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Show lions first with our near national -neighbors, lie believes iu protection to tho exfiut of touring home institu- Hons until they can he, weaned, but he is violently opposed to "protecting' trusts and the few rich men in the I'uit-ed I'uit-ed States who form tho stomach of this great octapus. It is surprising,, too, hotv readiiy some people off-jr themselves up as ths long tentacles. The rich are not satisfied. The Goulds and Wanamakers cry for more and trod their patriotic partisans under foot with crushing force in limiting lim-iting the yearly output of our farms to just the needs of this country, for other nations will not buy of us so long as we refuse o trade with them. Each year witnesses Europe growing less dependent for they, now have colonized col-onized ether parts of the world and the colonies enjoy true receprocity with their mother cuntries. Yes, Cleveland and Blaiue are two good democrats and either would receive the respect of all the people irrespective of party. TWO DEMOCRATS. "Hill's boom seem3 to have had a reaction, and it is now quite probable prob-able that Cleveland will be the democratic nominee. No onc-quesiious onc-quesiious that' Blaine can have the republican nomination if ha wants it. Blaine is more popular now than ever before and 'develand seems to hax'e lost none of his following, while both men have the weakness of being defeated. The tariff discussion would not be near so clear cut between these two candidates as between Cleveland aud Harrison, as; Blaine's reciprocity ideas will do mnch to bewilder many of the lake warm tariff reformers and wonld doubtless draiv many of their yotee. There would te this advantage in the nomination of these two men that whichever was successful we wonld have an ornament in the presidential presi-dential chair." This comes from our able friend of The Price Eastern Utah Tel-gr.-iph, a ! rspn-Jlic paper, and state the truth. Both these men believe ia the great i demand for larger commercial fields to ! conquer. They differ, hewever, in that ' Cleveland believes the tariff should no j be prohibition, but enough to pay the i running expenses of the government ! economially administered, and that j more than this taken to pay duties is unjust taxation. Blaine is a deiuotrat. Us is anxious for reciprocal trade tela-1 |