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Show Notice of Probate of Will. j 1 n the probnre court in and for isan pete conn- f ty, to l ti.ryof I tall. j In Ihe lnaticrol' thy estate of Thomas VVasden: $ de-eased. Notice is hereby (riven that Monday, the 9fiv ! day of May A. t. lAii, at It o'clock a. m. of. 1 said day, m said court room of said court in the ) city of Jjtiriti, said county, is set for the prov- i Inn of tiie last will and testament of Thomas f asden, deceased, actl hearing the application applica-tion of John Knighton asking ihst letters 1 testamentary be issued to him on paid estate; when any person interested uiav appear and contest the paid will and may "rile objections in writinir to tiie anting of letters teetameu tary to said John Knighton. Dated April 1, ItW. John Iitm, Probate Clork. |