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Show i I'KOBATK OKDRIi. In the ,ir.. b:U -' court in anil :or Sanpete couotr I tali twrrtnry. 1 n 1 he mailer ol 1 lie estal i-i)l i-i)l Anne Williams, dccea,eil Order nn heurii'K llnal hcmiit ana asking for lie. r a ilestrihntiun. On rea.liii!.' ami illiiitr the petition of I.ulher r. Tuille the mlmim-tralor with the will annexed of the eatnte of Anna Williams defeased, astins; for an allowance of liia final account and Uecre or dcstrilmtion of said estate ameujr the persons entitled thereto. it is Ol den d tnat all persons interested in the estate of the aaid Anne Williams deceased ho anil appear licfore tne prohate court of Sau pole county al the court room of aaid court in Manli city, Utah territory on Monday the L'.lth day of April, at u o'clock, a m. of said day then and (here to show cause why. an onlcr allowing said final aceout aud distribution distri-bution should not he made of the residence Df said estate among the heirs of said decayed according to law. And it ie further ordered that a copy of fheir order be pnblisaeil for three weeks before the said -2Sth dav of April, 192, in the sentinel a newspaper printed aud published in Manti city Sanpete county, rtah territory. Jacob johnson Probate jndste. Dated Ma'ch 21, ISM. . Territory of Utah, ) Sanpete County. ss I John Keid, clerk of the probate court in and forf.:iniete eounuy, Utah ternitorv, llorebv certily tba! the foregoing is a full, true aud correct copy ofthe original o-der on hearin" i final account and asking for deeeee of deslri" button iu the matter of the estate ! Anne Williams, deceased, .a it appears on tile and of record m my othce. Witness my hand and official seal this "1st day of March, A. 1)., lsy-i. IsEit. l Jons K7.m, Frobate Clerk. |