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Show 1- ' I !.::.-- 1 I'-;- -A -- - 'I ( , . : -V: 1 !-:, 'sj'.uu if::' -.s I 1 i... , V.J i ;r . , v . - , , , 1 Compare. Ou:c Prices j FOR OV SPEPSIA, Aycr'sSarsaparilla i Is :mi -lUviho lenie.ly. as iiunierous teslimo-; teslimo-; nllu c.Kirlniiely 'rve. "ior two years j I w.n a constant siulercr i'ran ilyaiiepsia I aud liver eomiliiiit. 1 doctored a Ions time and the me.Uciae i.eeiiled, in nearly ! every ea.se, only aggravated (he disease. ! An ai i:.ee.uy lull iaeil me to use Ayer's S t, . o 1 did so, and lias eared at a eoni ot Since Uiat time it lias been inv family niedieine, and siekness lias lieeonie' a slian-er lo our Uiu.seliold. I l,e!u-le i lo be lire Lest medieioe on earth." - J'. MeN'nliy, HaeUman, m .summer st. l.o Al, -Mass. FC5? DEBILITY, Ayer's SarsaparHSa Is a certain cure, when the comiilaint origi-uales origi-uales in imiioverhlied blood. "1 was a rcre-it snlT. ror from a low condition of the blood and f;ener;il del.ilily, becoming finally, so reduced 'that 1 was unlit for work. Nothing Noth-ing that I did for the complaint helped me to much as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, a few bottles of which restored me to health and strength. I take every opportunity to recommend this medicine in similar cases." C. Evick, 14 E. Maia St., t'hillieotbe, Ohio. FOR ERUPTIONS ad fiU disorders orieinatinc in impurity ol , the Mood, stu b as boils, carbuncles, pimples, Mot hes, srilMheinn, scald-head, scrofulous sores, aud thelike, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla TREPACED P DR. J. C. AYER & ( O., Lowell, Mass, Trice Jl ; sii i-ottk a, 5 Werth $o a bottle. A few iioms ol ii.tfir-st f..r ev iv piminser. 8--nd for samo'es ol ilie t f .il.iivo):; goods. v 46-in ch all wool H en r i ett a at 55 cents 27-inch all woo! plaid Flannels at 25 cents 36-inch all woo! brown and grey Suitings at 20 cents 36-inch plaid Dress goods at 12 I-2 cents 54-inch Ladies' cloth at 45 cents This is ot-.lv a few of tin; trre.il uinn! -i i i f bargains that we have at the present lime. iVc will I e el u! tqu.-tt juices or send samples of anything - in our iine. GROESBECK HOUGHTON, 12 1 MAIN STRKET, SALT LAKE. L"i AM, COALTEK & SNELGROVK 71 MA1F STREET, SALT LAKE. 240,000 Estey Organs in use, KIT EALLH r0 IU TIN 0A HITOM 19 FAMOUS WSBS1 PI AM OS Coalter & Snellgrove The Salt Lake mastc dealer. TONE, M DURABILITY and FINISH rS. UNEXCELLED. 9 OS fc ,: -500 Guitars, 200 Banjos. 500 Violins, 200 Drums, 100 Mandolins, 500 Musical Boxes, 1,000 Books -10.000 pieces Sheet Music to select from. COALTER & SXELLGROTE. the Salt Lake mnsic dealer. ' Catalogue Prco f " . J pqj-Tk of all CHRONIC, NERVOUS, BLOOD -"prsgxuAL diseases. W$M IP""-WS'M ir '" isfflm mm iiftii jsa Piifff: :;. :.. : i -v.- -: i i 1 J , : I ,; '. Vvs . '"jppf ihpr.;p i" : lO 1: ; " '": ' i fii I ; ' !- ' i '' ' :;'v j'-- P ''f MK8iBiiW6K trr'rCTyiaBawBt Correspondefice Solicited and all Letters Promptly Answered. . Plumbing and Pipe Fittinj done at short notice, Machinery of ail kinds repaired. A!! v. ork v,innt,'d. H. R. SLOAN, For anvthing in the line of hot.fhoeimr. tire rettihg .ml ei;t iar pairin r iu iron work. AUTIIOIUZEB County Agents FCRTHF 5 CENT DEPOSIT STAMP Si STEM OP THE Hull Coiiiini'i'fiiil and Savings Bank , IThe Temple Hotel! ! .Main KtrcctRluitil. i First Class Accommodations I j Ail iiiovo) vi rung the Temple should in-I in-I ijtiire f,.r Uiitt tiour.e. Free conveyance U the Tcinpie every day. Also Hay, j . t. nun and Stabling. SALT LAKE CITY - Cfithcrir.e Brown Manti P. 0. Chrislensen Moroni A. C. Cnr.'.'.iensen, Jr. Ft. Green -los. F. lhirins; Ephraim Elsinore Co op Elsinore H. P. Hansen Richfield liolderi Co-op Holden A. S Nielsioi Mt. Pleasant Naihmel & Fusion Kanosh People's Store Fillmore Robins & Christensen Gunnison Sciplon Co-op Sctpio i-.'red (. illes Salina Young Men's Co-op Spring City fnyital 200,000 Sui'i'.lHS .25,0(30 A Gerierol Banking Business Drafts bought and sold on all the prin cipf.l cities in the United States and Europe. All Accounts Solicited. HiitF.CTCRbi: F. Airustrong, P. W Madseti, Thos. W. Kllerbeck, Boiive Robsrt-i, Dr. Jos. 8. Ricnurds. Thcs W .Inuuings.O. H. Hardy, "M. E. Commi cg-Sttuiacl cg-Sttuiacl MtTntyre. v. iil commence his class in Otostotrios at Kbhi aim. De-centner 9, 1801. As the prices vull bs low no one need stay av;iy on atvonr.t of lack of means. The days lest by Hip cfillmrr out of tho doctor doc-tor will be wade up. For further particulars par-ticulars addrejs M. B. SniiT, M. B., EpLraLui. |