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Show . y-y Although the people uti'ler Wis umbrella are out of sight some gontleinar. or lady will find fle Harris Self-Waiting Table ir j; 0 ls not, and am here (o dispose of the county right to srll the same to the right person in -- -Vjaro' Sanpete county. Gall on or address ma at the Temple hotel. Mauti. Utah. The table will be "L- " Zo. on exhibition next Monday at the hotel. riEL'Y P. OLSEfJ. 5 James Mctcalt, Prcideut J I kiTa ''Molliakpr, I I J. C.M'itbeck, Vice Prist. ! H t r A T J""" Chl'Ml'lu'MI, ! Albclt T",c- "' i j iXn K"V-lt, I ? James Co wen, Mtiuugcr. Henry Mckenna ) N . "Cliristeiibt'ii. I UTAtt WO Hi- ' COMPANY I'EALKB IX Wool Hides Pelts Twine - Wool Sacks Etc. Parties wishing sacks will call on TUTTLE & CO, - - Ma ut 1. Utah. Lit Lif: is 3 ' '"' !i:a '.' .UAKiu.i.''tu.'; in iVive! C'-jTijED 6 I?! ilfivc e::..,..l: 1 . rs"vin - -. : ,7:il:TIP:jcs?r Aeilrcs VVe-lA:;'s Woi:i, Allen's Ga. POETRY : j Mother's Corner - Queries & Answers S-Z'TTr-'r:- ! HOME PHYSICIAN paper," ta; a leiter. . Ji&Catcatia a -.;-rt . a. '. ; t. w wunk j A chailv r full r!- P! C:"AL -OY5ANO GIRLS , t'-J '-'- ' '.'.'-'-: , .'!-.c-r 1. ,r' ::-' :"r I OTHsrn D cphrtm trrtTS " FA HC Y WOPK ' COOKifiG " ' ! $J?-c-!rTV , ..'Tf: E. M- WORKS PROPRIETOR OF TflE YvWs All kin.isof Si, liny. M .oh'-:,- Khv.rio.-. Dors. Windows. S ;:,tn-s ,-.(. Lo':".tan!l'' on hand and mad to order. One block ivp--; from I Temple hotel. ferrofI" bo - 6 P. I'I'Ai Fib- IN Gca era I Jlcicli (turf inc. Hats, Caps, Knots, Shoes, llarcK. are, and Everything Belonging to a First-class Store. Goods Cheaper than at any other House in tho County. Largest Store South of Price. Perron - - - Utah. I iJ and 21 West Second South St. ' S ilt hake Ci'v. Ftali. ! w - ' jL ' Wholesale and lietail Dealers ia Sporting Gcods Guns, Ammunition, Cutlery, Fishing-Tackles, Fishing-Tackles, Base Ball Goads. ShootingClotu-ing, ShootingClotu-ing, liuhber' Coats, and lioots, Thom-ou Boots and Shoes, Dumb Bells, Fencing Foils and Masks, Indian Cinbs,. Boxing Gloves, Chapperel Leggings I'uker Che ks, Pljying Cards, Djiu'iuoes Pate A tell Sifej, F.sll aud Opera. Glasses. HEADQUARTERS FOR H. A.Tucket Candy Co, " 850 E. 1st St. Salt XiPlte Oitj, HEADQUARTERS FOR Fritz Brothers Ciar The Largest Steam Factory in the West. MANlKACTCRKltS OF Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. Bicycles. Tricycles, Valoci pedes Police goods, Large Stock of Spectacles and Eye G lasses. See me liefore urcliasing .General .Gen-eral repairing. PATENT TeT1 A 4 j.ige hook free Aih'res "W. T. FIT (.KHALI), Atl v-.lt Law Cur. st'iand F sts . Wasbiu.d.ui D C Physician and Sir'geon. Special attcn' ion eiven to the nine and throat t al t icu city, null. 1 f f ;-"V'- a-s V D Pl p;iC.v hvV'XSAiiio.".", -Mral-caxviSFeM:? .Jbiusic Stoic, fr A.IVIarker, IDAHO FALLS. IdiAI.ltR IN Al l. DESfklTTIONS CF Musical Instruments, Strings & Trim mines. Pest I'tass l'ai.d lnsiniiucbls. All kinds. On bc-slia cV hand Alusic, Sheet Music and Music Books. Send for my new Catalogue Just out -it lias a sketch of Ole Bull's Violin Haying in it and much good informa-ion informa-ion in for musicians Semi me your orders for what you want in the Music line. ALSO ; Watches, fine Gobi and Rolled Fiate i Jewelry, Cuitery, Etc., Etc. Motte Square Dealing Fair terms Standard i |