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Show Ephraim Normal Class Kpiiruivt, March 21, 1892. Editor Sentinel: By yonr permission, permis-sion, will present for publication a few items pertaiuiug to the Mutual Improvement association normal class now being held at Ephraim, under the supervision of Dr. M. H. Hardy of Provo. The class is organized for the pnrpose of aiding the ollicers of the Mutual ! Improvment association in conducting their meetiugs, and of laying the plan before them ( s regards how the lessons as given iu the Mutual Improvement association manual should bo carried out. The academy hall has been gra-1 gra-1 ciously tendered the class for their use, and every thing is going along nicely. In connection with the regular course of instruction classes in singing and civil government have been organized. The class whicn convened on Monday. ; continues through tho week, with three daily meetings. There are at present ; 57 oifieers and t!il ;;-les pursuing the 1 course of study pie::r;i!ory to the great ; work th.iv nwaiis ihtin. Afar the ; course of lessons ere completed here Dr. j Hardy will taki up the k in Sevier county. RfcPuitTi-T.. |