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Show PROFESSIONAL. I iTHEMANTi ROLLER MILLS ! LOUIS F. BECKER, LESSEE. MANfFVCtfRrR uF Ti!L BEST uRADES OF FLOUR ?Sr ),.i,.r-. (.:.,rr.-i. Custom W o r k a Specialty. p B. SEW IMS. ( ( Manti, I'tuli. QTRINGIIAM STRINOH M. O Muluu l Ai t l'allois. rliolos-'mnlicrs Main ftrer-t, .Manti. U.srEliliY TONSrtKI.ll. AlU'lST Manti, l't;ll.. J. HANSKX, General lloUsi'lniiM.T. r. o. Box M. "". Tim I'll ,t WI1.MIN, -1 .miwiiovs at Law .-mil I.anil nilicv A.'ent 2S North J'street, Provo. I lull THE TEMPLE DRUG STORE TMHtR IS ALWAYS O.N II l.M) i rill. i i'l'l V OK f.ily of the Valley 1 VALLKY TAN KKMEHIKS While Rose I FACE I'll YliKltS ' .fiklVntb Y PKRKL'MES . . ( 01. 1 KIN'S LINIMENT ; New Mown Hay J KAXFIKl.P TV. A PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. TAILORING KSTABLISHMENT. -Work, Style, Fit and Prices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. 'Tailors Trimmings Always on Hand. Suits Made to Order cn Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. Wm. T. Re. i d, PKOBATi: i fTOUNKV of Probate busings promptly attended at-tended to, anl titles eecured to Land under the various entries Office, Court Houfo. Mimti, I'tah. Wilkes & 6badw!'jk, AND ATTORNEYS, BA1,T LAKE CITY, - UTAH. THE MANTI Mercantile Institution Invite attei tion to thei: large and vatied assortment of ladies Newmaikets. Jackets Jack-ets and Shawls, misses' and children's Wraps, ladies'and misses' Muslin and Merino underwear; men and boys' Soils, Overcoats, Hats, tips, Boots, Shoes Rubbers, Arctics. Ilo'e, Gloves and 'Mittens, Fascinatois in gteal vaiiely; Satin, Moire and Velvet Ribbons in ail shades; 5.1-f ncl all-wool iiuiiinas at 6.1 cents pet yard; Cashmeies from 25 cenls to f 1.25 per yaid. M & TIOX OMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. Dr.Ai.KKS Is Oolite and Marble Monuments Head Stones. Etc, Pt.'.iTu 1 r.r.i'ori c T'i'.l-.ir.'.' Miico on Main street, Manti. GIT a DlTCu STOEE, -IlKAKlil'A'""' Ks t'l":- Pure Dru-s., Mclicincs, Poajis, lr-fuinery. lr-fuinery. Toilet Article?. Kle. MRS. I. 15. BR I' N EL, I'"'P FIRST-CLASS WORK" 6IHTLE TREftTWEWT 6UAn MTEEO. HMiTI. - TUTTlFerBTKEY lire Insurance. MANX.. - - - " UTAH Authorized Agents for the M lowing Companies : Ftna of Ilurtfor.l, rtartror.l of H-rifor,l Cantinentui of N. Y . Home of N.-w "I -Columbia of l'orthui.l, BARNARD WHITE, J. F. GRANT, F. R. SNOW, President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasure:. W, B. PRESTON , MORONI SNOW, W. W, BURTON, GEO. A. SNOW. DIRECTORS. xmstntiflxie; stonecutters and carvers. A Specially. Cut Bock Fronts for Buildings Neatly Neat-ly Executed. Two blocks West of I.own's Store, Mann The Temple Hotel ! Main Street, Mantl. ' First Class Accommodations JayEyeSee fprQ Canton Sulky llt-i Clipper Plows Steel plows McCORMACK MACHINES All those visaing the Temple Bhaiild in-ianire in-ianire fortius bouse. Free fonveymitv " to the Temple every day. Also Hay, Grain and stabling. .John E. Jvleicalf (Prcp'iitcr. CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT CO. We always carrv a full stork rf "Vagons- Buggies and farm implements. Houses I at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan a Milfurd, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. ' Manti Co-op, ' " " - " " Agents. OFFICE m U-S-IAMD OFFICE BUILOIKB- Land Aent& Attorney Obtains Patents for Agricultural and .Mineral Lands. I |