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Show TROFESSIOXAL. ri B. StWTON", . A l-aim.-r t1 Pfprnter. Arustic Mn Worh a Sperisltiefl. Manli, I'lati. STRISiiHAM S -l H M spnniiel Art Parlors. I'hotom-.i.l.PHl Jlaia Street, M;inti. JJ H. SPERRV TON SO RIAL AKTIST Manti, Utah. TAILORING EST A b I. IS 1 1 M KN T . V Work, Style, Fit and Fiices, Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailor8 Trimmings Always on Hand. Saits Made to Order on Short Notice. .. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. MANTI ROLLER m7l1T17 ; LOUIS P.- BEOKf 2, Lcs.se.,. The Best Grades of Flour SIT ." (W,e,n,lP1,oe soli,!,,,, ' Custom Work a Specialty. TEMPLE DRUG STORE THKRK IS ALWAYS ON 1UND A FUI.I. M-pPl.Y OK I ily of the alley 1 VALLiilf TAX HKMKDIFs - n olto Krtse j tfifip Ki'VliKfta rthite Lilac J-PEftFLlIRS miTKIV, nourv. Jockey Clnh ().1KI,N3 LiMMKM New Mown Hay J "GARFIELD TEA ' ' PRESCRIPTIONS ril.I.F.u AT ALL HOURS. THE MANTI eO-OPEBATIWE Mercantile Institution Invite attention to their large arid varied assortment a Lathes' Newm .rket, .luckets and Shawls, Misses' a:.d CliilileetiN rars Ladies' and Misses' Merino -and VVoolen Underwear. Men's and Hoys Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Koots, Shoe-. Rubbers and Arctic's. Hose, Glovesand fattens Wm. T; Re i d, ". t . PliOBATfl'.i TTORNKY AND L A.TT.T3 tJ- t? Au SIHDS of Trobale business promptly attended at-tended to, and titles pecureil to Land tinder the vaiions entries Office, CoiiTt House, Mitnti, Utah. Wilkes k ebadwick, LAUD ACrEHTS AND ATTORNEYS, SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. MASONS & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. DEAIXK9 Is Oolite and Marble 'Monuments Mead Stones, Etc, Stone Yard opposite Tithing Office on Main street, Manti. "Tho. Planters Wife" at Gtier's Ilali to night SCANDINAVIAN DOCTOR Residence and Office: One door f outh of the Presbyterian Chnrch. Main Street, Manti, Utah. gity mm ST0EE, - HEADQDARTESS FOn Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumer', Per-fumer', .Toilet Articles, Etc. , (Perscripiix'.s Oatf':j'jl':le-i lai all Jioztrs. MRS. I. B. BRTJNEL, Prop - Be Sure ' .If yon li,.,-e made up jour ilnd to buj flood's Sais.ipaiiila Co not he induced to take any other, lioed s Sarsapaiilia is a peculiar reedieiiie.essessing. hy viiluo of iu peculiar "combination, proportion, anil preparation, ctu-ativo power superior to any other article. ' .. A -Boilon h.Oy w lio laiev.- wli.it she vvjntei " and whose example is worthy imitation, toils -' tier experience- - , , To Get " In one ttore v 3;ere J went to buy Hood's Kar.oii.ana.i t!is cle.-k ii I.h. tu iuducs me buy thi-.ro-.viii:i.ae.iuof lloe.d's; he told me their '3 wor.U last longer; that I might take tt on ten days- trial; ttiat if I did not like it I need not pay anytiaa;-, etc, Bra he could not prevail on me to change. I ioid him I knew what Jlood'8 S.ir? iril!a was. I had taken it, was satisfied v. idi it, and did not want any other. Hood's Vihcn I fcc-f-an taking IIood'3 Barsaparllla I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with ilTspcpsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had fo some time, like a person in consumption. con-sumption. Hood's Sarsapaiilla did ma so muck good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my Meads lrooaiently speak of it." Mits. A. Con-, 61 Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsapariila Scldby all druggists. Sl;siiforS5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries. Lowell, Um IOO Doses' One Dollar i'AoUiAlUKb IN (JRKAT VARIETY, Satin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons in all shades. 61 inch, all wool Suiting at CO cents per yard. Cashmeres from 25 cents to $1.25 per yard. Ik Bl-"..'-crr p 52 pj . -.3 - ) t 'f 2. - & 3f:'v. , -J')M AGENTS FOR ilcOrn, Teoumseli And Home Comfort STOVES AND RANGES UJAH.'STOVE & HARDWARE CO . - Laki City I :n-FIRST-CLASSWORK--ti BENTtt TREATMENT GUARANTIED. MANTI, ... - UTAH TUTTLE & ST ACEY, lire Insurance. MANTi: ----- (UTAH - Authorized Agents for the fol ' lowing Companies : Etna of Hartford, Hartford of Hnrtforii - Cantlnentalof s. V. Home of New Vork Columhla of Portland, O.llto. Hemic. & Richards, STONECUTTERS AND CARVERS. A Specialty. Cut Rock, Fronts for Buildings Neatly Neat-ly Executed. Two bloct West of Lowry'B Slere, ISanli HillSix! is.-i . ?o .'' i.'r-iiA;.fc.'j i&ttijsi Jsf4?i! Mitt p jjJfHS Grain-Saving, Time-Sav-,; ti ing, Money-Saving Threshes kaJSa! c 'his day and age. L"J,Jjj AS More Points of Exelush.e m S Superiority than all otherj l-MM combined. SVERY Thrsshcrman and E iSS'J Farir'cr is delighted with its fUsiSS marvelous work. Til0T only Superior for all kinJj f ' I of Grain, but the only suc-fLrfikl suc-fLrfikl cessful handler of all Seeds. FjNTIRE Threshing Expenses (often 3 t0 5 tiroes 'hat amount) e&&&-e3 made by extra Grain Saved. rSi"0RKMAN3HIP, Material, k 4, 1 and Finish beyond all com. iag parison. I B R AT f R owners get ths Krj best jobs and make the most SkU Money. PSi3 NCOMPARABLE for Sim-Ui Sim-Ui N plicity, Efficiency, and Dura-It'iJ Dura-It'iJ bility. IEYOND all rivalry for Rapid B Work, Perfect Cleaning, and Kraaj for Saving Grain. 13 EQUIRE3 no attachments oi 8 rebuilding to change from WSwl Grain to Seeds. tTX'i BROAD and ample Warranty iy given on all our machineiy. r RACTION Engines Unrivaled M f ia Mterial. Safety, Power ami Mjtkj Durability. ' K'r,UR Pamphlet giving full -"n-ill formation, sent Free. It tslti gjraa about this great 'Se51EV0LUTI0H in Tbrshir',s E Machinery. Send for patn-phleU patn-phleU Address pnjTHE CONSOLIDATED p -Implement Co. i.Miin ..iirMKM-.' .1 Are still in the lead with WHITMAN HAY PRESSES Full circle, all steel, guaranteed to bale one ton per hour. NoBreakages and No Delays Brown's Patent Bob Sleds Four sizes, the best E0B3 made. We always carry a full stock oi WAGONS, BUGGIES and FARM IMPLEMENTS. Houses' at Salt Lake, Ogden LoganI and MUtord, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. - "children Cry for Pitcner's Castcrla . . Something . Hew . Shipler's Satin - PHOTOGRAPHS Finish Have nc 3 to U per dozen. - eqnal Hooper Block, First Sonth. betweea -ilain and State streets, Salt Lake City, |