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Show EEST CLOTHING STOCK IX MANTI. TUTTLE & CO. ' - Buy CM-HENDERSON C?Y - v.v, nyj -BOOTS AND SHOES At bottom prices. Main Street, Manti, Utah. Q-EOEGE A. LOWE . Salt Lake Citv, Utah, dealer in all kinds of first class AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Rentiers, Crown Mowers, Hodges' Headers, Planet Junior Horse Hoes and Garden Tools, Superior Press Grain Drills, the J. J. Case Threshing Machine, Ames' Steam Engine, LefYel Turbine Wheels, I.ane Saw and Ehin-gle Ehin-gle mill. Agencies in all the principal towns in Sanpete and Sevier counties. Sclmt tl er Farm an d Frei gh t Wagon s J W. W1IITKOOTTON. A. 1). UASH. Whilecotton it Gash, Attorneys at l.n .v. Room; 10 a&d 12, Hank Itnil.iiiiL'. l'rovo, rtah. Stringham & Stringham, Stand. rs-fc. rJ JfGHANDEV all! jYESTERNj ( urn nt time table in eject January 1,1592.. No. il . .!. ,- Manli r .rl iii-ilc. 6:i0 an. No. I.' Hrr,v, at .Munli from Tl istlc, 3:50 pui.. o 1 It ,w-a Tin-tie i. r all points north and No.Slerivs Thistle for all points north and west at 10 l T. pm. So. 2 leaves Thistle for all points sonth and east at 12 SI pni- No. 4 leaves Thistle for all poirrts south and east at 12. am. No. 13 leaves Springville for Eurcta at 5 :S0 pm.; r.tur.iins. No. H arrives at Snrin?rille from Kur.-k-i nt 9:15am. Xi f anu.'s at Salt Lake from Sprintrville acd Lun-ka at lit;.-,-, am. No. tl leaves Salt Lake for Sprincvilie and Eureka :u l pm. N... it l,-av s Sail Lake for li.ien at S.:.a am: retmi,iiiL', o. 10 arrives at alt Lake tronl i 'i'ien at pm. No. 7 leaves Salt Lake for liin.jlio.in at S an); rrEiinini No. p urnves at Salt Lake l'ruui f .iJtrHMU, at i; pm. N..s 1 am) ll, ami 12, 1 and IS. and 2 and 14 1'iillinan I'ah ce Sleepers on all through trains. No chame'S, close connections, sareiy, -l.ee.l alHli oinfult, ll i: IKiDi, V., . ,. HENVETT t.ei.eral Manager. lien. Frt. ,t ra. s Agt. A. K. W Ki.liV. l.ei.T Snpt. ticiierul Ollioes. Salt Lake City rtah THE BABY SXATCMERS. AKE GOOD AT TAKING BABIES' Fotografs Sanpete Valley Railway. TIME TABLE, NO. 5. To take effect Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1800.. Lining North. stations. Goin South. No. 1, No. 2. tiillj' Leaves Chester. Arrives '-i.n." Cleaves " Arrives f ' ' 'Draper. Leaves 1.4. 10.10 " Fountain (ireun. ' 125 10. M ' lliviile, l.oo. 11. 10 "Main Street Nephi, 12.1D 11.12 Arrives Nephi, Leaves 12.13. Trains run daily, Sunday excepted. Trains stop at stations marl-ed only wBea uf.odore BRUBACK, General Manag.-T H- LerR, General Snpenntenilant- while you wait but they are not like this etching. Beware of imitations imi-tations and get a genuine picture of yourself. ! 15 x v 'I' ? k -;.v S.E.COK. ' 7 '- v-nMa'NSouthStv j "PIKE'S PbAK ROUTE" t lil.OH.MU) M 1 11. A YD RAILWAY, Miperli Secner. All standard liauae Shortest Short-est hue between Omlen, Salt LaL-v and ait western p.. mis to lienver. l olora'ln springs. Puelilo, ami all poiuts east, via Gienwood spring-, Aspen, Leauville auU. Manitou- SCEKERY l"NEorAI.KT tt.HjirMKST UNSLI! PASSED Through Pullman sleepers ami Pullman, tuurit ears betueen Denvei anil Sun Fran-eis.o. Fran-eis.o. 1 liroiiL'li the heart ot the Koi-kv mountains. 1 he most l unuortahle. the safest anil the itramlesi ot ail trims-continental mines. Irams leave union ilepot. orden, at S.M p. in. liio Grande Wes'ern depot, Salt Luke t its, at a :oO a. in. and P!'i p. in II- C. Hurnett, General Agent. 41 t est Second South street Physician and Sirgeon. Special attenMon tTiven tothe nose and throat. Fanview City, I tah. MANTI CITY . SAVINGS BANK. IKh:CTORS. L. T. Tuttxe, President. H. J. Christensox, Vice-Prest.. Albert Tutile, Cashier; J. B. Maiben, James Crawford, Jr. Wm. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcalf Transacts a General Bauklug Business. Receives deposits payable on dt mand. Five per eent paid on savings deposits. Fireproof Vault. Safe Absolutely Burglar Proof Money to loan on real eslale, city and fcrm proper.)- nnj oilier approved security. W. WOODRUFi", GEO. M. CANNON, President. Casbiei. Zion's Savings Bank ASD TRUST COMPANY Noa. I ana 3, East Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Savings business attended to with cafe and diepatch. Five per cent interest allowed, compounded quarterly. directors: Wilforil Woodruff. George Q. Cannon, Aukus M. Cannon, .lames Jack, T.U.Webber, H. B. Clawson, Lorenzo Snow, F. M. Lyman. Joseph F. timiili, HeberJ Grant, George Reynolds, Anthon H. Lund L. G. Hardy. All business from parties sending their de posits from outside ot Salt Lake Citv, attended to with iiuio care as if depositors w. re personally per-sonally present. Write for any information you may del ire. WAITIB STEINGILUI IS prepared to fill all orders for Lime large or small. will be delivered 'to any part of the town or. County, at reasonable reason-able prices. |