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Show . IllOKKSSIONAI,. ,1 B. .N!:VTll'. 1 Kliairr a-.i.t I ,, i,t .-r. irost.e s,;..., art ., s ,c-, i;,ll u -. Manii, 11. Ih. CTKIXlillJ.M & TLINi.llVM sentinel Art fr!.iM. lMliil.lirr.il. i-,rs Mnin Strict, il-liiti. H. SI'I-IiliV TDNSOKIil. AllilST Manii, rtilb. iOWVS. TAILORING i sl liMI 1 .' Work, Style, I-'it and Prices Guar- I antecj to Salt. Tailor's Trimming:) AiwatJ oa Hind. Suits M!i,U to Order on Stii-rt Noiiie. EDWARD RKID, - Proprietor. j MAN fi nGLL C ,vv.V . j LCCiSf. JBJ:K2, i--,'., . ' Ivr .T3-XJX-'.CJ?-CTI LTTJiL The Best Grades of Flour, f er-Oniers and Correspondence st.Hr-iteil.aJ ' Custom Work a Specialty. TEMPLE DRUG STORE THEIiE IS ALWAYS OH H IND A Ft l.L SI FPLY OF Idly of tin, Valley 1 VALLEY TAN' REMEDIES M lute Rose I FACE PO'VTiFR1 tt'hlto I.IIup ' y PKRFI.'MKS ( Of TPIS riviuir-P dockey Club I.lMilfi.Nf Xew Mo-vn Hay J C A RFlIil.O TEA PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. THE MANTI Mercantile Institution Invite attention to their large and varied assortnieni o Ladies' New m 'rkets, Jaekets and Shawls, Misses' ar.d Children'-- V vans, Ladies' and Misses' Merino and Woolen Underwear. Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Ilats and Capa, Boots, Shoes Rubbers and Arctics. Hose, Glove sand iYIittenfr FASCINATORS IN GREAT VARIETY, JSatin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons in all shades. 5-4 inch, all wool Suiting at 60 cents per yard. Cashmerts from 25 cents to $1.2-5 per yard . Wm. T. Re i d, TROBATi: ATTORNEY - AjaeTTD LAND A. G3- TH-tsT T? All MhtiS of Probate husinops ju-oiniiUy at-tondetl at-tondetl to, and titles pec u rod to Land under tho -various' entries Office, Court House. AL'tnti, lltnh. Wilkes & Bbadw'okj AST) ATTORNEY S,- SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. MASONS & MONILMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. ; PFAT.EliS IK Oolite anc Marble Monuments Head Stones, Etc, Stone Yard opposite T-itTiins; OiTic.e on Main street, Manti. . A . Civf ov " A . SCAXDIN'AVIAN DOCTOR Residence and Office: One door fouth of the Presbyterian Chnreh. Slain Street, llanti, LTtah. CITY STOBE, ' HKAPllUAr!TES3 FOR Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Pcr- fiimery. Toilet Articles. Etc. (Pciriziio Cfzilly filled- ' , MRS. I. B. r.RTTXEL. Prop DENTIST. Uw FIRST-CLASS WORK " fiEHTtt TSEATMEHT GUARANTEED. MANTI. ... - Tr.UX TUTTLE & ST ACEY, lire Insurance, MANTI. - UTAH Authorized Agents for the fol lowing Companies : Etni of Hartforil.. Hartford of Hertford Cantiuentalof n. Y. Homo of New Yolk Columbia of Portland, Ohio. HGnriB & Richards, STiJNSJ l. H i.HS AND CARVEGS. A .Specialty. Cut Bock Fronts for Emuling Neatly Neat-ly Executed. Two blocks West of T,n.wry'a St ere, !uiti P f r-. "I . i - ' ' tit -C " AGENTS FOR '', .cOxTta Tecumsoli And Home Comfort stoves and ranges utah:stove & hardware c . TfS' - Salt Lake City pgTHE CONSOLIDATED Implement Co.. .2xj1-.i A're still in the lead with WHITMAN HAY PRESSES Full circle, all steel, guaranteed to bale one ton per hour. No'Breakages and No Delays RS Brown's Patent Bob Sleds &y Four sizes, the best BOBS made. - We always carry a full stock of WAGONS. tUGGl" FARM IMPLEMENTS. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, Lo.an, and MiUord, Utah; and H0U , Idaho Falls, Idaho. - Children d'iPtornSC L Something . Hoy. SatinSh!pl.er's PHOToanArn, Have no J' 83 tot Per dozen. Hooper Block, First Sonth between Main and State streets, Salt Lake Cuy. |