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Show "weJont p.etend to fcnow anything ,,, t u.in.s, but. are as9ure" .., t! , matter that tho indications are '',.,,'t" It is the testimony M many of .hVoM settlers that from time to time pcicesoflloat have been picked up in tlieatigli!'orhoodofth.fln(I.bnt as the practical miners have never taken the LuMoufprospoeth.ro U ilocat.ou of the loil.ro was never successful OMate the attentbu of witling men hue to -a i ailed and s-vera! prospects as held in the neighborhood whlcu may eventually become iayiu wines. Td. veloplne min s sometimes costs a Kreat d.-.l of money and for that reason our ple have fought el7 of the matter, but a the jeara pass, the interest of t. ... aM-iect i srosii.fr. ProPoee to vi'-li e'o-ely the course of eveuts, and" -ion a anythiiij? deuaiW ia known w.nill not fail topostonr readers on Cic ii' t'er At present w will say but lif -n' tbecanseweliave no faith in ii,- p- ?--find but we propose to bo sure fti'e prond ft stead on. Should f'.tii'te a-sajs be any thin? like the lost. I --ever it ii the most important dis" iv no.de in l.'tah for many years. The Manti Mines-It Mines-It has alw.i8 been .elii.y,.j by the Pop'eof Mi valley ti nt tUero c an hoi..',. th'Uffin tha hille tint HcuiJ rW Ills Piiterpnsiug prospector fr what time ' .'..Liuld spend in searcMuo; for the .'V'oih. nictais, but W9 il)Ut Uliuk ; He.'!.!,, were prepared for a 'w:: '"' :'! ':i 1 ;';',;i half a mile of fit', Kul.!e;;: !;r.aT Mr. J,.St) (;3S ;,,. ,,, t'i.i- fa used co;i.;j. r'i b. ! j. . . orhuo. i. ai.d it ire !!.!, :.,i a hl.ia v.ll0 ,..iS rr.:rf lJeiK..ti,a. Whether tiiero is aoytniny really vaiiiole remai.. f-. ... seen but wUfco.it doubt, hero are va'-uable va'-uable miLes to be fuui.d ia the n, ;.-.h-borhood and it only nods aseaicli"to diseovei them. |