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Show CRACKER FACTORY Received the first prize for its SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, October, 1801. HENRY WALLACE, - Manager. FERROI-I CO-OP. PKALERS IN General Mcrchan (Use Hats, .Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, and Everything Belonging to a First-class Store. Goods Cheaper than at any other House in the County. Largest Store South of Price. Ferron - - Utah, 1 viQlim mi?t I rrlli'riue Tree. ,jr. '7yV. t; lit ;s sura to promote . ? Aa5 luama J . Health of Slieep, qiufctj You can well afford to give FEROUSfE S'- - i save you a great dtilcirnonsy. ?...,' f; '' V V It a,lm . TESTIMONIAL. i ' ! ' ""' ' FesK.-rr Jracrioa, j' -i!A4.. A. ft. llUMl-HRBYS. -.. Nr.,. the lP!!caioa 01 Hie dip, ar.J this gave ml 7i ' ll'e'f 1 - vo euilIe;v c.j7e3 Iwpreuwn tint tbe dip m no UatiirS . v V P is theai.er . , t ewinmmif these sheep a week or so 1 ,r wi' S W docs njt'h 0 to W. . "ur .lip very uuivauleiil tc ise ,d I ,ur "eraobne Sheep Dip will S?..""41"1 fWwierttaui.yurluu.tothe.heep feP.iS- Yours traly, sl,eeP sea j. oar matnals lot the. dipysa - ; . (Signed) A. H. HfMPHRBYS, Vo.jrs truly, itra FeftWOUNE sheep dip W1LUAM M0Ra4N- rit fat it to DIP tr- your dMler k him Fmoline Gh.mleal Co., 18 Broadw, ,N.. I A GREAT liVCi i iwJ. :.. 1 i),- Gnnn'- .,; L'-. : ifi.w cure f.r i-iv-K u. .. :.: ..', t.. !. roi!tiluiuiii,il(H-pl.ia, iuiigtrafiuu, c I tiveness, torpid liver, etc. Tliene pill.-j pill.-j iusure perfect ttlgt'stiuii, correct t!if I iiver aud stomac;-, "regirato the howtd-, purify aud enrich the blood, and make the skiu oiear, Tuey also produce n good pppetitf, and invigorate and strengthen the entire systr-m by their tonic action, So'd at 25 cents a box at j the City Drug utore, SEKSk RV3SES fi f3 S., .- SB J :i V ' j . f i i y ! i As- wi--s &-. a iw'M aaa w rvmiy. For men nn!- 'die inject.. ' ol Phvmil i a perfect pre .eutative i. used directly alter. See directions on hottle. Price $z. Sent by express, securely se-curely sealed from observation. The jiory of man is liia strength. THE SAMSON INVIGORATING AND TONIC PILLS. The great sexual tonic are warranted to cure exhausted vitality and premature decline. So alarmingly prevalent among the enfeebled and enervated youth a.nd manhood of the present day, anting from excesses, indiscretions, etc , universal (assjtueje of opg standing has been positively and permanently cured by it. after every other remedy had been tried in vain. Through its wonderful tonic-invigorating effects indisposition to exertion of the most chronic type has been promptly cured by the great relief it aftOrqed. to the diole body from all its peculiar disabilities and infirmities. Depression pf spirits and in fact, all the train of the evils aiisingfroma disordered disor-dered state of the nervous or sexual system, such as extremesensitiveness o th.e rflost aggravated patur, unpleasant unpleas-ant d,rearns of-the most 6tstia,te character, char-acter, dimness of vision, ringing in the ears, palpitation of the heart, trembling of the limbs, pair.s in tlte bacfe. Jt is the greatest Known remecjv, and i warranted war-ranted to ctt'ie a'l forms cf nervous debility de-bility in every case.froin whatever cause it may originate, and to arrest all exhaustive ex-haustive discharges, or insiduos loss or Haste, it imparts a ventabla tower of Strength.' A single ' trial proves it. It will be sent by mail securely sealed. Price $i. The Simpson-Hill Drug Co , So West Second South stteet. Salt Lake City, wholesale and, retail agents for Utah territory, who will fill all orders NOTE Purchasers of this remedy will find a ticket enclosed w ith each bottle entitling them to a free consultation and advice Iroiu the company's local surgeon. A physician of ability and experjep.ee, ;tit!..iised hv this company to represent them, may be found in all important cities of the union. HAPPY HOQ3IER3. Win. Timmorj3, Postmaster of I.la- villo. jag,, writes; "glectric Bitters baj done more for me than all other medi. cines totiihined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman of same place, my: "Find Electric Bitters Bit-ters tp he the best Kidney and Liver inpiiicino, made ine''feel Jii'e a 'new mm," J. W. Gardner, hardware mer-ehaut, mer-ehaut, ?ametown eay! Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is ail run down and don't care whether he lives or dies he forjEi) new etreugth ijood pppeUte Will feit jiixi like he bad a new lease on life. Qiilj 50c a bottle at the Drug Store. FRED G. WILLliS. DEALER IN' General Merchandise Agent fo Studebaker Bros. Wagons, Carriages and Carts. Agents for Amos Whitney's Steel Mowers snd Reapers. POST OFFICE, SALINA, - UTAH. DEAI.EUS IN General Merchandise-1 DRY QQDS, Groceries, Agenis for the Cooper Wngoi, and the McCormickMachinerv. i & 1 1 fl ri 1 1 1 i "i J. W. II A 8 G AN, E. L. CBPEXTER, J. II. OfTERSTBt'M, Agent, Manti. Genetal Sales A?et, Agwil. S. H. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis., wasj truublerl with Xeuruigia and Rhenna-; iisui, tiiri Stomach was disordered, hie iiver was affected to gn alarming de ,?ree, appetite ftil away, and be wfts ter ribly reluce.I in liesu and strength, Three Bottles of Electric bitters cured him. E-lvrard Shepherd, Harrtsbnrg 111', had a rnnnir.g sore on hia !e of eight yeare' Jtmulmg. Used three bottles' of 'piec-tric 'piec-tric Bitters mid seven boxesof Buckleu's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Spnaker, Catawba, 0., had live large Fever sores on lps leg, ilea- j tors said ho was incurable. One totih- j Electric Bitters urn! one bo? Bucklen's j Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold ; at the CityPrng store. j SAUZA; VI All H. A.Tucket Candy Co, 850 E. 1st St. Salt XiSle City, ; HEADQUARTERS FOR Fritz Brothers Cigars. The Largest Steam Factory in the West. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. Pleasant Valley Coal Co. JS-A-XjT CITY Tloal has. been reduced from .f 5 2: to $4,75 per (on at all poiuts on the line of the R. (! W. Ry. in Sanpete valley. Horse Shoeing a Specialty Wagons, Buggies, Plows, and all Classes of Blacksmithing dons on -Short Notieo and in First-class Style nt S.R. Neilson's old Stand jlCctxxti city, TJta.li. y GODBE PITTS DRUC CO. The li Lake Wholesale and Helail Druggists Respectfully solicits a portion of your patronage. Orders by Mail Promptly and Careiully Filled Pure Wines, Liquors, Ales and Porters for medicinal and family use. qnality and price guaranteed. Please mention this advertisement if yon order of us. Salt Lake City, - - - "TTtah Ter. G. A. -Gardner, WATCflAKER, - Mh. JEWELER, MMm Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired on Short Notice. 2 I l Ezra Suouiabbr, : J Jumns Sr-tcalf, Preident ; ) Julqs H. OU'istensen, -1 jJ.CMniI.on, Vice Prt. nTreCLQTS : LnlherTuttl.. Albert Tuttle, Treasurer : JoLiu jV, Metclf, : : James Coven, Manager. 5 ) Henry MclieCMa, : j 1 X.U ChrUteusfcii. y 1 Hi' wool- COMPANY DEALER IN Wool - Hides Pelts Twine Wool Sacks Etc. - Parties wishing sacks will call on TUTTLE & CO, - - Manti. Utah. 25 CENTS FOR A. Fountain Pen Send 25 cents to National Advertising Co., 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago, get one of our late patent Fonntain Penholders. Pen-holders. Every pen warranted. for 50c. Liberal terms to agents. Best selling sell-ing pen ever made. Ketail trade supplied. sup-plied. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 303 and 305 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mention this Paper. Hugh R. Sloan BLACKSMITH Machinist and Pipe Fitter All kinds of Machinery, Engines and Boilers Repaired. Shop East of Manti Co-op. 2' and 24 West Second South St. Salt Late City, Utah. '.:.-" . ..-;' fy$2 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in E. M WORKS PROPRIETOR OF THE YvV All kinds of Sidin?, Monldine, Flooring. Doors, Windows, Sashes etc. constantly on hand and made to order. One block wesi from tbe Temple hotel. PILES CUBED. SAFE CUBE OR SO PAT Having obtained the exclusive rigbt for Sevier Se-vier valley, I am prepared to treat rectal diseases dis-eases under T, A. Winter,a new treatment. PILES permanently cured without surgical treatment. No detention from business. NO PAY UNTIL CURED Dr. C. MAdskn, Sa Una, Sevier Co BARTON & CO., ME LEADING GMTIIESS Of Salt jQIslo City. Nos.45and47 .... Main Street. Conference visitors should not fail to call on us while in the City. We have the largest and best lighted clothing store in the West. Our prices aiid goods are always reliable. "Once a customer, a'wuys a customer," is our motto. - J jrSe-:Si , . MTL, , Kl ,- . fj(its'? dc aw f.u.eco cr , a Vh.caso - "H OMC" S-?UASE. H. Y. THE KWBMQM COMPANY Is prepared to 011 all orders on shor notice. Building stone, a specialty. LOUIS C. OLSEN, Proprietor. Ostler & Sons, Nephi, Utah. SliAlOB Sf OEM, Manti. ... Utah Dealers in Hamess.Saddles.Bridles.Etc. Tents and Wagon Covers Parties desiring anything in these lines, can save money by trading here, as we have a large stock on hand, at price that Defy Competition. GOODS GCTAEAKTKKD TO BE F"irst Gl.ttsiw. Orel en by Mail promptly attended to Next door North of Co-op Store, Main St., Manti. 3liimitg Witf JblbtvE Toucan set your own Wasron or Buggy Tire without taking the wheel oii. Price with in the reach of everybody Also carries a full line of School Supplies W. H. GRAY & CO., Agents. J. M. DAvis, Traveling Agent for Sanpete Southern Utah. ! KNIGHT'S lijBSood Cure. As'.-.iHh.d l.oiiwl.c.IJ rwtedy nsjccssriut US3 1V..-..-C thaa .A P"'5'; taw lor LKspcpsia, 'ol- V A F1c.'...:.nn. Constipation ar.d all dt&Mtc. - r,u..-,D. Stomach tul Liven. A purely botanical compm-.nclput up in r-' t OMonth's'Tren'ttr.cnt for $1.C0 I arr, r-artagc. $1.00; liaUstwwntf, OlUIii "bOTAHICAL CO., 552 BKiir, S.V. iT A riMuM A'icnl Kantul in l'-is haOKf. Jrw.R'imit'''''' 6'v r-uh J Crptain McCormi k, of the Hrryos Ar.:t;.- F.x- medicine che,i vdl snpp,,cd h K..r Llaud Cure. It is a F.nu:-! u-iidj U a.l blood and fetoinai-h d.s.,!icis. New York, Jan. 15. H. BALLSTON'.h'PA. N. Y., Fc-s ?. l'l-Knight l'l-Knight Botanit.tl Co., Hroadwav. N. , Oemltrintrn:-! Mix pleased tointui my.'U and those whom itiny troiifein that, havii.t' !'-.'-son-tlly and ttinu.ngrhly tned .'.ur remedy in a bad case ol UixjUpoiniug with icsuits no-t satislactoiy 1 du iiol iicit.tto to rutoMinicii-i it in all cases oiuii. nicr.d !;oud. , Sporting Goods Pa I. .Uch Sifei, &''! an" Glasses. jf Bicycles. Tricyiies, Valocipedea Police goods, Large Stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. See me before urchasing .General .Gen-eral repairing. i f SEARS & ' ,X& CO. 1 ' ' '"i .U IMPORTERS AND DEALERS - - - ; v'' r 1 in " li! Paints Oils Paint Brushes, PJnte and Window Glass MANUFACTURERS OF Show Cases, Art and Stained Glass, and Grille Work. Salt Lake, Utah, P. O, Box 762. FaisE Your Own Fish, GEBMaN gaep, one year old, at $5 per Hundred' at (Ponds. For s.le by Ch.rlea Musig, residence qu.rte mile south ot Fnnk'i Lake, Sterling, Sanpete county, ITtah TeiTitory. C.S.WtLKES. OFFICE III U 8- LAND OFFICE BUIlDINB. Land Agent &. Attorney Oblains Patents for Agricultural and Mineral I.ands. Moneyj loaned on Dianrondn, Watches. Jewelry, Gnns, etc., at the California . Collateral 3 West Second Sonth street. cm iier of Main,. White House .block, Salt Lake City. Goods can be sent to us tlnoueh any express company and advances will b made. Goods left on hand, will he sold at big bargains. Give us a call. 1 The most reliable place in the territory. |