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Show SEST CUfOTIIING STOCK jTUTTLE & CO. -- Buy Q.A,Henderscn If Jyvv' -z- T-i. sn, DEALERS IN Are still at their old stand. BOOTS AND SHOES At boiu m prices. Main Street, Manti, Utah. (CHILDREN Are always liable to sudden and sever? colds, to croup, sore throat, lung fever, etc. Kemedies, to be effective, must be ad'niin. istered without delay. Kotliing is better adapted for such emergencies than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It soothes the inflamed membrane, promotes expectoration, relieves coughing, and induces sleep. The prompt use of this medicine has saved innumerable lives, both of youug and old. " One of my children had croup. The case was attended by our physician, and was supposed sup-posed to be weU under control. One ciht I was startled by the child's hard brcrr , and on going to it found it Strangling. It had nearly ceased to breathe. Realizing that the jiKTs alarming condition had become be-come possible in spite of tae m lici :c it had taken, 1 reasoned that such reiiKtl ?s wjuld w of no avail. Having a part of a boitle of Aysr's Oi.erry Peeton.1 in the house, I gave the ehiiJ three doses, at short intervals, ami anxiously waited results. From titf moment the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing grew easier, anil in a hort time it was sleeping sleep-ing quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well tday, and I do nut ftesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved its life." C. J. "Wooldridge, Wort ham, Texas. E3rFor colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and the early stages of consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY SR. J. C. ATER CO., Lowell, Mass, bold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; six bottles, $5, Stringham - & Stringham, l THE BABY SNATCHERS. mm- riGRANDE i YifESTERN dill ( m-.e.-u i ; ii.,' t.,1,1;' in efi c January 1, 1392. Xo. 11 , i -s AI i iti tor Thistki, r:?.Q an. Tso. 1- an ives ;ic Manti irom Tl-ietle, 3:50 pm. N o 1 lo:ives Thistle fur all points north and west nt9::!2 am. N'o.3 leaves Thistle for all points north and west at 10 15 pm. No. 'i lPavcs Thistle for all poinfs south and cast at 1! 31 -m. N o. 4 I fiives 1 histle for all points soulli and east at 1. am. N. is n-.vo Spnneville for Enrcfca at i :,0 pm ; l.- ui Mil. .'. No. 14 arrives at Spnusrville Iron, Kur.-ki nl DilSaui. N s amies at Salt Lake from Sprinevillfc-aii.l Sprinevillfc-aii.l Kiiri ka at ln:',.i am No.i. leaves salt l.jl:o f.ir Springvills- andl No. ii l.-Mi-s suit Lake for l ).len al 3 :5u unit nliiiuin. No. lo arrives at Salt LaJie froiui "' an: pm. No. , 1,-av. s Salt Like for Riighnin nf mi ; letuiiuiibf No. is arrives ut Salt Lai-i- from lli.lsl.nnal 11 pm. N.'s I ami 11, ... anil 1J. 1 an,l; 1;:. aivJ 2 and 14 make e, .nun-lion.,. l-ulliiian l-alne sleei.er.s on nil through t n I u I eoniie. tinns, sateiv, sliced and .oiiiloil. D C liOIK.K, .!. II I'.KNNETT General .Manncer. lien. Frt. 4 Pass Agt. A. K. WE LBV, l.en'l Sunt. General. OJheea, Salt Lake City Utah J W. HITKL'OTTON. A. l. CIASI1 Whileeotton & Gash, Attorneys at Law. P.nonis 10 atd 12, Bank ;.illi.iii.' 1'rovo, rtali. UTAH- B00ICAWD STATIONERY COMPANY. Success .rs to " i v.... r . . y !, .-?' .... ? k 1 .llfiM ' ... ! WiN ST t v - , 1 "I ft 1 L , 72 Main Street - Salt Lake City ARE GOOD AT TAKING BABIES' Fotografs while you wait but they are not like this etching. Beware of imitations imi-tations and get a genuine picture of yourself. ". c,kV.se.v Manager. Toys, - Dolls And other (food- f,.r the Holidays, in addi-lion addi-lion to a lull line of' Books and Stationery Sanpete Valley Railway. TIME TABLE, NO. 5. To. take effect Wednesday, Dee. 24, 1830. I.oiug North, stations. Going Sontb. N. 1. No. i 9. 00 Leaves Chester. Arrives P? in 9. 12 Arrives . Leaves uj" 9.30 Leaves Moroul Arrives 9-4- ' ' lraper. Leaves - 1.45. le"-10 " Fountain Green. 1-25 10. ai ' ' riviile, ' ' no 11. 10 '.Main Street Ne)-hi, " V-M:. 11.1-3 Arrives Nephi, Leaves VI. 1J. Trains run daily, Sunday eseentetf. Trains stop at stations marked only when signaled. ukodokr IIruback, General Manager. H. S. KEKli, General Superintendent. THE UTAH CRACKER FACTORY Received the first prize for its SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, Oetober, 13U; HENRI WALLACE, - Manager. ASLEEP ON THE TRACK. A llttlo child, tired of ply, had pillowed hl head on a railroad track and fallen asleep. The train was almost upon bim when a pasfiin? Itrangcr rushed forward and saved him lrom a horrible death. Perhaps you are asleep on th track, too. You arc, if you are neglecting- ths hacking: cough, tho hectic flush, the loss of appetite, growing weakness and lassitude, which have unconsciously crept upon you. Wake up, or tho train will be upon you 1 Consumption, which thus insidiously fastens its hold upon ita victims while they ore unconscious un-conscious of ita approach, must be taken in time, if it is to be overcome. Dr. Pierce'i Goldeu Medical Discovery has cured thousands thou-sands of cases of this most fatal of maladies. If taken in time, and g-iven a fair trial, it ia fHiarautced to benefit or cure in every case of Consumption, or money paid for it will ba promptly reuntied. For Weak Lung. Spittlnp; of Filood, Shortness Short-ness of Breath, .Bronchitis, Asthma, Severe Couehs, and kindred affections, it is aa efficient effi-cient remedy. Copyright, 1S5S, by WORLD'S DlS. Mm Ass'H. MANTI CITY'. SAVINGS BANK, DIRECTORS. L. T. Tutti.e, President. H. J. Chri.-te.nson, Vice-Presf;. Albert Tittile, Cashier. J. B. Maiisen, James Crawforh, Jr. Wm. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcaif Tiausatts a General Banking Business. PerS onviePO0?!.,1.1 mand" Fi Fireproof Vault. Safe Absolutely Burglar Proof Money to loan on real cstntc, city tnd frm properly -tnd other approved security. WALTES STEIXGIIAM IS prepared to fill all orders for Lii,ie large or small. nil iivi:z2 will he delivered 'to any part of the town oi County, at reasonable reason-able prices. ft A incurable case of Catarrh in km- sjf the Head, by the proprietors of Dr. Sttro's Catarrh Remedy. Only 60 oenUL Sol4 by druwiau yerj-wher. |