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Show THEMAPTn ROLLER MIL1. S LOUIS F. BECKER, LESSEE. THE BEST bRADES OF FLOUR SST Orders an J Coi rei..i,i,dtijce solicited. Custom Work a Specialty. THE TEM I PLE DRUGSTORE - . THERE IS ALWAYS Oti IIA.Nl A FULL SI PPLT OF Jy of tlie Valley 1 VALLEY TAN liEUROIES ' V tnte Koso FAl'F PO'VDKRS JoSkClub PKRFCME3 " COLT1UY3 LINIMENT " New Mown Hay J . GAKFIJiLD TEA PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. PROFESSIONAL. p B. KEWTOJT, l-aiutur and lleerator.- Artistic Sign Work n Specialties. Manti, I'tuli. QTRISGHAM 9TI.INGHAM. I O Sentinel Alt 1'arlors. Photographers Main Street, Jiauti. JJ H.SPERBY TONSOKUL AtJTIST Manti, Utah. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Work, Style, Fit and Prices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailor's Trimmings Always on Hand. Snits Made to Order on Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. Wm. T. Re i d, PROBATE ATTORNEY -A-p-TTD A-G-EISTT AU KINDS of Probate busiuess promptly attended at-tended to, and titles secured to Land under the various entries Office, Court House. MaJiti. Utah. TIIK MANTI 'X&W- U .La-UUL J U U U La Mercantile Institution rnvite a'ter tion to their large and varied assortment of ladies Newmarkets Jackets Jack-ets and Shawls, m.sses' and children's Wraps, ladies' and mists' MusL aod iierino underwear; men and boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ukn, Arctics, Hose, Gloves and. Mittens, Fascinators in great variety Satin M.i,. .a Velvet Ribbons in alt shades; sa-mch all-wool fuitngs afoii Tct "pe "yd ' 1 v Cashmeres from is cents to Jr.25 per yard. , Wilkes ; & 6badwiok, -LAND AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS, SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. MASONS & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. DEALKKS IN Oolite and Marble Monuments Head Stones, Etc, Stone Yard opposite Tithing Office ori Main street, Manti. TIIE CONSOLIDATED PiiSi Implement Co. I -iC ' ? i Are still in the lead with v. " ? , ! WHITMAN .'HAY PREGSEG Full circle, all steel, guaranteed to bale one ton per hour. No Breakages and No Delays GITY DKUG HEADQTJARTESS FOR , Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery. Per-fumery. Toilet Articles, Etc. (Perscripiions Cai fully filled t lat all hours. ' MRS. I. B. BR TIN EL, Prop FIRST-CLASS WORK." 6EHTLE TREATMENT filtARANTEED. MANTI. - - - - Tl'AH crowns iaient t0D Sleds Four sizes, the BEST BOBS made. We always carrv a full stock of Wagons, Buggies and farm implements. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan and Milford, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. TUTTLE & ST ACE Y, lire Insurance. manti: - - - IUTAH Authorized Agents for the fol lowing Companies : Etna of Hartford, Hartford of HnrlforU iitinntttlof N. Y. Home of New York Oolumbla of rortlana, Ohio. Henrie & Richards, ' STONECUTTERS AND- CARVERS. A Specialty. Cut Kock Fronts for Buiidings Neatly Neat-ly Executed. Two blocks West of Lowrj'a Store, Manti The Temple Hotel ! Main Street, Maull. First Class Accommodations All those visiting the Temple should inquire in-quire for this house. Free couveyence to the Temple every day. Also Hay, Grain and Stabling. John E. Jrfetcaif (Proprietor. will commence his class in Obstetrics at Eohraim, December 9, 1801. As the prices will be low no one need stay away on account of lack of means. The days lost by the calling ont of the doctor doc-tor will be made np. For further particulars par-ticulars address i M. B. Shivp, M, D., Ephraun, . The opportnuity of baying a yoonf lady by the pound is not presented every day, but the young inea jf Price was accorded that privilege last night, and at the remarkable low prlee of one centapouud with a ticket, good for the dance, thrown in. At a meeting of the Spring Glen eanal Co, it was decided to put ou market all unsubscribed stock at TocenU on the dollar 10 per eent down, and ten per et monthly, nntil paid np. lhose owing or claiming land under said canal will do well to look to their own interests, as the company Intends to forward the work until dose. |