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Show TIIH UTlill CRACKER FrtCTOHY Received the first prize for its SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, Octott, 1S&1. 1IEXRY WALLACE, - Manager. FERROr.1 GO-OP. I-K.VLEUS IS General Merchandise Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Hardware, and Everything Belonging to a First-class Store. Goods Cheaper than at any other House in the County. Largest Store South of Trice. Ferro" - - Utah, Is an.Etfr.aet obtained .-T-r"V , fr,mthe ' ' Purel7 Vegetable Tello-Phe Tree. ' SSwiU It ia suTeVpromoie V&fj d 7 iaw Seal of Sheep, J 5? M You can well afford to give FERNOLINE SHEEP DIP , save you a great deal of money. Rj lilc f0ii.vi, ,'al'. ' my m ' nn'h testimony TESTIMONIAL. j .,, ' pREscoTTjcsc,Io..A,..Dec.,:,,.9, testimonial. A. H. IIUMPHRK VS. WILLIAM MokgA""'' V' Messrs. JernouneCkeimcm. Co.. ,.,,. ,. ' . iS Hroadia), N. V. I e -"lins Ciiemicai.To . 1 uieii your Kernnline Dip for spotting a ban. t ' ' LE,c- : ? wbbv sheep 14 .September, ami now Like Jic-n ,11, , '.".'""P ! testify to the n,.rl. pleasure in reeimimen.lin!! it 111 wool growers as a y u I - "' l"c '"--lie' that its . 'ou' specific lor scab as well as on a.vouiil o.' its bene- ,. " . .,," valut to sheen r-;.r- tcial ettcct unon the wool ami general con.lition of . r ' ' W"V1J W. Ilia: r3w a the sheep themselves. I would sav in tins connec. U'ah' . .,h'''P ''7uo S'-aub,' sic"r. . "'vS1 tn, that its immediate eftect upon v sheep was W I'ri.iw, iut fL "!'' to make them scratt'i more than they done belorl tank. ,nd $ etH i? ', '" 5 the application oi the dip, ami this gave me the v''r - . 8 """' " impression that the dip was no good. Hut upon pin,,. , J " cheaper to use in the end .i,. . examining these sheep a week or r. later, with i,e letter an 1 che,'er S not the woo'. J4 ' view of treating them again with wiotlie, prepara. inlhissection , ,h tha" ""' oUler slieepmr,' lion, I discovered thai all traces of the scab' had 1 wS j ' .id e to'uur5"' in "V opinion r tnen disappeared, and 1 consequently abandoned so fiTn no imvri .fi "' ,tatine lhe "oreeo . 1 the idea of further treatment. yr Ker " ",etl m't've, Ut in u, . 5f .1 I find your dip very .convenient u e, and L value elhi l? U'p vi" Pve ofX' benehcuU rather than injurious to the sheep and the cede the use of ,n "sC ra'se"' ' should I E aS' L Yours tru,7, of sheep for o!' Wh" U.e dipp (Signed) x-A. H. IR'MPIIREVS. rs (SiKned) WILLIAM MORBJIW . II you cannot nbuin FERNOLINE SHEEP DIP frOT1 v A , WUKWW- me (or it to fr0T1 our usk him Pemoline Chemical Co., i 8 Broadw, , N. y. A GREAT LIVEK ilKDICIXE. Dr. GuiiliV luiprovrd Liver pills lire u sure tiire for sick licudhclif, biiioui-cotttplaiut.-1. &i spftjsia, indglttioii, cop iivenesa, torpid liver, eti-. Thtwe pilli-injure pilli-injure ptTfict digestion, correct ttu liver and stoiuHC'', regti ttto the bowel.-, purify and enricb the blood and make the skin clear. They also pr 'dace a gool uppetite, and invigorate aud .slrensthen the entire flvstem by their tonic action, So'd at 25 cents a box at the City Drug ntore. For Gomiorlicea and'Glee . A cure guaianteed in six dajs. No drugs necessary during treatment and no pain is caused by Its use. A p isitivrj pteventative of stricture and all bad after effects. . A perfectly safe remedy. For men only. One injection ol Phvmil i-. a perfect preventative if used directly alter. See directions on bottle, frice $2- Sent bv express, securely se-curely sealed from observation. The lory of man is his strength. THE SAMSON INVIGORATING AND TONIC TILLS. The great sexual tonic are warranted to cure exhausted vitality and premature decline. So alarmingly prevalent among- the enfeebled and enervated youth and manhood of the present day, arising from excesses, indiscretions, etc., 1 universal lassitude of long standing has been positively and permanently cured by it. alter every other remedy had been tried in vain. Through its wonderful tonic-invigorating effects indisposition to exertion of the most chronic type has been promptly cured bv the great relief it afforded to the whole body from all its peculiai disabilities and infirmities. Depression of spirits and in fact, all the train of the evils aiising from a disordered disor-dered slate of the nervous or sexual system, such as extreme sensitiveness ol the most aggravated natuie, unpleasant unpleas-ant dreams of the most oostinate character, char-acter, dimness of vision, ringing in the ears, palpitation of the heart, trembhno of the limbs, pairs in the hark. It is the gieatest known retnedv, and is warranted war-ranted to one a'l forms t f nervous debility de-bility inevei case.lrotp whatever cause it may originate, and to arrest all exhaustive ex-haustive discharges, or insidttous loss or waste, it imparts a veritable lower ol strength. A single trial proves it. It will be sent by mail securely sealed. Price $2. The Simpson-Hill Drug Co , So West Second South street, Salt Lake City, wholesale and letail - agents for Utah territory, who will till all orders NOTE Purchasers of this remed will find a ticket enclosed with each bottle entitling them to a free consultation and .t Ivice irom the company's local surgeon. A physician of ability and experience, an:!iuti:'.ed by this company to represent tht-m, may be lound in all important cities of the union. HAPPY Hi 'OSIERS. Wm. Timmoiis, Postmaster of Lla-vrtle. Lla-vrtle. Did., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines medi-cines combined, for that bad feeling w ising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John L"elie, farmer and stockman of same place, fays: "Find Electris Bitters Bit-ters to ho the bust Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new mall." J. W. (iardner, hardware merchant, mer-chant, siiine town says: Electric Bitters is just the Hi'iig for a man who is all rfiti down and don't cine whether lie lives or die.-; he found new strength good appetite and felt jnstlike he had a new lease on life. (July 50c. a bottle at lb" Ding Store. FRED it. WILLIS. bKAbV.lt IN General Merchandise Agent fo Stiidcbaker Bros. Wtignns, Carriages and Carts. Agents for Amos Whitney's Steel Mowers and Reapers. . I'OST Ol'FR E, ALIN'A, - UTAH. DE.U.EUS IN General Ferchar.dise'' DRY COODS, . Groceries., CLOTIIIIoJG-. Agents for the Cooper Wf.goti m 1 ji p I?! IgiKj 8 i i a J. W. Haqoax, E- L. Cbpenter, J. H. Otterstrum Agent, Manti. Gene-ial Galea Agent. Agent. SPECIMEN CASES. S. II. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis., was I doubled with Neuralgia and Itiienria-! tictn, his Stomach wan disordered, Ins liver was affected to an alarming dp grce, appetite fell away, and he was fer-ribly fer-ribly re luced in'llesh and strength. Three btdtles of Electric bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, llarrisbiirglll', had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Kier-tric Kier-tric Bitters and seven boxesof Buckleti's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, ()., had the large Ector sotps on h's leg, dec- ' tors said he was incurable, fine tottb : Electric Bitters and one box Bncttleii'.s ' Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Side at the Cit) Drug " tore. ami i no .net. oi niicK jiaeninoiy. SAIjIZA; V'JAJl H, A.Tucket Candy Co, 850 E. 1st St. Salt LslsLe City, HEADQUARTERS FOR Fritz Brothers Cigai s. The Largest Sleam Factory in tiie West. M A N t' FACT L" It E R 3 -'F Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. Pleasant Valley Coal Co. .SALT LiVIiE CITY. Coal hat been reduced from 5 2 ' to $4,75 per (on at all ooiuta on the line of the R. G W. Ry. in Sanpele valley. Horse Shoeing a Specialty WasonBnggies, Plows, and all Classes of Elacksmithintr done on Short Notice an. in First-class Style at S.R.N'eilsou's old Stand M"iti City, TJtli, :- . s Eira Slionialo-r, -. .1:1111.'. Mi trail, I'l'i'iili-nt : ; ' r z . . ... ,, . . . 1 Julus 11. C'h'lstensen. ::::la Directors i l Albert Tattle, T,'oaS, ( I Jo?,? j f ,J::mes Coven, MiiDaycv. ; . r Henry MeKeDiia, : :: : S.C C'inistensen. : COMPANY DEALER IX Wool - Hides - Pelts Twine Wool Sacks Etc. - Parties wishing sacks will call on TUTTLE & CO, - - Manti . Utah. G. A. Gardner, WATCUAKER, 0W. JEWELEII, X,,,.v4j Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired on Short Notice. 25 CENTS FOR A Fountain Pen Send 25 cents to National Advertising Co., 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chic get one of onr late patent Fountain Penholders. Pen-holders. Kvery pen warranted. S for one. Lihpral terms to agontfl. Best spiling spil-ing pen ever made. Retail trade sup-pbed. sup-pbed. - NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. . 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mention this Paper. Hugh R. Sloan CODBE PITTS DRUG CO. The Silt Lake Whoesaleand Pefail Druggists Respectfully solicits a portion of your patronage. Orders by Mail Promptly and Carefully I U led Pare Wines, Liquors, Ales and Porters for medicinal and family nse, quality and price jjuarauteed. Pieass mention this advertisement if you order of us. Sail Lake City, - - Utah Ter' E. M. WORKS PROPRIETOR OF THE Uff,H,VAW6 2' and 24 We3t Second Soutu St. Salt Lake city, Utah. Machinist and Pipe Fitter All kinds of Machinery, Engines and Pollers Repaired. Atr. Work -Wakiukxioo. Shop East of Manti Co-op. i ci;i--i., .- sf-is'f M p, jiittC & vvlti ?;i-r;!r;t b..0t,ir1.i Ostler & Sons, Nephi, Utah. iSAHOH wmmt Itfaiiti. - - - Utah Dealers m . Hamess.Saddles.Bridlesltc. I ents and Wagon Covers Parties desiring anytlniior in tnese lines, can s:ivo money by trailintr here, as we have a large stock. on hand, at price that liefy Competition. IT'ix'st Class. Orders by Mail promptly attended to Next door North of Co op Store, Main St., Manti. Jiirjljlmiig Sire-jsdlrr. Ynueui set your own VYUL-nn or IiueKy Tirr without taking the wheel olf. Price within the refieli ot evervbodv Also carries a full one of School supplies V. II. (iUAr A CO., AaentH. J M. DAVIS, Traveling Agent for Sanpete Southern Utah. COMPANY is prepared to Gil all orders ou slioi notice. Bailding '.stone a specialty. BARTON & CO., hie GIOTIIEBS Or SxlT I.,l-co City. Noa. 45 and 47 - - - - Main Street. Conference visitors should not fail to call on us while in the City. We have the largest and best lighted clothing store in the West. Our prices and goods are always reliable. "Once a customer, a' ways a customer," is our motto. - 1 . " - SEARS & 0?M$mt MIDDLE U.:iSif JSfSi ;- co. ' V' . M," c r'i' IMPORTERS AND DEALEP X.: : - Paints Oils Paint finishes, rlf,te ami Window Glass MANUFACTURERS OF Show Cases, Art and Stained Glass, and Grille Work. Salt Lake, Utah, P O, Box 7G2. Allkiudsof Sidinpr, Moulding, Flooring. Doors, Wiudowa, Sashes etc. constantly on hand and made to order. One block yiesi from the Temple hotel. PILES CUBED. SAWm CUEE QB O TAT Having obtained the exclusive right for F.e-vicr F.e-vicr valley, I am prepared to treat rectal diseases dis-eases under T, A. Winter,! new treatment. FILES permanently cured without surgical treltnient. K0 detention from business. NO PAY UNTIL CURED Dr. O. MAdskn, Sa Una, Sevier Co IaisG Ydut Dwn Fish, GERMAN GABP, one year old, at fil ver Hundred at (Ponds . , K..r"'!.yTWe3 Mllslg, re.ldence quarto mil" uitl of Funk'a Lake, Sterling, Suupete county, Utah Territory. C.S.WILKES. OFFICE IN U S I AND OFFICE BUI101NB- Land Agent& Attorney Obtains Patents (or Agriculturtl and I Mineral Lands. Whole8aIe and Retail Dealer io Sporting Gaods. Gune, Ammunition i Cutlery FWJ-y Boi ne Gloves, C'uarperel f Poker Che k. Plyug Cwf Pan A tch Sifei, Hie 11 Glasses. Bicycles. Tricycles, Police goods, Large S ock Spectacles and Eye Gla See me before urelia-'ing eral repai""2- LOUIS C. OLSEN, Proprietor. 'C4 Blood Pure, i" - , ii M i .-ul M.'lii..r-! t: -:i . A ""- III, 111 -- 1 . K 1 I , , , I n C. i in n I Jit J ..iii..i, 'Stomach iii-.J 1aib. -V-'s "r.l -'ei-'lo m'.l l-i .up1..;:!1. Ono Month 6 Treatment loi' $I.G0 I , rt c -HO Ii 1 O 1-, - 11- NUiHT BOTANICAL CU K B:ur, t- V. I enn rocrm.merrfKr'!.tTr.!.-.l Cure from p , , ,! e i It i I c h l !,c I Mivn-vvf loumlkr. t..mc.lv.iu... J C"V!'ioT, ts V-.ii kkn Ave.. b'k:vn, N. V. frfi! II. Coti.7rTrl HieTlv Ar.'tic I f i-Jili.n wi'l,-.. "I ;.h!i')..n".. t'-.l'V":' ,,'eX...o c!..-.t v-,l t..plii.l villi bo,A Cure. It lb .1 I'pi- mil'! t-'"l Uuod and toiujth !. .lI.-is.-- C.ipUH' &. J. Mc LOBMK.K. NewVoik, Jan. 1", lA. Bm tsTON, Si a. N. V.. Fr?. 2. Wl. Knirl.t H,.t.,.,il Co.. Kioarlwnr. iS. . .vMI.-n.rn:-I a... -.tcaac! lo ml. , .11 vu nr.,1 tl.ose ui,..ui inn o. 1, ..in tli.it. h.uiwr 1. iwiiv .,,1.1 ilw..ui..l.!y tik-J ..ur ri-iiii..ly in at:, I. ....-iY-Jl'"'"".".; kill. 1 vaults 111. .,t 1 it" ii, ai. vaiLi tti UiiividicJ ulon.t. t'u " U , K. LKiaos, LSctenliat Honey" ' kiittl n 1 !( 11 1 tf. Vt' 'Jonelry, Gnus, etc, at th - California .. Collateral 3 West Second South street, ri-rnc d Main, White Honso block, u Lu'-.' City, fiooils can ho sent to ua tiir.n;s 1; j any express eompanv and advance wul be made Goods left on lianil will he sold at bl barsains. Give us a call. 1 The moat reliable place in the territory. |