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Show A LIFE OF SOLITUDE. Musonrians I i;":',lc t.. .'-nlve the Jiystery "( i. ll.-rnOt j Scct.isioa. ij A gemiin.- h. rinlt, wiih a ldVs secret, only part of which he would reveal, is i hc .!. i'.y that i; creating a son- lion a few t.di wei.t of the town of -Mexai.Oi ia. lie has for s,.i, thine over thirtv-tivi- years lived a life of soli-t soli-t ale. hi . habitation bein ; a mammoth roeh- from v'nich enough has been chi elcd ti f-;rm quite a good-sized . room. For . some reason known to L'un-seli L'un-seli l,e refu.-c" h reveal his name. It is known, however, through admissions admis-sions made ..by himself, that just bc-fere bc-fere the hreal.im- out of the late war ihe-faiiier of this unknown personage v.-as a wealthy planter, living somewhere some-where in (he state of irrrinia, the exact ex-act local i.-n not beinr known. The son was somewhat oi-.pised to be romantic ro-mantic and seemed adverse to remain-iic remain-iic i.iui, r the paternal roof, and at the hi eaUiie-out of the war left the home of his boyhnoil and built his house in the r..c!; veav the Alexandria. That is the ; lory tohl by tiie hermit himself.' om tiiei-.- an air of mystery suvroiuut-..in:'- him w hich leaves room for doubt -in-; the entire trutlifulnesss of the same. 1 he reason is that no one is allowed al-lowed to eliter t he hillside house with-foiit with-foiit ihs-t .l-,owing beyond doubt tliat the vi-itoKis only on cuviositv bound. 'I he piaee is well-stocked with all the S.Cest periodicals and ail the most pop- ioar e. e,ks of the uav. The mailer h-i'ery h-i'ery j;:.. -.!.-;;,. a and no one is able to ' ic-e.. -ant for the loe of sohtude w hich |