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Show On Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, the draniB, "Esmeralda," by the Home Dramatic club at tho theater; Thursday "Held By the Enemy" at the same place. AT SALT LAKE. The Rio Grand Western will give an excursion rate of 4 dollars from Manti to Salt Lake and return for the sixty-second sixty-second annual conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Selling days will be from April 2 to 6 inclusive. The limit for returning will be the 12th. The ticket is limited to continuous trip both ways. This will The Sentinel. lXJw1 :j afford an opportunity tt see the above grand temple aud the large tabernacle. AE noon cn Wednesday, the 6th o! April, the cap stone of tho Salt Lake tenrjile .wiU be laid with appropriate cereinonijj The officers and meaibers j of t;ie cLarca generally ara coriiallv 'invited t attend tte iz:eetia23 of the confereci-6. Also to be present on the occasi m of the laying of the cap stone of the temple. A meeting of tho democratic territorial terri-torial central committee, of the territory terri-tory of Utah, is hereby called to convene con-vene ia the rwai? of tha Caatral Democratic Demo-cratic club, Salt Lake city, on Saturday April 2, 1332, at 12 o'clock moa. A fu'l attendance of ths CDuiuiittee is desired. The semi-annual meeting of the Deeeret Sunday School union will be held at tho tabernacle Salt Lake at 7o' clock, p. m , SuuJay April 3. 1892. A cordial invitation to be present is extended ex-tended to all interested in tho Sunday school work. George (J Cannon, George Goddard, John Morgan, Gener-ai Gener-ai Superiutendency of the Deseret Sunday Sun-day Schcol union. Take your copy of fHE Sentinel with you and hunt up the men who advertise in its columns. If you have any questions to ask, want to know where any particular placo of businss is, or any particular street, ask for information in-formation from the clerks in the stores advertised in these columns. They are a gentlemanly lot of fellows, and kindly inform this paper of any lack of attention. atten-tion. For lost packages, children or yourself, ask information from the police. E'jjoy yourselves. Dop't blow out the gas. |