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Show PROBATK OH.HEB. In the orobat? court in and forSanpetecotinty L'tuh terntorv. In the nutter of the estate of Anne Williams, deceased, order "n hearing final account and nsainif lor decree of destrihntiou. On readintt and fllins the petition of l.u'h. r T. Tuttle the administrator with til- will annexed of the estate of Anna Williams deceased, asking for an allowance ol his tlnnl account and decree of destribution or said e-tate amonK the persons entitled thereto. U Is ordered that all persons interfile I In the estate of the s.nd Anne W illlatns deceased be and appear before the probate court, of Sanpete county at the court room of said court 4n Manti city, "tab territory on Monday the isth day of April. K.U at 11 o'clock, a m. of said day then and ihere to show cuse whyl an onlerallowing said tl mil aceout and deslri. butioi. should not be made of ihe residence of said estate among the heirs of said dressed uecordini to Jaw. Ami if iafurlher ocderfd th.it a copy of Jheir order bo published for three week h.-foro Ihe said --ili dsiv of April. ls'.U. ii lh -KSTISKI. a newspaper printed and published in Manti city atipele county, l lah leri ll'.ry. Dated Ma'ch'-2I. Hf.V Territory of Ptah. fc! 'Sl''iohie:eiil. cb rk'of I he probate curt in and far Sanpete eouniiy, I'lsili teraitoi y. Ii -reby certily that the foieeoine js ft lull, tine and correct eopv oTtbe oiieii al o-ilcr on hearing linal account an. I asking for .ie. eee of deslri-' botioa iu the tuutler of the estate l Anne Williams, deceased, as it appeals on lile and of record in uiy ollk e. Witness my hand and oft.ciui seal this 2tst day of March. A. I) . is:"-' SEil. JOHN KRIn, Prohale i'lerk. |