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Show NOTICE FOlt PrbXlCATION. . No. 1283. Land ollice at Salt Lake city, Utah, March Soliceis hereby ftiven that the followini:-namd followini:-namd settler has tiled notice of hi intention to make liual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo marie berore th county clerk of Sim pete eouu'y, Utah, at Mantt, Vtah, on the r. lhof Apr.. 1s!'2. viz: Theodore liristense.ii. Homestead calrv No. (1817 for tho west half northwest quarter northeast quarter uorlhwe-t quarter, section 13 and boulheast quarter, norlheast q inrter, section H, township til, sout.i of rm:t 1 east-lie east-lie names the tuilnwini: witnesses to prove his continuous resldem e upon ami cultivation of, uid, land, viu; !e I.srsen, Sen., titer Madscn, Ole Larson. Jr., Silita ll.jfheins of Gunnison. Sanpete eomitv. Onli. Frank I. Honrs. Rejristcr. Bird & Loivc. Aiturn. ys for npulieants. |