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Show Cough-Cures Are abuudant; but the one best.kuown for its extraordmaiy auuilyne and expectorant qualities is Ayer's Cliorry Sectoral. Kor nearly half a century Una preparation nas been in greater deuiaud Uiau any oilier remedy rem-edy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, aud pul-wouary pul-wouary complaints Ui general. (I sultered for more than eight months from a severe cough accompanied with hemorrhage hem-orrhage of the lungs and the expectoration of matter. The physicians gave me up, but luy druggist prevailed 011 rae to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. t did so, and soon began to Improve; my lungs healed, the cough ceased, and I botanic bo-tanic stouter aud healthier than I have ever been before. I would suggest that the name of Ayer'a Cherry Sectoral be changed to Elixir of Life, for it certainly saved my life." .-F. J. Ollden, Salto, Buenos Ayres. " A few years ago 1 took a very bad cold, which settled on my lungs. I had night sweats, a racking cough, and great soreness. My doctor's medicine did me uo good. I tried many remedies, but received no benefit; bene-fit; everybody despaired of my recovery. I was advised to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, as a last resort, did so. From the first dose I obtained relief, and, after using two bottles of It, was completely restored to Health." F. Adams, New Gretna, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FRKPA-KBD BY Dr. J. O. AYS & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by U Druggists Prlos $1 ; il bottles, i. X32Z531" CLOTHING SToOII IN MANTI. TTJTTLE & CO, - DEALERS IN Are still at their old stand. t . BOOTS AND SHOES V- - - At bottom prices. ..:.'"; - Main Street, Manti, Utah.lf! -Seeing is Believing." P7 And a good lamp r fivM must be simple; when it is not simple it is pf)jHltfffj i-vVvUy not good. Simple, Beautiful, CoodXhzss 'g:y7,.- t (- .'I words mean much, but to see " The Rochester " fJ-v Sgr will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, yy 7-- '.' 9 tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only, ? k I it is absolutely sae and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's &:sv t I of old, it is indeed a " wonderful lamp," for its mar- -s A velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, fc.jrW f softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. ft 9 1,00k for this stamp Thb Rochester. If the lampdealer hasn't the genuine jeil&fpS Rochester, aud the style you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue, pyAaud we will seud you a lamp safely by express your choice of over 2,000 f 4i' livil varieties from the Lstgest Lamp State in the World. Va5i$ ROCHESTER LAMP CO., 42 Part Place, New York City. JIIL If "The Rochester." Stringham & Stringham. Fotografs while you wait but they are not like this etching. Bewaru of imitations imi-tations and get a genuine picture of yourself. UTAH Ip-ll P & i00llAryD STATIONERY COMPANY. Sncce33 irs to If " ' rj.w - i 72 Main Street - SaltLakaCity Manager, Toys, - Dolls And other goods fur the Holidays, in addition addi-tion to a full line of Books and Stationery ASLEEP ON THE TRACK. A little child! tired of play, had pillovred b!i ferad on a railroad track and fnilcn asleep, Ttie train was almost upon hiui whi-n apasoinar itraoKtr rue tied forward and saved him tiom a hombia deatu. Perhaps you are asleep in tho tract, too. k'ou ar, if you are neglecting th b&citiug cougut Ui Lectio aufih, tho loss ot appetite, growing- weakness and iatiditudd, wiaoh have uncunaeloueiy crept upou you. up. or the train viii bo upud you I Consumption, which thus insidiously fastens iu hold upon ita victiina while they ate un-cOGticioua un-cOGticioua of its approach, must be taken la time, if it is to bo overcome. Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery has cured thousands thou-sands of cases of this moat fatal of maladies. If taken in time, and given a fair trial, it id gttarauteett to benefit or cure in every caao of Couftuuiotion, or money paid for it will bd prompt in refunded. l ot Weak Lungs, Spitting- of Blood, Shortness Short-ness of Breath, Uronchitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred atfections, it is an efficient effi-cient remedy. Copyright, 1SS6, by WORLD'S DlS. Mkd, Ass'H. U VTi V offered for an sf 's Incurable case of Catarrh in Ba tJ tha Head, by tha proprietor of Dr. Safe's Catarrh Beme-dy. Only 50 Cent Bold by drugfUu ?r y wnera. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. THE UTAH CRACKER FACTORY Received the first prize for Its SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, October, 1891. HEXRY WALLACE, - Manager. . . . EMERY COLXTY BARGAIN1 STORE Orangaville, Emery Co-. Utah. J. K. REZID. BKALER IN , MANTI CITY SAVINOS BANK. DIRECTORS. L. T. Ttjttle, President. H. J. Christekson, Vice-Prest. Albert TuTiLE,ashier. J. B. Maiben, Jams Cbawford, Jr. Wm. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcalf . Transacts a General Basking Business. Receives deposits parable on demand. Five - per cent paiii on savings deposits, . , ' j Fireproof Vault Safe Absolutely Bsrglar Proof - Honey to loan on real estate, city nd Irm" profcorty itucl otiier approved security, - ' Yon can set your own Waeon or Buairv Tire -n-iihout taking the wheel oil. Price w-.thln'ths reach ot everybody Aisocarric3 a Juil line of School Supplitj t r,. "". H. GRATCO.,Asents. J. M DAvis, Traveling Asent lor Smpeta Southern Zfh, Jwllsic Store, A.Marker, IDAHO FALLS. DEALER IN ALL INSCRIPTIONS CF Musical Instruments, Strings & Trim mings. Best Brass Band Instruments. Ali kinds, Orchestra & Band Music, Sheai .Music and Music Books. Send for my new Catalogue Just out it has a sketch of Ole Bull's Violin Playing in it and much good information informa-tion in for musicians- Send me your orders for what you want in the Music line. ALSO Watches, fine Gold and Rolled Fiate Jewelry, Cultery, Etc., Etc. Motte Square Dealing Fair terms Standard Dry Goods G roceries Keeps a fH Ln8 of 5, 10. and 25 cent Counter Goods. Also General Merchandise, Mer-chandise, Drugs and Medicines. Per-scriptions Per-scriptions carefully Compounded. Buys all kinds of prodnce. Highest price paid for Hides, Wool, and Furs, all cash purchasers to the amount of $1-00 gets a Prize. Don t Fail to Call and Buy Tourse Rich. WALTE2 STMNGHAM IS prepared to fill all orders for Lime - large or sniiill. will be delivered 'to any part of the town or County, at reasonable reason-able prices. |