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Show t i Ezra Shomaker, , James Mctcalf, rreident ? ' Julus II. Cliristenson. ; J.C.Witbeck.vicePrest. IjTTGCtOTS ' Lather Tuttle, 1 W O.Cr.wfordJBoer.t.r, AJllfaUljUlW Ha.e iUia.ll.. : Albort Tuttle, Treasurer . - ; John K. Motclf, s r Jjimua Cowen, Manager. r lleury McKeDut, f -. s S.O Cliristeuseii. g :,.,........,....,.,......, . .,............. THE OttTttJJL utm wooi COMPANY DEALER IX THIS UTAH CRACKtB FACTORY Received the first prize for its SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, October, IStll. HENRY WALLACE. - Manager. FERROfJ CO-OP. PEAT.ERS IN General Merchandise Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, and Everything Belonging to a First-class Store. Goods Cheaper than at any other House in the County. Largest Store South of Price. Ferron - - - Utah, Wool - Hides - Pelts - Twine --Wool Sacks Etc. 1 Parties wishing sacks will call on TUTTLE & CO, - - Manti. Utah. FRED G. WILLES. HEALER IN General Merchandise Agent fo. Studcbaker Bros. Wagons, Carriages and Carts. Agents for Amos Whitney's Steel Mowers and Reapers. POST OFI'K'K, SAUNA, - UTAH: H, A.Tucket Candy Co, 850 E. 1st St. r Salt IjEilsLo City, HEADQUARTERS FOlt Fritz Brothers Cigars. The; Largest Steam Karlorv in t lie West. M ANUKACTURKKS OF Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. E. tvT WORKS FBOPKIrTOlt OF THE All kimlrtof Siding., Moulding, Flooring, Injurs, Windows. S slit-s etc. constantly on ham! and tin to order. One block wesl from lhe Temple hotel. Ostler & Sons, Nephi, Utah. Manti. - -. - Utah Dealers iu Earness.Saddles.Bridles.Etc. Tent antl Wagon Covers Parties desiring anything in these Lines, can; save money by trading here, as we haT? a large stock" on hand, at price that Hefy Competition. GOQTJa GUAKAStTEED T3 BE Iirst C lass. Order j by Mail promptly attended to Next door North of Co-op Store, Main St., Manti. I 22 aud 24 West Second Sooth St. ' Salt Lab City, Utab. Wholesale and Retail Dealers fa Sporting Goods Guns, Animuiiitioft. Cntlery, Fishing Tackles, Base Bal 1 Goods. Shooting Clothing, Cloth-ing, Rubber Coats, antl Boots, TL'ttiOl Boots and Shoes, Iamb Bells, FlKtii i Koils and Masks, Indian Clubs, Boring Gloves-, Chapperel Leggings Poker Che ks, Playing Carda, Dominoes Pa te J t?b Sife, tfiell. and Opera Glasses, HEADQUARTERS FOR Biev-cles. Tricycles, Valocipedes Police goods, Large Stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Ste me before urchasing .Gen-eral .Gen-eral repairing. 1 1 o.C f k Wrt v p ea o VALENTINES. The best is good enough. In th selection of a valentine, something that is new in design, artistic, should be chosen. As in a great many othor articles, old stocks that have grown out of style twenty years ago should be left to still adorn the shelves of those who would palm them off on iheir customers. The policy of "these or none" does not rule at the Temple Drug store. Call and see our stock of '92 valentinss. Ludvigson Sisters, Proprietor . MoBey' hind rn. Dii Kerr's, iFi-lc f Jewelry, Goaa etc, at thej California . Collateral 33wSLXSTISL. 3 Wesl Second South street, corner of Main, White House block, Salt Lake City. Goods can be sent to ns thronph any express comtjany and advances will be made Goods left on hand will be sold at big bargains. Give us a call. The most reliable place in the territory. PIL ES CUBED. SAFE CUKE OE SO PAT Having obtained the exclusive right for S-e-vior vtiliey, 1 am prejitu'eii to treat rectal dis-eafS dis-eafS uiuler T, A. wintr,9 new treatment. I'll ,KS per Diunontly ouretl withont surgical treat nunt. !No detention from business. NO PAY UNTIL CURED Dr. C. iMAr-KEN, Sa lina, Sevier Co Raise "Your Dwn Fish, geeman'gaep, one year old, at ' $o ver Hundred at (Ponds . For snl hy Charles Mnsig, residence quarto mile sooth of Funk's Lake, Sterling, Sanpete county, Utah Territory. TITLED MEN COMMEND IT. Washington, D. C. Db. Bossko Medicine Co-, After ii uch sutt'eriiig and the use of many remedies, 1 have received grout relief amTam nearly Weil from a violent attack of piles, lasting four or five weeks, from the use of ies? than one bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, ami I take great satisfaction in commending it to others. Very Truly v ours, COL. B.G.DANIELS, Dlt. PiOriANKO. Parkehsbi-rg, W. Va, Dear Snt:-U. S. Judge, John J. Jack-sou Jack-sou of our place, recommended to me your pihnemedy. l'leaso send me a box. Yours truly. CUAS.H. BARTLETT, D. D. S. Sold at 60 cents by MraB. Brcnel. 25 CENTS FOR A Fountain Pen Send 25 cents to National Advertising Co., 3d3 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago, ;et one of our late patent Fountain Penholders. Pen-holders. Every pen warranted. 3 for dOc. Liberal terms to agents. Best selling sell-ing pen ever made. Retail trade eon-plied. eon-plied. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO . 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mention tnia Paper. C.S.WILKES. OFFICE IN U S LAND OFFICE BUIIDINS, Land Agent& Attorney Obtains Patents for Agricultural and ; Mineral Lands. |