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Show Compare Our Prices t .mpm-vitai... 4-1 lmm7TfTTTTTi fo,V ,:L S--:- - " ----.".i-r; -lyifiV-' S 5 fm lima I - . .r.l l i ? . -;t Tv "r't p i frit tcfi iSi?". it-. -. -, ..a .-itirtr? t Tt i ? :l I o i ? jj iheii.at..a..al 40,000 dollars' worth of Dry Goods damaged by the fire in our store on the 9th. This entire stock will be placed on sale at greatly reduced prices. If you visit the city during the next 60 days. It will be to your advantage to look through the stock. We are now located at 119 and 121 Main street, opposite oppo-site the old store. GROESBECK & HOUGHTON, Plmiiliiiio1 mill Pipe Fitting Done on Short Notice . . MACHINERY OF ALL KIND REPAIRED AND ALL WORK WARRANTED H. R. SLOAN, For anything in Ibc line of horseshoeing, tire felting and general repaiing work. Judge, csSb3 -fKjl,, ICQ-") The brilliant, rr-publicau, satirical, T'E" IS U S iliil AT ED lO-i humorous weekly. It ia rinu-l in -rr tvs.-&- colors Evrv wpnbliomi wli keeks imed '.vrT'iVW'- iV?""" .' In two 8-psge editions of The Se.ntisel, giving to its readeis the thrilling detective story by Julian Hawthorne, "ANOTHER'S CRIME" Rather thf.n string out for beveral weeks two or three columu3 at a time ending with the customary line, "continued in our next," this journal will this comi'ig summer present novels complete in succeeding succeed-ing numbers. The first will be "Another's Crime," and will appear |