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Show KOTICE FOR PI'rjLlCATlON. No. 1-HJ9. Land office at Salt Luke city, I'tah, March Nolice 19 hereby Riven that the following-uain following-uain 1 settlor has nled notice of hit Intention to make anal proof in support of his elnlni, hihI tint saol proof will be made betore the county clerk of Sanpete raun'y, I'tah. at Man W. Utah, on the 301 ho' April, ISM. vie: Theodore Christmsen. Homestead entry No. 1R1 lor the west half northw-e-it nuarter northeast tjinrter northwest quarter, section IS and HOUtheast quarter, northeast quarter, section 14, township IU, sout.i of runce 1 eaat- He namea the following witnesses to prove hla eont.nuona residence noon and cultivation of, said, land, viz: Die Laisen Seti.. Peter Madsen. Ole t,aten. Jr., Silas Ilofheina of fjuuniiton. Sanpete county. Vtah. Frank j. HonBS. Heglster. Bird 4 Lowe. Attorneys for applicants. |