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Show precinct of the county will be entitled to the following number cf delegates of said convention, to wit: Fayette,!;' Guunison, 4; MayQelil, 1; Manti, 3; Spring City, 2; Wales, 1; I Mount Plea3. aut, 7; Miiburn, 1; Fountain Green, 1; Sterling, 1; Ephraim, 4; Chester, 1; ' Moroni, 1; Fairview, 1; Thistie, 1; ' total 30. . ' ' A full attendance is most earnestly desired. By order of ihe S tup.-te county liberal liber-al central committee. Jacob Johnson, Chaiiman. Dated at Spring City, April 18, A. D. 1SP2. snrrendeetl and were taken to Fort Me- j ; ; Kinney. Forty-' i N i three -men were t Kt McKinutv i captured, consisting ; j of same of the must ' i prominent in til? I I Hurfuio. ,al i c. i u ,iin;r Johnson ; State Senator Tis- : County ' :'' "-d Hess?, A. H. ri.iwers. .Majoi x I'ARanca. yw,,. .U) j, H. pr. i x K.C T! men ki.T, Uepu'y 1'nitei! ; i s ..'.i" Mars h a 1 Frank CtMo", xv. (f. Clarke, water t'onimissiiiiK r, an:l V. It. Irvine. Tim invailjrs wn nr.'cmid-tl by bstween tbreo tnd tour Uuntirtnl rustlers, ranchmen ranch-men and citizens, who were constantly tiring at them from riile pin tint during dur-ing "tho night, and h.il the Unite! Suites troops lieii two hours later no; k man xvnultf have betn le't to tell fie Sale. The raiti-irs ciptur.M the inv.al er's waeo.i ctntaiuiiiff tiyuumiie and giant powder, xvlitch liiey were about to 'isp. having made a cannon to thr-. v dvnamite auti giant powder :i , . i '. the building. Three invaders w--ro i shot including Irvine slightly wonmled j and i wo others seri ni-ly wounded. They are now lying in ti:e pot liopit!il j at Ki:t MrKi-iney. Th'' couiitn- is eniistantiy patrolled by mst Ms, and no avenue ie'e for i:i- j vaders to escaim, s'.ouM the comni-xnd- j ing officer at Kon McKimiev be ordered ; to turn them inrsso s.iiii a dispatch dated j April 14. In the next forty-eight, hours: I theie will be not-leas thr.n j'fl or OM men, aimed io the teeth, awi'ting to recent the killing of Ch-.iupion and Kay. '1 he next move wai made l.yGovernor Barker on April 17th. directing the captured stockmen st Fort Mt kinney to be iirouKhr, tlf Douglas and his order to Sheriff Angus to turn over the four prisoners he holds to the military authorities. This served to arouse intense excitement excite-ment throtiehont northern rtyomin, tho small raitt'tunrii believing that the invaders will he. spiriteil out of tiie reach of the county tuthotiUfJ and by seine l?gai juggiins esc-ipe tried or ri;:nislin,;u,t fur t'u- I. : : ,,f Re.v and up for use. Xue auimais were gone. Oouuuuuig Llitinir while moving, luo pa; ty rcacLtd iho Dr. Harris or b jit! lauei), c.ihed tlib E K, later iu the .(U-jinouu to bivouac. Iu the morning tuey ero coinpietely bunoundtd by an enemy, and great was the couslerua-llou couslerua-llou to aiscover that the three wagous, wuli food, gram, HmiituitiUou aud beds, had been seemed by ins rusilers. Since early Aiouday luuri.iug the campaigu lias simply been a siege. Sheriff Aa-gu-appuiuied about 2w duputies, providing pro-viding ail lite rusiieis with stars. There was only a actio bhootiug on Aionday, Vtaiertiay advances were nude to with iii a tew hundred yards of the buttiliug by shoving bits of hay for ward. It was planned to tiius lire the building, but for Mjuie leasou this projsi was abandoned. During yesterday and today they have oeeu suooliug as oceasiuu ollered. A p..r;y oi tflemy tried to leave trio ranch i-ui were driven bacK. The loss is three tu live killed, and ouo wouuded on both .sides. So far there is no doctor with tile stockmen, as he did not go beyond i'ii-duie ranch. i be situation is that tho stockmen are worsted anil many tuusi beeacriliced unless Angus can biop ihe lioubie, s hich is tloubltul, or lbs goveiumeu! iuter-ifies. iuter-ifies. Ine farmers around BnfTiIo aud aiierid-u are iu with the rustlers, ia 1 the ueiief that, tlie war is against the aiiiail laml-owuers instead of the thieves. 1'iie rustlers only fear that reinforce meuis may couid lor t e mob. From cooks ami tcamaU-is now iu jail is learned the nuines o ihe invaders aud many details of the expedition, aud were greatly enragt-u by nouie of the knowledge. The breieged party are now in distress. dis-tress. They have water, but no food. They are uity-men and Ford's family. i weiitv of these men are from Te-as, .New Mexico, Indian territory aud Idaho, coium.iiiued by Captain Tom A. Dare-I Dare-I dove. Thirty meu are volunteer citi- zens of litis stale, mid many are promi-i promi-i nent iu Uusiue.-s, pontics, aud socially, j i'.'iiy lear that Cajluie means torture, ; ouo will not burreuder. Were they victorious vic-torious for one h If hour, three-fourths THE WYOMING WAR. The Bodies of Champion and Ray Burned by Cattlemen. Cutler date of April 12, comes tiu firs; full particulars of t .0 fight at the T A tauch are received. Tho first intimation in-timation of the intended invasion by tie cattlemen was a message saying that a train of armed and mounted men was unloaded at Casper. The rustlers aud small cattlemen had little tiino to prepare for defence, and the cattlemen arrived soon after, and at once attacked the K C ranch. A posse of rustlers as sent to the resjue, but, when they arrived, the cattlemen had done their work and left. The house was burned and ot the other bide xvouitl meit away. 1'iie lighting rn-tiers do not number thirty, but with the upper hand, they gee recruits. The thieves have come out from Converse, Weston and Natrona counties. The rusih-rs, as 1 see, are now iu power. They at least cannot lose, and every hoof but their own will bo driven from toe shae. There is likely like-ly to be .much blooiisl.ed yet. LK. U. -ECKER, editor liuti tlo Bigh Horn .Seur.riei. A spt-eial from Buffalo, states that on Saturday las at i'i ;t pi ice a coroner's jury returned a v-uiiet death by mur-dcr mur-dcr ugaiut the invatiors. The Cnittd states irojis v.iii i;irii today v.iih the invaders under ai irs'. and hey v. Hi be turned over to lioien or iJ triier. ! he governor saya lie in tut u '.ui iuitiuiis-aitdy iuitiuiis-aitdy turn tnem over to the civil author ill-. s, but lie seems n-ry anxious to confer Wjth his fritud-, tho arrested invaders. v ": he regulators 'jre greatly chagrined over tiieir ttefeat. Tney admit tiiat no thought of resisijuee of any account e;itei i-d iheir minds tiil the warnings oi ii iciiils iu il'jilalo v. ero follewed by aggressive squads of the party that Jolted the Uiiuiuu of the 1' A raut-h in (0 a ion,;insieaii of tin-re maintaining headi'uaiiers front which raids should hi ma.ie. Surp; ises are in tore whenever Uie masks are raisul from ihe faces of tli invaders. The nams of movt oi the citizens in this movement hayo t eeu given, 'i rtey are leading nun l t!i :nlv. Tnesi) geiitieiu:Mi admit thattliey xxcre bested at l - ir owugame and aie wiinng to accept liiw fjn e-qiieiict e-qiieiict s. Ai r'ie.-ui. they have no plans l.'stve ii.eir piopnly. .Seme ol the ti inieis siK-iiks tptietiy of anotlivr expsd-iiuii. expsd-iiuii. Otter suggestions are for martial law, and tor a court receiver for each i outfit. The a:t ount involved is jlOO, tHlW, an-1 it has been ioitl, there were $ li WW behind this filibustering enter A Denver KepcMican fcscial frcm :Ch.-jcni!-.'. Vivoin.ng d.ru'l Apr.l 1, i says: Jliu luJley alias (lus dreen, the P.tri, icias, invader who was wounded m the fight with rustlers aud had his leg amputated at lrort McKinney, died Saturuay and was buried iu iltiifalo Sunday. A mau named A. C. Diiuning from Idaho, is now In jail at Buffalo, lie is one of the party ot regulators. He slates he was ired by the secretary of the state stock commission.and the plan proposed was simply blood curdling in us airocity. Dnunuig had a letter in his pocket directed to an Idaho frieud Iu which "he gave away the whole story. This loiter in now in th possession of the sin riff.smoiig a lot of other evidence He says Champion and Kay had been warnsii and would not have been killed if they had heeded his warning. The hiitd assassin, he says, were to get $t tloliais a day and i'oO for every mau killed, iiesajs it cost ovvr ili.U'O to get Champion aud Kay. iho fale of a party of Cattlemen from I'ai'is, Texas, who were captured and taken to Kurt McKinney is tho uppermost upper-most liieme of conversation at that place. E.cry effort has been, mndo to reaeli them by telegraph, and the anxiety anxie-ty of the friends ol;thu captured men is great. It seems to be settled four lexiiiis were killed in the hrst light with the rustlers. They were Alex l.awther. Buck (iarret, Box Baning. and Uiiu Smith, alias Krank Cannon, Smith organized the jiarty. Bariing has a Mile n ml two chi ilreii. fiarret and I.axxther are unmarried- It is believed Uie l ic-1 ' is it; ur tit n tl I. u x t her after they nirrt lereit, liij relatives do not . believe he i dead. Governor Kngle, of Arkansas and Governor Hogg, of Texas, have wn i d dovernor Ilaiber for infor-toaUon. infor-toaUon. I'uless news is received to mm low, a party will leave for Wyo-1 Wyo-1 1 1 1 1 1 to fiiui cut v.'tat has become of the iVxuus. nrd h is been brought to Peadxvooii, S.-utb I'.'itii'a, of n battle between cow-t cow-t to s at ihe spring round up near Little iV.viiir iivir tilid the llistleis, who f.Mii.'iil innd..y, resulting iu thp repulse i f tu rn -ili i.-. It is expected trouble vl.l in -no hciiin, its the rtislleis aie a t, illlilitd to get ialo the round up. Champion. j The news from the seat of war is largely uuieliable, the wir bene cut ; asof'on as repaired. u the '.'th a Cong-las Cong-las ! Wyomints) message s'.at"d the wires i iu this section of the i-oimtiy were cut . two thus ago. and it is nor known posi- i lively that Colonel Van Iforn and three j troops of cavalry have 'eft F u McKin- j ney for Douglas with the cat'loneii. It is knoAii, however, that the rmd from; .McKitirn-v to I'odialas is picktel by at ; ie.,.-t 4'.l rustlers and the at-tn.'i of the j latter in cutting the wires is !.. i-.i-i up-1 on as certaiu evidence that tli-y will attack the cavalrymen and take the prisoners, no matter at what cost. If Colonel Van Horn has left Kurt McKinney the feeling here is that he is j attacked. He is a most determined j olli:er, and would not give up the pris- ' cut-rs withoat a li -'tit. The road lsai- j ing frrm Fort lk-Kuuey to Fort Douglas Doug-las is 153 nities, full of danger, winding ! through the bad ian-is, a -id Hording j nuuuierle.-s opportunities for ambu-.-! ai; aitt.ck b is been made upon the tto.-ps the mailers will nave plenty of tiiiia to get a Way b.-foie th fact of the lit;;:', is kuo -"n. 1 in., is pituatloa at th present bine, and the greatest anxiety is felt for tin- s;:f y oi tin! c.tvalry under Col-oll Col-oll 1 '.iii iiiii a who bftii is no show in c o. aa at!:;?:: by i::c atj.;ry rustlers, j Wic w.iiild as so.).; s!m ot a trooper as a ; CiUit'iaiil, li anything ,.v'.:.J to bo; gained by it All press telegrams from B.nT ilo in a! ' measure ate control. .! y losaj fei'lii;r. j it Is now said thai v.h' u Co tryop tooK j charge of tin besieged c -.i'.l mHi, they ; fotlttl to obtain the tonics oi lite; three dead men lying nea,- tlne who I had teen killed in the light. Tin y are still there. i he wire north of Don "lass to Buffalo is still down, said a .'hvyentie speeial last Tuesday, aud owiti;to a general blinding suo v storm cmaoc be repaired. It is reorted hcio tout ;he stockmen st-,rt"ai tor D.-dsl..ss. uaii-r miiit iry esco; l. bound ftr 1'ovt it :.siii, near j here.. If this be true, liuy could not j get through iu lc-s ihau four or live-di-.'.s, owing to tlie ctiKli'iicns of t'ne road s. If lite r; port be true trie journey will be perilous nut only on nffoimt of the ragtnif snowstorm but bee.iu.-to of the chance the narrow deities wiil give any assautting party The governor. has not been informed of the departme of the troops. THE FKiHT AM) SIKtiE. Bfi'F-il.O, Wyoming, April 13, 1SU2. Kmt.jH Sentinel: Xho regulators surrounded Nolan's ranch, on I'otvd-T river last Fridny night to kill the "ins-tiers'' "ins-tiers'' they mij.'ht ind there. They hid in the brush aud wh-n dayiigln etiiie in -:ilt) an attack. There were about fifty of til- in. I wo tnippr-rs were stopping stop-ping there and, one ai'Ler the oih-r coming for water, they were captured, i hey told the invad-'rs Nate Chaiiipion and Jack Rsy were in the leai-e. champion cham-pion appeared at the dour, and was fired upon, lie fell but crawled back. All day they held the shack and would not sum tide-, i ii; y mad- a destan ac fight having their "hooters and Winchesters and plenty of ca tridges. The a-sii!t-ing P'.irty kept out of range, aud none XV -IV toil t. Aii int 11 o'clock .lack Flacr ro.li up. 11- soon t.is.'oVi-ri d Ih.xv lnatfi is weie ai.d gal'o.ad off in a sirm oi Millets j aud ciirsss. He hung aroiind and lcaiuoi bow matters were and then sUried iu to alarm the country, and for distance of fro n 5 to ltid niiies every ru-iler and syaipathizer w. re notified of tif) troahle xvitliin twenty-four h urs. ftheu Flatty escaped, short v-'.nk was mioa- ot Ci't:iop:oii ami Hay. A v at-ou ! io d v. i-'l .o: - v .1 u-.:;i to r.re tlie j for a giilch. ca .'". in -r his v.'i iscln-stt-r in' pos'tion. A piiot 'uWl.hd his rifrht j iirui nil i f'u eu 'i fell to the stouil!. iio, r.'..c!rtl t..r l-.is six sltu-itcr v.ith his ! :ci'i, s j ; i i a-i cXi.i rE l iii-i.tait sen. a. As Ciamtiitm Mtiifierftl hark, he v,.i:-:. v,.i:-:. ii-" !i:iid v.ith lead. The cuoncr lias ;-.t !.i.st t-itir to et-t the body, and vwl c votes have eaten tieariv i! of it ; t'i: ;ii!.o..i Li i la a gre.tt li,ht for hn ', l.:V. Hav did not coine from tho ca'.iti. ; H- x. .: c t-.:;:iilc'w-n.ei.. an i or .i i- 1 by ki!i--d I.yth - h.Hi.-t. O: his burm .1 par-o the eh !il,:-.-r-. Skih.1 sv ni-.T.t i th.. iimtu. , c.snintd nt XolaiiN r ;.i.-n j 'iiL'l ea.'iv t!., - moviiit!' iii ;' x-vte i surr jd.iilci by itp-tecs. A iu..vh was) made t ) t!i? XVest. rn Union lam-h, ' where a hundred hoisea had been fed,' Park. j"Tj o Casper. Wyoming. Douglas o ( heyenne o the dead t odies of Nate Champion end Dick Kay were found in the ruins. Jack Flagg, and two notorious leading i riirtlsrs arrived at the KC ranch during ' thopiogress of the battle and had to i run the gauntlet. The cattlemen j burned his wagon with liis house, i LeaviDg the K C ranch the cattlemen ! startod for Bdffalo, aai t':i) rust'iers ! organized and weut to meet them. Tne j cattlemen took shelter ou tne T A I ranch, which tho rustlers surrounded, sad at daylight Monday Aoril li, the battle began. Shots were exchanged all the day, but the number of hilled j aud injured cannot at present be letrued The rustlers 830'jrel thj eoatitry for reiuforcemsnts. The a;;ttug m y..r of Buffa'.o called on tho governor for tha state miiitia to assist ths sheriff in quelling the disturbance. Govern ;r Barber received a ttleeraiu frcm rresidcLt Hanison on TnesU .y i April the 12. ia i'es;oue to the governoi's hpL-i.ttl for military aid, saying Hihs he had ordered the secretary of xxar So ; ecdiefuiraie a s-jfiicieni mmh. r of j sc-ldiera from Fort McKinney to c .- j operate with the state authorities ia j effecting a settlement of tae pr sent I (i.fiifulties between tho cattlemen uutj j I'pon the arrival of the United State; troops at the T A ranch, tae cattlemen j |