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Show of cemmeriv tUv fishermen on the west LMH-;t Pi-jplovcl th.3 oil ii-i a popular wi. iy. O.i t!;. iiverac: about cod !i-'l liv-T-l sir;' ri"jU'l';.l t i proJucu 011? itkvM.-v oil. Thi nutritive Vahl:' t'.YO tilbis Wi-UOUS lull of the oil H cttihalt to that of olio )m!f pmind Kit tlH-fl!. UKNMAHK. . Tin- iiiil-.ieii.-i iiai h'uen vi.-iitiuj; every I f.mi:y lit Si.iceHe. ' l-;rimj lictober l fj I'lli.i;'.:' p.-ur.ws of malted inik were ex-! ex-! ii-n. ti l.i.K c!itis. A pecon, who doss n-ji u i -'!i l'.Vt1 hib' hiinwn, 1ms i..i:Btui r..c"' to th- i:odli:,;uii chil-ih-i'n's hoiAt.' of t'opeiiiuigen. The owner-, of the i i I'll voiki) ihrjnglumt the country, lifipiiit; Copeiihas-'n, are ci'Sanizii;; thtiueivi'S into a iiuiou for th,- phi jii'.se i.f oouuii -rti'tir.st the efforts uf the trailo wci-ms. Mr. Korsgani. editor of tlia Aft.ntla.'.i't a:ul menitier of the u.nver Iwi of tfi nigla, luw Ik.'cu read ut uf libetul party l-c- caiiwi ho ha voWd wiiii the 'conservatives. 'conserva-tives. A inie which hit.-)"W!i used in carrying the mails between Viborg ana fijedsli il since 1S7H, was h.'UI the other dsy. I'm ine that tim? s!ie Las traveled a ilistanea of 75,000 iiiilea. or tliree times arcund the globe. 1 FINLAND. The measles i- raging epidemically in Vasa. DiiriDg the Qrnt- ten month of the pro-M-nt year ii5,T30,3;i kiiograuie of oats w.'re exporte;l from Vasa. i'he tiiini Lu;h-iaii church in soon to be built iu ll.'lswgf.ir.l ai a co.-t of 800,000 marks. Ti.o two Salvation army payers at H-.-lsiiigfors, Finl:i!nl,.liv been sis-pended, sis-pended, e.ii;i oilier papers cc-ntnining Salvation army ftnnoimccpieiitn will be confiflt'a'cd. NOTES ViYs from tho far north by tho ?k'i!iiuiii:iviuu news bureau of Chicago. -W ! I'i.N. "j T' i o huiuii id ar.d forty Dine people i KiSuriihd Dec. '2 by wav of Gotbenbury. f,.'m. Anna Au.'undouer of Afoxsgbcila, A- -cui.i iilaiid, died at'tho advanced age f f 1:T years nud . fmir.'BiouUi.o. Their i.obir-n wecdir.'i; was .celebrati d 'ly ti. t ie ns;, iio weiiknown.citizen of.Stock-hoini of.Stock-hoini and i'.is wifa. 'i he Tiimd .caiiio-drl .caiiio-drl will bo Imliti-d by "eteeii ieity at a c-t i timatt-d at iO.OCO trow ns psr yi-ai. ti.iiine.e Wenuerbei.i'X. minister minis-ter of r-uMie-wmv.'iip receivos an annu-; annu-; ul pe-iie;,-,;) of irilt ;.". The ssivation j i.ruy ie openii;." sium ."-tatiocs in large j cities. T.,0 villaj;o of ; Aammersberg J biiat of a lirtut-ewif'j who makes uuoet) for the whole family and every now and tiit'ii she aiso makes a pair to order for oilier women and children. A pamphlet on " Political Suffrage", pnbluiied by the f-iud-.-ius society Yerdaudi, of Liu-kop Liu-kop iii.;T, has I.ad an nuexpecti-ply large sale. Xi'iree edltors'are already exhnst-ed exhnst-ed and the forth ones are j ist.'oiit. An old lady cf Oeime, Vermiand used a fheciii-T remedy for druukeiiess, just aft.T her liniaad.dk-d she filled his n.oiii'i! v.itii i'randy poured it out again and Kii-.o it lolier son, who is a bard diieio'i- Six hiituirfd miners are now oil a':-ii ike ai ine Noiborg mines. A iu..r;ii of a thoiis'vLid latcieis atKdal-liioa atKdal-liioa lies dtd.iri iiseif in Bj-mpitliy wiili the Xwbfij; f-irickers. A farmer's wiff in V.ie pariah o Southern Moere iiioian i 1, as jii"t civeu birih to her 21 cliii 1. rbe !i".s in ver had more -than ('.,; fit n tieoe and a?.he is not very old y. t it is by no me -ns certain thai this is i,( f ia: t our. At a Jbilmo roller miil a tiiioiith a trap . door in the ticirand i-IM down into an immense, Ci.es! i t Hour. Whi-n be. was taken out li 1 v ,ti vrAy dead and his lungs and v,- oi;,:pi -ro G!i. with luwd packed ile:r. is eii;,;.oed that lis must i ; ; i ' mi!- ii v-u-re quickly then if he ha-iW. :i ilrowiuViiti watr. A .farm lined ;,t K"i'!(i.ertv lioii!ltt ftoods at a !-;'-;ie a-.ei'ou fer a!:out ifr,0. This pi--; e i to In way above his resources, iwtl Jir. was iinaiiiii U furnish the cash in liW time. Hut the ihoiiglitlof young .; rn i'.e,; -'lied to haves ruud Mstt-r in .Ai.n ii;-.! and iHiiioui-Ji sho was ouly a s-; i :i i; i. ?e -r i 5:0 paid tho to iho an 'i.!M'i -r in : iiia!!.i;ifital!nients A '-"m wliat eeouomical lad of Blefc-iii!;i Blefc-iii!;i says the Kortl). was to waik about n miil from thr. railron.l depot to iter io:iio one eveiiiii!?. The weatlior being ! I,r,,l ). ;,Ver bhfl naked a farmer whe ' ' ; ; i : . ; .- ' ; I !; ber !!-: ' io 1 ; .ivajTiir-.lbj concented to do Uiis.Rcd J cif ihey started. Arriving at hor home I ti.e cere:i(,i:ij,!!s!y took her puree out of i be- , i cij t r.iul let a niinibar of copper i . thtwgii bee lingers. The choiee j Ml .(i a or,i pi -ce 1:1,' cents which she h ;ae- i te the f-iimer. Befor? nho re-I re-I i.;:e. d win.t l.e men: he lified her np in I t!io'n".f'n cshin and drove post iiaste ' to (ii.M'.orot and left her there so elie f f .eibi v.aik home and save her 3 ore. A ji)st JemOander got tired of bat hint; ho went to a girl proposed J !ivep:K5 and went to the minister j to Ii.iip the marriage aniiouDOed. So far. so f; eed. But here a snrprine parity a; pnrrd on the seen?, A forascr lovo wi'h an heir on her arm she o'-Jeeted to his marri'sr: with the helrli'M lady the the minister took her side; the young mrni yielded tho beirleFS lady shook the dust from her feat and departed and the next Sunday the marriage of the young man and the iady with the heir was an-nonn"ed an-nonn"ed from the puipii. NO 11 Way. Pus ine the first ten months of tli present year 2511 rest tons ice were fi ported, fm Norway. MoKie well . ci'-b'-braie its four iiundreth anniversary as a town on done the 9, 1892. Alex-finder Alex-finder I.ii'aiul candidacy for the mayor-ally mayor-ally of Slavanger is being litloriy opposed op-posed by the conservative presrs. '1 he whale tiia-ry at the mouth of the Christinia fjord continues very good, four xvhKi.-s being caught from as many St. -amors in one day recently. Six I i'lii!.!r;n nut r-f seven in one family I tfi .l within a v.eck of diphtheria at K . -1 . t . -reiil, north, ot Frondlijemy and j w-re a'l : ! ' i I on tho same day. l ary i!:ei." Aruo fJarUjrtt'rt lie w book ! i i-i-oin ii of as a remaikablo work oiu of ti. ifr,i:.;,-in the literature of the .Noil' , the l:i-ioiy of a soul told so lu-tiipiy lu-tiipiy nii.i with Mich (iilianeing power i , to mat (lie reader confess to him si -If -, this u-J-'k toil cut "deep marks in tl siiiritiii.i life of the Northlands. A j-o-ir .oniior who was foet hardy enongh to cfil ici-o in his paper pome military (illicit ihotiKli lie siiil wan carried on tli-i iHoii us a souliti.-r had liis doom sealed the) ottier day, when the ei'pre'me (ou'r t approvod tho sentence of the . court . inaiaa! fixing the pehalty at 20 ; (iav sol,thry imprisonment and a fine of nr;y d-!tars. O. Ct. Ih.'vofson, oiso of the most promi-I promi-I nent business man of Itergen, made an assimnnont tiie oiher day. The assets, hor'eviT, ars said to be greatly in excess of the liabilities, and il . is to be hoped j that Hi'' ttiillculty will he only tenipor-, tenipor-, iy. '-,rt Xarweninu i.'ible s-K'ietv. lias ;l in loo ,(j v,-ai s liiat ii ive passed since its : .ri!iiu:-ition. circitliited D30,27t copies j of the holy a-Tiptures and other reli-J reli-J nous boolts. i'o new biblo editions '! contaiuiiiir the new vi-rsiou of the Old , le.-itaiui'iit, have been pnblisfn'd by it tho cm rent year. The revised edition of t'ne New Testament is being pushed : virtorou-ily, but several years will piss hefore its completion. Co l liver oil, the production of whHh almti' t entire, is on Norwegian hands, was introduced as a medicine in England Eng-land in 17S2, iu Germany not nntil 40 years later, and in Franco as late as 1S37. Lofljf before it became an article' |