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Show niOKESSlOXAL. t,i b. m:ton. I1 . rainier a:i.t 0,-e.au.r. 4rli.sic stKB ""' Spc.-ialticS. Manti, n-'li. j CTRlNl.ill.VU . STKIM-.HAM. O Sentinel Ail IMrlor-i. photographers Main Struct, Mailt.. ; THE MAIMTi ROLLER MIL LS LOIHS F. BECKER, LESSEE. i . MANTFYCICRER OF I THE BEST uRADES OP FLOUR i Onlers antl Cornr-M.nlence solicited. Custom Work a Specialty. J ll.sl'EKKY ToNSOKlAl, Aitl'lsT Manti, I'tall. T J. hansi:x. General H.-ns. li n il.l r. P. (J. li.x .'.0. Manti, rtoli. But Til A; WIl suN, Atmrnovs at Law and Land Oilkv .Vents 93 Sm-tu J strc.t, Prow. I tali THE TEMPLE DRUG STORE T H r Ft E IS ALWAYS OX II iD A FULL 51'1'PlT OF Lily of the Valley ') VALLEY FAN" RK UK OIKS "lute Rose KAL'K POWDERS rtliitcl.il.i y PEP.FL'MES COLiKLV'3 LINIMENT 'I .Okhv Cllltl I New .Mown Hay J FIELD TEA i j PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. TAILORING EST A il 1. 1 S 1 1 M K NT . Work, Style, Fit anil Prices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailors Trimmine Always on Hand. Snits Made to Ord.T on Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. Win. T. Re i d, PHOBATr; .' TTOliNKY jiTSTD LAND A Gr HHj-TJ" T1 Au r.lHUS of Proliate business promiUly r.t tended to, an I titles soeuretUo Land under the various entries Office, Court House. Manti, Utah. The manti CO-OPERATIVE Mercantile Institution Invite alter tion to their large and varied assorlmer.t of ladies Newmaikets, Jack-els Jack-els and Shawls, misses' and children's Wraps, ladies' and misses' Muslin and Meiino underwear; men and boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Arctics. Ilofe, Gloves and Mittens, Faseinatois in great variety; Satin, Moire and Velvet Ribbons in all shades; 54-dich all-wool Suitings at 6o cents per yard; Cashmeres from 25 cents to $1.25 per yard. Wilkes & 6badw;.jk, LAUD ' AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS, 5 A LI' LAKE CITY, - UTAH. MASONS & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. timers In Oolite and Marble Monuments Head Stones, Etc, Stone Yard ori'osiic Tithing Oiliee on Main street, Manti. CITY DECli STOEE, iikadoi'a 1: n:ss lam '.Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery. Per-fumery. Toilet Article?, Etc. criirixiior. Cvfii.'.-Jj.'.'.ci. Mns. I. D. r.nn.NEL, IV.r. 1111 lit I ifr IMH1H1 lit Inllff MMMi WiiBiMlik1llllMilMBIIWIH hHI IM ID HI JNT TI S T. FIRST-CLASS WORK-" 6ENTIE TREsTMEMT EUARf.HTEED, ' MANTI, - - - " Tl'AH TUTTLE & STACEY, lire Insurance. "MANTI. - - " UTAH Authorized Agents for Ihe fol lowing Companies : Vtus of Uartfor.l. Rartfonl of H-.riff.rd Continental o,"N. Y Ho.l... .f New VI Columbia of lv.rtlan.l. 011.0. ?10M 1 TII IIS AND CAnYKFiS. " A Specialty. Cut Rock Fronts for Buildings Neatly Neat-ly Executed. Two blocks West ot I.owry's Store, Atanti The Temple Hotel ! Main Street. Muull. First Class Accommodations All those vis-ting the Temple should inquire in-quire for this house. Free eouveyjiiee to the Temple every day. Also Hay, Grain aud Stabling. Jolzn E. Jtleicalf (Prczrictcr. BARNARD WHITE, J.-'F. GRANT, F. R. SNOW, President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer. W.B.PRESTON, MORONI SNOW, W. W. BURTON, GEO. A. SNOW. DIRECTORS. COOPBR WmIE - JayEyeSee Canton Sulky Clipper Plows LWJ Steel plows McCORMACSC MACHINES CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT CO. We always ra'rv a full stork rf Wagons. Buggies and farm implements. House at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan a Milford, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. I ''-; ' Manti Co-op, - - - Agenta. C.S.WILKES. OfFlClDl U S- UNO OFFICE BullDINC Land Aent& Attorney Obtains Patents lor Agricultural and Mineral Lands. |