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Show i i County Agents FORTHF 5 CENT l I DEPOSIT STAMP SYSTEM ol'TilF. Hah CoiiiitirTn'al aiui Savings Bad SALT LAKE CITY Catheiii.il Rrowa Manti P. 0. t'hrisiensen Moroni A. C.f'inlstenseu, Jr. Ft. Ureen Jes.K. Doiius, Kphraim Kls'mire Co-op Elsiuore H.P. Hansen Richfield Hokien Co op Ilohlen A. S Nielsen Mt. rieasunt Nadanet & Paston hanotih People's Store Fillmore RobhisS Ciu'isteaser. Gunnison Sciplon Co-op in'ipio Fred (J. Willi's Salina Young Men's Co-op Spring City Capital...." 200,000 Surplus 25,000 A Gegeral Banking Business Drafts bought and sold on all the prin cipal cities in tho United States and Europe. All AcfjfMftts Solicited. DmnCTdes: F 'S -strong, P. YV Madsnn, Tlioa. W. -'Merlieck, Bolive lioberti, Dr. Jos. S. Kicnards. T hes. W Jennings. 0. H. Hardy, M. K. Comffii Eg Samuel Meiutyre. j" "r - i . !'-. 1:-. - . .. -.. - . .... !' , .s - " - I - r . !M k i j., ' 'J i ' tvj H W; ' I .ti 'l , ; r,. - . .f1""n Compare Our Prices ; A fow item ol interest for every purrhaMr. Send tar samples oi tb , "," lollouing goods. 46-inch all wool Henrietta ; : at 55 cents 27-inoh all wool plaid Flannels at 25. cents , 36'inch allfwool brown and ' grey Suitings at 20 cents 36-inch plaid Dress goods at 12 I 2 cents 54-inch Ladies' cloth , , i at 45 cents This is only -a few of the great number of bargains that we nave at the '-present '-present lirne. We will be glad to quote prices or send samples of anythiug in our line. : - - GROESBECK & HOUGHTON, 124 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE. UTAH. ' Pliilif and Pipe fitting Done on Short Notice . MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED AND ALL WORK WARIANTED ' : H. R. SLOAN, For anything in the line of horseshoeing, lite setting and general reparint work.- : the Savings - Institution OF Salt Lake City What Are Mislifs aiitl I'ncalled-For Clothing? ThPv are Cl.trments JWade lv Tail-,, null eitlH'i-did not lit or were iib-1U iI f..i'. ". Iwvc contracts with nulnv of the Iculini- tailors tail-ors thrmiKhont the I'niled Slst. To too tnilfr those goods nre almost fi ! :0 !..-, ami west-cure th.-m at less than cost or mati-i iul. fiial.lina us to sell them afcaiu at hc'.C. anil ou entom-s less than lislf the oriii-il price, ,iu will alwa.s iiu.1 soino of tho llnest I'rince Al-hcrt Al-hcrt suits from $1 to ?:lll, wcrtli double. Alterations to improve lit free ol charge. WO 3 Oil $:0 Tailor Made suits and overcoats for ?10 00 " " ' ri im c, , o ,i ir, oti 40 " " " " " m m M ' ' " " " " 25 UO The above consisls of all styles, colors and shiulos. A rare cliauce if wo don't lit you. "5. tvAso. A.li . SCANDINAVIAN DOCTOR Residence and Office: One door fouth of the rresbyterian Church. Main Street, , Manti, Utah. LOWR&SONV. Remember, we have only the best in the line of Groceries. The stock is well selected and is new and fresh. The attention of the public is called to our largfe stock oi staple and fancy goods, including fine lines of canned goods. . Dry Goods and Furnishings . ; in endless qualities and quantities. These goods have been carefully selected to please you. You are invited to call and see them. It is no trouble to show our goods. In Furniture we can please you. It is a fine general assortment and at all prices.' Bedroom, Dining and Parlor sets in several styles.. Carpets and Curtains. Cur-tains. Favor us with a call and examine them. In read-made Clothing and Overcoats " we have as large and carry as great an assortment as can be found anywhere in southern Utah. Lowry & Son. |