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Show - . - - asasyn - Ilnf 1 WEBER, fill fit fltffllff m ESY -''- P i ;V 88800 88o3 x, s - i , j ; ) J; 4 OCO)C THe Salt Lalte Music Dealers www , i i'S 250,000 ESTEY ORGANS IN USE tJff - James Mctcalf, Prcitlent s ' I Kzra Shojnnkcr, 5 I J. C. Witbeck, Vice Prest. m . 5 J.llas II. i'l.-Wenscn. 1 W.U.Crawford. Secret.,,;; UITS 01018 Lml'"r T"t,U'' i I Albert Tuttlc, Treasurer 5 jf,',' j.,"jV-tcif r Jumes Cowen, Manager. Hci.ry VlcKmis,' r I j s N.t: Vlirisionson. 1f ft M Vtif t f 1 1 1 I s?B&va ''11 i 1 n 1 li I j h I ff v v COMPANY vivi., ViVycc, jo. DKAI.KR IN Wool - Hides Pelts Twine Wool Sacks Etc. - Parties wishing sacks will call on TUTTLE & CO, - - Mantl. Utah. E. M. WORKS PROPWRTOIiOF THE All kinilsol ShUbL'. Moulding, K;o..rin;:. Doors, Wimloii'-!. Sash.- etc. imi fl?a:;-.:v on hand ami mad." to on! T. Oae block Kfs; frc ni the T n?lr '...inl. - - g H THE 4 DW.TERRY4C0. I 1 SEED AKN'JAiJ B tor 1890 iv .11 be 111.1iU.-J 1- K EE to .,11 S B orVield SEEDS 'liuuLl send lorit. S a D. M.FERRViCO. S B DETROIT, MICH a If VI VAti8 2-2 aud' -' West Second South St. S ilt I. ike City, Ptah. ! Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu Sporting Qi ods Cinn?, Ammunition, Cntlfry, Fishing TacklPs,TJii:;eliall Good. Shoo'tingCloth-inpr. Shoo'tingCloth-inpr. Iitibbtr Coats, and knot, 'I'Donnon Knots and Shoes, iHiujb 1!i'!!h, Fencing Koiis and Slih, Indian Clubs, K-jxinof (lioves, Chapnerel Leggings I'.iker Chtt k-', Playin.j Card, Dnuinoes Pate .Vtfh Sifrfi, if it) 1 1 aud Opera Glasses. HEADQUARTERS FOR P.ieyel.;. Tricycle, Talocii.etles Policp gooib, Large Stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. See me before in'chasing .Gen-enil .Gen-enil repairing. Cough-C vires Are abundant ? but the one best known for its extraordinary anodyne and expectorant qualities i3 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For nearly half a century this preparation liaa been in greater demand than any other remedy rem-edy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and put monary complaints in general. " I suffered for more than eight months from a severe coiigh accompanied with hemorrhage hem-orrhage of the lungs and the expectoration of matter. The physicians gave me up, but my druggist prevailed on me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. t did so, and soon began to improve ; my lungs healed, tbe cough ceased, and 1 Defame De-fame stouter and healthier than I have ever been before. I would suggest that the name of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral be changed to Elixir of Life, for it certainly saved my life." ,-F. J. Oliden, Salto, Buenos Ayres. " A few years ago I took a very bad cold, which settled on my lungs. I had night sweats, a racking cough, and great soreness. My doctor's medicine did nie no good. I tried many remedies, but received no benefit bene-fit ; everybody despaired of my recovery. "I was advised to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, as a last resort, did so. From the first dose I obtained relief, and, after using two bottles of It, was completely restored to health." F. Adams, New Gretna, N. J. flyer's Cherry Pectoral, TRBPARBD BY m Dr. J. O. AYKtt & CO., Lowell, Masa. pold fcy all Druggist. Price $1 ; nix bottles, $5. FERROi CO-OP. rRAi.EIW IN General 31crehandise Hats, Caps, lVoots, Shoes, Hardware, and Everything Belonging to a Eirst-class Store. Goods Cheaper than at any other House in the County. Largest Store South of Price. Ferron - , Utah, THE UTAH CRACKER FAGTORY Received the first prize for its SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, October, 1691. HENRY WALLACE, - Manager. H. A.Tucket Candy Co, 850 E. 1st St. Salt Lolto Oily, HEADQUARTERS FOR Fritz Brothers Cigars. The Largest Stoam Factory in (he West, MANfFACTTitKIiS OV Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. PATENT ore A pM( tnk free A.lfr.'ss U. I. Hi t.fcUAl.L). Att'v lit 1 for, sthan.l y st, w.si,i,i..i,,u. i c V'W :;!.')! Hub ? i 1 , i - ; M I i "-'-- 3 S , 'ATTAeryMPjrTS-4 r -.-'- :WOODVq(? I vMh 115 'cCcfcMiVjff cb.cago. 7 umoil SQUARE. M. Y v"'"'isc' JWteic Store. A. Marker, IDAHO FALLS. DKALER IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS CK ' Musical Instruments, Strings & Trim niins. Best F.iars Band Instiumc-ms. All kinds, Orchestia iv Land .Music, Sheet Music and Music Hooks. Send for my new Catalogue Just out it has a sketch of Ole Bull's Violin Playing in it and much good informa-'.ion informa-'.ion in for musicians Send me your orders for what you want in the Music line. |