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Show NOTICE. Numbn 6 Notirn is hereby givfn by the city cuum-il of Manti City, of "the iiitfunn to ninke tne following tlesrribod improvoimiHs to wit : The extension of water maits in wnter (lir-trict mi in her -24. wliicn com nouses at u poi nt on Main street intersecting wiili Second ;-onlh street, uud running west on latter st rt t t lurre anil one-hair (31$) bloekf, nt a probable cost til eiht hundred and thirty dollars (fsiO.j The estimated cost thereof is to be met by a locil assessment npon the lots or pieces of ground within the follow i n is: dwscri bed di-iiri t. being the district to lie alfeCted or b'-nelilted by Sim d improvement viz: All lots or pieces Of land lying on cither side, t a depth of U rods, of the specified a net of the proposed-main. proposed-main. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such intention, must bo presented pre-sented in writing to the eitv recorder on or before the 11th day of April." lsM. beinr the time set by saf r.uincil when it will ta eur and oonsider such objections as may bo made thereto. Hy order of t lie city council of Mnnti Citv. X. V. Andekso'n, City Itecord -v. Dated Maieh 9( lsihl. |