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Show THIS UTAH CRACKER FIG! OB! Received the first prize for Us SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, (Mober, ISM. HENRY WALLACE, - Manager. l3an.Evir.i5t obtained '--.yv-v S i & a the i Purely Vegsiabi - j Yellor Pins Tree, yf ) . Saf9 to HiE, " i s I It is sure to promote- :r . I Ani Merely iasreiK Health of Sheep, '. Viwtltyana qaat. You can well afford to give PERNOLINE SHEEP mo save you a g,wc,Uf money. mSIuJ TESTIMONIAL, T Simony. PicoTrjfs-cTiOJ.-,Ai .,k,c i TESTIMONIAL. A. H. HUMPHREYS. ' ' j NEf,, . Messrs. FrMUKtCw.uC, I f-tlA MORGAN. "tl.;fc .' v,St- '"wlwa-.T. I s.Cw, I d ymir Krooll?e Wp for Sp,tt..0, baa.l Gl!,---'f-'t ' f scabby sh.-ep last SeMeml.tr, and hi , 1:1 cr:'-e ti !;(,., pleasure in rtcoinmFiidine it lo w,U i-rn . . ll; hi the Li fi . ' 5 Wc of voir specitie for stab as well as account ( (t.val -"I; t r-tvrif ficial etert u,,on the wool an.l ?ene,l ,..,!,; ,e ttr. I would Mv ?h,S"'TJ,T0"Wt (lie sheep tbemselves. I wauttfwv , t... '.:,.-'! ' ;' e" ' dipped t,V,Ih,tom p Oon, that its -immediate effect uiw nr. -I-.', . ? Wilta, M vuur Y. ?i j ctc Ikeim to make thera taatcl-. more than tie, d jj.e" bf . o r ''W'g'unk. and a' , 'Z d""'.ro, ,n the application of the dip, and this "Vie n, Vl """v. --uamej nere uiiielv c-,-.J impression that the dip was no rfuJr But,,,.,! , ' our diP ' cheaper to n. ; ,v examining these sheep a week or L Uei it 1 ,! P ur ai,d '""e. Joes L ? , ' "id than ,'. view of treating them again w.tl. ,oil,er'p,e, ,, .? ""J ''eaper than a,,Vut cr ,1 "' - tion, I discovered that all traces or tue v-al I I section ul Hie countrv i . " sl'eePoip Wr.'.-tn Ihen disappeared, and I conaeuuenuv abau", n ' woullJ "JJ- U'at in suiil,. ,?',yil',i'"i. the Idea of further treatment. 4 1 "b"u-l",:J Hon. o iu.rcstej us,-!'"f 1 '? oi egois i 4i 1 find your dip verv conveniert t, ai ' our ""line shco Inn wiii tb belief that neneficW rather than injurious to the'sheeolnd Me L"' I'll" 10 "" ' "eep f. spra" ' M .u SOah ' Your.truV, " -CeLlSl'-i- (Signed) A. H. HfMPHREYS I o-ir. truly, IlfD.wmot.bui. FERNOLINE SHEEP DIP MSRG?i- ri tot tt to B ontEP DIP fro-n your dealer jl h!in t F.rnollnoChemlealCo., (SBroadwi f ciia it Jg For Gonnorhopa and Glee . A cure guaranteed in six days. No drugs necessary during treatment and no pain is caused by its use. A positive preventative of stricture and a!l bad after effects. A perfectly saf remedy. For men only. One injection ot Phymil is a perfect preventative if used directly alter. See directions on bottle, fiice $2. Sent by express, so curely sealed from observation. Th. glory of man is his strength. THE SAMSON INVIGORATING AND TON H PILLS. The great sexual touic are warranted lo cure exhausted vitality and prematuie decline. So alarmingly prevalenr FERROK CO-OP. DEALERS IN" General Merchandise, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, . Hardware, and Everything Belonging to a First-class Store. . Goods Cheaper .than at any other House in the County. Largest Store South of Price. Ferron - - Utah. FRED G. WILTIS. riKAi.i;it in General Merchandise Agent fo Studcbaker Bros. Wagons, Carriages and Carts. Agents for Amos Whitney's Steel Mowers snd Reapers. POST OFFU K, SALlN'A, " : ; - UTAH. youth and manhood of the present day. arising from excesses, indiscretions, etc , universal lassitude of long standing has been positively and permanently cured by it. alter every other remedy had been tried in vain. Through its wonderful tonic-invigorating effects indisposition to exertion of the most chronic type has been promptly cured bv the great relief it aftorded to the whele body from all its peculiar disabilities and infirmities. Depression of spirits and in fact, all the train of the evils aiislng from a disoi-dered disoi-dered state of the nervous or sexual system, such as extreme sensitiveness ol the most aggravated nature, unpleasant unpleas-ant dreams of the most obstinate chat acter, dimness of vision, ringing in the ears, palpitation of the heart, trembhne of the limbs, pains in the back. It is the greatest known remedy, and is warranted war-ranted to cute all forms of nervous de-I de-I bility in every case, from whatever cause it may or-.ginale, and to arrest all ex haustivt discharges, or insiduous loss or waste. It imparts a veritable lou erof strength. A single trial proves it. Ii will be sent by mail securely sealed. Price The Simpson-Hill Ilruc; Co , So West Second South sueet, Salt Lake City, wholesale and retail agents fot Utah territory, who will fill all . orders NOTE Purchasers of this remed will find a ticket enclosed with each bottle entitling them to a free consultation and advice from the company's local surgeon. A physician of ability and experience, authorized by this company to represent them, may be found in all important cities of the union. p if j jf! f--'.j tj 1 1 b i a ifl J. V. HaOGAN, E. L. C-I.PKNTER, J. H. OTTERSTRUif Agent, Manti. Gene-ial Sales Ant. Agent. riEALKKS IN General Merchandise- DRY COGOS, Groceries, . CLOTHING-. Agents for the Cooper Vngou ! and the McCormicl; Machinery. SALIXA; ra.l ft AJuckfit Candy Co, 850 E. 1st St, Salt Lalto City, HEADQUARTERS FOR Fritz Brothers Cigars. The Largest Steam Factory in 1 lie . - West. " MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. ; 5 Ezra Shomaker, : .-James Mctcalf, PreiJeat ? - Julug u chrl3iensen, 5 J.C.Min Vice Prest, DirGClOTS ther TatU.. - : Albert Tuttle, Treasurer s John k, Metclf, : Jame3 Coireri, Manager. s : Henry McKenna, z i N.O Cljristensen. ; COMPANY Pleasant Valley Coal Co. SALTLAK.ECITY Coal hat been reduced from $5 25 to $4,75 per ton at all p0i,.r3 on the line of the It. 0 W. Ry. in Sanpete valley t. i, mmm Horse Shoeing a Specialty Wagona, Buggies, Plows, and all Classes of Blacksmithing dona on Short Notice and in First-class Style at S.RNeilson's old Stand awcjaixti city, TJtetlx, G. A. Gardner, watch lKEK, j09 "jbwrLui,"" Watches, Clocks aijd Jewelry, Repaired on Short Notice. CODBE PITTS DRUG CO. The Si I ale Wholesale and Befall Druggists'-" Respectf ally solicits a portion of your patronage. Orders by Mail Promptly and Carefully I'll led Pare Wines, Liquors, Ales and Porters for medicinal and: family M(v anal lty anl price guaranteed. Please mention this advertisement if you order of ns. Sail Lake City, - - Utah Ter' 25 CENTS FOR A Fountain Pen Send 25 eenta to Xaficiml Ailv?rtiein Co., 303 and 305 Dpnrhorn St., Chieei pet one of our late patent Fountain iVn-holderR. iVn-holderR. Every pen warranted, ii for 50e. Liberal terms to nci'nt?. Host sell-in? sell-in? pen ever made. Retail trade suj plied. .NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mention this Paper. .DEALER IN Wool - Hides Pelts - Twine Wool Sacks Etc. Parties wishing sacks will call on j' TUTTLE & CO, - - Manti. Utah. Hugh R, Sloan BLACKSMI1II Machinist and Pipe Fitter Ail binds nf Machinery, Engines and Boilers PL?paired. Atl Work WAirnAKTn. Shop East of Manti Co-op. E. M- WORKS PROPEI ETOR OF THE All binds of Siding. Moulding, Flooring. Doors, Windows. Sashes etc. constantly on hand and made to ordor. One block west from the Temple hotel. Ostler & Sons, Nephi, Utah. SS4H0B SfOBI, Manti. ... Utah Dealers in Harness.Saddles.Bridles.Etc. Tents and 'Wagon Covers Parties desiring anything in these lines, can save money by trading here, as we have a large stock on hand, at prise that Defy Competition. GOOa GUARANTEED TO EK First Clt. 0rder3 by Mail promptly attended to Next door North of Co ep Store, Main St., Manti. -.rn- ... u BARTON & CO., THE XBABIHG GIOTHIEES Of JSixlT Lals.e City. Nos. 45 and 47 - - - Main Street. - Conference visitors should not fail to call on us while in the City. We have the largest and best lighted clothing store in the West. Our prices and goods are always reliable. "Once a customer, a'ways a customer," is our motto. PILES CURED. SAFE CUBE OBSO PAY Having obtained the exclusive right for Sevier Se-vier valley, I am prepared lo treat rectal diseases dis-eases under T, A. Winter, new treatment. PILES permanently cured without aurgicai treument. Iso detention from business. NO PAY UNTIL CUBED De. C. MAdsin, - Salina, Sevier Co it5fmttg liri;-jlsibr.;z: Yon can set your own a&ron or Buggy Tire without taking the wheel off. Trice within'tlie reach of everybody Also carries ft full line of School Supplies W. H. GRAY & CO., Agents. J. M. DAVIS, Traveling Agent for Sanpete Southern Utah. EVMJS 22 and 24 West Second South St. S3lt Lake City, Utah. Wholesale and Retail Dealers io Sporting Goods EE RnbbSr Coat, and B00U, TtojM . Bolts and Shoes, Dumb Ml nci.g Knlls and Mast, Indian Linos. Boxing "oves. I'bapperel Legging Pto Che b. Playing C-yds. Dom.no. Pa 1 1 Men Sitm, Kieid and opera Glasses. HEADQUARTERS I0R Bicycles. Tricycles, Valocipedes Police goods, Large Stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. See me before urcbasing .Gen eral repairing. THE mm mm COMPANY if prepared to DU all orders on s-lior notice. Building stone a specialty. LOUIS' C. OLSEN, Proprietor. liaise Mr Own Fish. GESMAN GAEP, one year old, at f'd vir Hundrzi at (Ponds. county. Titan Territory. KNIGHT'S .ff) Blood Cure. A irandwJ l.casU ijroMv ., Suc..fLl uwroorc tn '? J"": :a cure lor L;spepiu. r-croi.na, 1-, tr-tion. Constipaion :xd a.l -I I'M, IILOOU.SIOM.WM and Ll i-R. Wu fob hommm acisan r A purely botanical compound y-t w. l-"-- One Month's Treatment for fcl.CJ 1 m ,e packi,.-e. Si .W ''lMff!.J;"' sliluW'BOTAIlIOAL CiO,, 252 BriSiliJ, .'.'. A tOMUA'HM liMliM in l)v.-jll.V. -tf I I c mi recommend Knight's Blood Cure t,c,..,'.,l eii-ener.cc. It ii ti.e only pwtivo lu e U , e ever foui.d ic r r l.ronic d vflH-i. ' Ci.oior, 7S VanaKklcnAe., Ii Ujn, K.V. Captain McCorrokV, ot the IlaiM Arctic Kv DcJition. writri: I advice oU to kp ie-i ' Medicine cht supphed v.th J f'J blood Cure, it 11 a spl-.n.trdrcm!, Kr .11 tlood and aorh a.sort CqrM KewVorlE,j3n-J5.JL Bauston, Spa, N. Y.. Feu 2, li?l. Knieht Botanital Co., Broad.v, K.i. Gtntltmcn : 1 ara pleased to inlorm you and those uUui it may concern that, having personally per-sonally and tlioroujfi.ly tiled your remedy in abadcaseoi blood' poison.r.t v.itn results most salislacloiy 1 do t.ut hesitate tj tecommend it mau cases oi diicid.icd blood. is, l. LiUcios, iScientitL SEARS & 0$iMgS: MIDDLE IMPORTERS AXDHEAX.ERS Paints Oils Paint Brushes, Plate and Window Glass MANUFACTURERS OF Show Cases, Art and StainedGlass, and Grille Work. Salt Lake, Utah, P. O, Box i 762. ' Slonpy Ioanei on Diamonil?. ':i'.-liP3, Jewelry, Gqiih, etc ,at tlw f'-California . Collateral 13 West Spconil South stn-r-t, eni nnr of Main, White House bloi-k. Salt l.nlie City, GdoiIs can lie Bent tu u ttnonph any express eompany anil ailyuin-cs will be made Goods left on hand will he sold at hip; hnrijains. Give iisar-iill. V Tha most reliable place in the tmritoiy. C.S.WILKES. OFFICE 11 0 8- IAHD OFFICE BUILDIHB- Land Agent & Attorney Obtains Patents for Agricultural and Mineral Lands.- |