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Show could have seen Lawyer Reid runniu? away from Hie ''special" trail. Hn was actually afraid it would catch h'm. Say, did you ever watch the seminary pupils corning home from school 'i Madam says they don't get a bit of traitiing for they act awfully rode light on the public streets. Do joii notice them? I saw Marshal Snow standing stand-ing in au awe stricken attitude in front of the court house actually star-gazing. What were his thoughts, I wonder? You know his wife has had only about ten birthdays and he is getting gray. I ' wish Ina and Will would hurry up their ruptials for I am dying to be invited somowhere. Well, Helen dear, please keep me posted on matters pertaining to yourself and everybody else and I hope Lottie will forgive me for leaving her out in the cold ihis time. Ta ta. Yours, Joshua. BEST CLOTHHSTG OTOOK TTJTTLE & CO. f 3 l"yc !, - Buy m-Henderson ArCjsY i-t W--r1S "RATED FEUHOOL II HOUSE SHOE u "-'4jy - ' BOOTS AND SHOES At bottom prices. Main Street, "M.gnti, Utah. J V. WIIITECOTTON. A. I). HASH Whilecotton & Gash, Attorneys it Law. Rooms 10 and 12, Bank IluiluinL' . Provo. Hah. UTA I! -- RflPpfAiyD1 STATIONERY COMPANY. Sncco39 're to A Great Event In one's life is the discovery of a remedy loT some long-standing malady. The poison oy Scrofnla is in your blood. You inherited ill from yosr ancestors. Will you transmit it to your offspring? In the great majority of cases, both Consumption and Catarrh orig Stand- ? GRANDE j WesternJ 3iQ . ( m-i nt i iino Uihh? in ffi'eci January 1,1392. No. ii . n-es Manti f.ir Thistle. :W an. No. 1 i.r.;iv.s iit ll.mtl from Ttistle, 3:50 pm. So 1 U-.tves Thistle rr all points north and No. 3 ienves Thistle for all points north and west at 10. i5 pm. No. 2 leaves Thistle for all points south and cast at 12 61 . o. 4 l e tves Thistle for all points south and east at 12. am. No. is leaves Sprinsville for Enrvka at .1:10 pm ; veiuruma. .,o. 11 arrives at Springville iroiil i:nivl;nt9:15am. No arnvcs at Salt Lake from Sprins-ville ami Lnrekaal M :55 am. N". n leaves salt Lake for spnneville and Eureka at I pm. No. a li-ares Salt Lake for Oyilen at S-JiO am-n am-n tuniins;. No. 10 arrives at .--alt Lake from .Vden :Lt t; pm. No. v loaves bait Like for Lionham at 8 am : "I"1"1"" No. s airives at bait Lake from IlitlKham at 0 pm. Nos 1 avid ii 2 and 12. 1 and 13. an.l -2 intlll 1-ullman Pah co Slr-enM on all throuirh N I 1 I uc t I at n stift.i and oomlort. U 0 P01H.B, .1. II BENNETT Oem-ral Manager. lira. Pi t. 4 1'n .s Ant. A. H. WKI.KY. llcn l Sni.r. General Ollieea. Salt Lake City Utah Sanpete Valley Railway. TIME TABLE, NO. 5. To take effect Weduesday, Dec. 24, 18'.n. Goln North, stations. O'oing South. No. 1, No. 2. - m- p. m. 9. IK) Leaves Chester. Arrives 2.17, leaves Moro,li In'Sves if,! 9. J" ' ' Draper, Leaves l.4o. lino 11 Fountain Green. 1.2:,. 10. :lt ' Iivide, " l.oo. 11. 10 "Main StreetNephi, " 13.15. 11.1-2 Arrives Nephi, Leaves lii.13. Trains run daily, Sunday excepted. Trains stop at stations marked only when signaled. hf.odoke Brcback, General Manager. U. S. KekR, General Snperintendaut. nJ ' J i TMr jmainstI? 1 .lis i L pCt pr j ' ,(,ktr v I L , 72 Main Street - Salt ake City Mancger. J?osr&, - Dolls And other goods fur the Holidays, in addition addi-tion to a l ull lino of Books and Stationery inate In Scrofula. It is supposed to be the primary source of many other derangements of the body. Begin at once to cleanse your blood with the standard alterative, Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For several months I was troubled with scrofulous eruptions over the whole body. JAy appetite was bad, and my system so prostrated that I was unable to woi k. After trying several remedies in vain, I resolved to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and did so with sueh good effect that less than one bottle Restored My Health and strength. The rapidity of the cure astonished as-tonished me, as I expected the process to bo long and tedious." Frederico Mariz Fer-nandes, Fer-nandes, Villa Nova de Gaya, Portugal. For many years I was a iuft'erer from scrofula, until about three years ago. when 1 began the use of Ayer's fjarsaparilla, since which the disease has entirely disappeared. A little child of mine, who was troubled with the same complaint, has also been cured by this medicine." H. Brandt, Avoea, Nebr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BT DR. J. C. ATEB & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggiats. J 1, six ii. Torth $5 a bottle. ASLEEP ON THE TRACK. A little child tired of play, had pillowed his head on a railroad track and fallen asleep. The tram was almost upon him when a passing trantrcr rushed forward and saved him from a horrible death. Perhaps you are asleep on tha track, too. You are, if you are neglecting the backing cough, tho hectic flush, the los3 of appetite, growing weakness and lassitude, which have unconsciously crept upoa you. Wake up. or the train will be upon you t Consumption, which thus insidiously fastens its hold upon ita victims while ther are unconscious un-conscious of ita approach, must be taken in time, if it is to ba overcome. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has cured thousands thou-sands of casts of this most fatal of maladies. If taken in time, and given a fair trial, it ia guaranteed to benefit or cure in every case of Consumption, or money paid for it wUl ba promptly refunded. For Weak Luugs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness Short-ness of Breath. Bronchitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient effi-cient remedy. Copyright, 1SSS, by WORLD'S Dis. Mia Ass'v. W . offered for an f 1 vj J Incurable case of Catarrh in KM- iSfJ the Head, by the proprietors Of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy. Only W oenU. BoM by oruggisu rerywhera. THE UTAH CRACKER FACTORY Received the first prize for its SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, October, 1891. IIEXRY WALLACE. - Manager. MANTI CITY . BANK.. DIRECTORS. I-. T. Tutti.e, TresiJent. H. J. Christensox, Vice-Prest. Albert Tuttle, Cashier. T. B. Matben, Jajies Crawford, Jr. Wm. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcalf Tmiisads a General Banking Business. Receives deposits payable on dtmand, Five per cent paid on savings deposits. Fireproof Vault. Sate Absolutely Burglar Proof Money to lonn on real estate, city and fsrm property mid other approved security, WAXTEB STEIMHAM - -IS prepared to fill all orders for Lime ' large or sniiil.. ZLi Z2vS will be delivered "to any part of the town 01 County, at recEcn-able recEcn-able prices. 1 |