attorney Obtains Iatenls ,or AricuUural and Mineral Lands. f - SEARS & Wuf'SM- . LIDDLE 't "C '7--p:.?'rVyS-5LLX:-: IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Paints Oils paint Brushes, Plate and Window Glass MANUFACTURERS OF Show Cases, Art and Stained 'Glass, and Grille Work. Salt Xaake, Utah, P. O, Box 762. i Money; loaned on Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry, Guns, etc , at the California . Collateral 3 West Second South street, corner of Main, White House ; block, Salt Lake City. Goods cau be sent to us through any express company and advances will 1 be made. Goods left on hand will be sold at big bargains. Give ns a call. "- |