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Show A large delegation of our democrats go to Monnc .Pleasant Saturday night to hear Judge Judd and F. 11. Dyer expound ex-pound democracy. Dr. Allen is seen in town frequently of late. The grip has not left ns yet. The farmers have their grain In. Drummers are quite plentiful. March is preparing to go out like a lion. SPKING CITY. Spring Citt , March 25, 1802. Onr republican friends held a grand rally at the central school house on Wednesday evening. Several spread eagle speeches were indulged in by local orators, all of whom seemed to bo in great alarm over the possibility of the home rule bill becoming a law. Ono of the more bombastic speakers digressed some little from the program and made a violent (?) attack on the work of the legislature. "Gentlemen," said he with his arms extended toward the ceiling. his voice sounding as if he were gaspiujr for breath, "the democrats claim to bo advocates of low taxes, when, if it had not been for the interferance of our level headed republican governor, we should have beeu burdened with a $50,000 tax-to represent ns at the world's fair. Does that look like low taxes? Now, gentlemen, I should like to see Utah representedat the fair, bnt do not want to be taxed to do it." This is a fair sample of their cpeeches. Yet they claim to be readers and thinkers of tho land. We do not say but what the republicans re-publicans have some good principles, and some good men on their side, but, claiming as they do, to represent the philosophers and logicians of the age whv do thev not bring them to he front and give us a chance to hear some sound, common sen..e from their side. It would be a relief after so much balderdash. Thev are to hold forth on Tuesday night at the same place. We have heard that Manti orators fare to entertain us at the next meeting. Wo hope they will be able to give us some infoi mation in relation to the principles princi-ples of republicanism. The party has been much misrepresented by the local blatherskites. We are pleased to note the interest taken by our citizens in the beautifying of the town , by planting shade trees, rt mo an thnnirh evervDodv had thu fever, and we hope it does not die out, not at least until our sidewalks are lined with trees. Last Sunday Apostle Luud together with President Peterson aud council, visited oir place and held the annual ward conference. The names of the authorities were presented and unanimously unani-mously sustained by the conference. Much timely advice was given and the visit will no doubt result in good. Our teachers gotoEphraim this afternoon after-noon to attend ths teachers' institute. There wbb a light snow storm last night. The weather is rather cool today. |