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Show THE M ANT. ROLL ER'IVl ILLS LOUSS F. BECKER, LESSEE. .MAM FVC ll'REk OF THE BEST uRADES OF FLOUR ft! Orders mid Curreniiilciivt! solicited. Custom Work a Specialty. Sign and return to this office. e Iff! I 2 e I s . J p " I " 1 rROKKSSIOXAL. Tl B. SEW" TON. I1 . rainier sad Decrntor. Artistic Sign Work a Specialties. Slanti, I'tah. QTRINtUIAM .t STKINCIIAM. O Sentinel Art Parlors. rhotoirruphers Main Street, Manti. ll.Sl'EURY TONSORlAI, ARTIST - M.mtl. Utah. T J. IIANSEX, General Ileunebuilder. P. O. Iiox 69, Manti, I'tah. THE TEMPLE DRUG STORE THKRE IS ALWAYS ON 1I4ND A FI LL Sl'PPLY OF t.ily of the Val!iy 1 ALLK7 f.W RK1 Kill KS VMute R,.e KACK 1'0'VHKRS r lute Minn r PEKKD.MK3 ( 01. 1 III. Yd UNIMEX t Jockey ("lull Ne Mown Hay J CAiFIBl.D TEA PRESCRIPTIONS KILLED AT ALL HOURS. BOCTII WILSON, Attorneys at Law and Land Otliee Ascnts 23 Nortli J' street, Prove, rtall J W. WHITECOTTON. A. 1. tiASIl. vYhitecottcm k Gash, Attorneys tt Hw. Rooms 10 ai.dl-2, Bank Building. Provo, I'ltli. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. - Work, Style, Fit and Prices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailors Trimmings Always on Hand. Suits Made to Order on Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. Wm. T. Re i d, " PltOBATr" iTTORNEY A-OSTTD LATID A. GS-rEJST Al I.IH0S of Probate business promptly fit-tended fit-tended to, and titles secured to Land under the vm ions, entries Office, Court House. -Manti, Utah. city mm ST0BE, HF.ADQUARTESS FOR Pure Druijs, Medicines, Soaps, Pt-r-fumeiy. Toilet Articles, Etc. (Perscriviions CaifiiirjjZZed MRS. I. B- BRHXEL, Prop THE MANTI Mercantile Institution Invite ailei tion lo theit'larse and varied assortment of ladies Newmarkets. Jackets Jack-ets and Shawls, misses' and children's Wraps, ladies' and misses' Mushu and Merino underwear; men and boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Arctics, Hose, Gloves and Mittens, Fasdnatois in great variety; Saiin, Itfoiie and Velvet Ribbons in ail shades; 54-fnch all-wool Suitings at 60 cents per yard; Cashme.es from 25 cents to $1 25 per yuid. V) V . . . a- . ) SSTFIRST-CLASSWORK--1 6EMTLE TREATMENT 6liARAliTEE0. UAN'TI, - - - - TCAII TUTTLE & STAGEY lire Insurance. MANTI. - - - - !UT AH Authorized Agents for the toV lowing Companies : "Etns of Hurtforil. Hartford of Hartford Cantlnentalol N. Y. Home of New lurk Colunihia of Portland. Olno. Physician and Sir'geon. Special atten'ion civen totlicnose anil throat. Faiiview City, Utah. ATTENTION Is especially directed to this sale as the estate is- anxious to have a large number present at the sale. TROBATE SALE. Hotice is hereby uiien, that in purf nance of an onler in the probate couit in aim f"r the connty of Sanpete, Territory of Ilisli, ninU on lhn21 day of Mnich 1S92, in the matter ot the estate of .llllos II, Chrietensen deceased, the underpinned, llie aduiiniciri.tnr i-f trie eMare of said diceased, will sell :it private sale, to the hiphtst binder fur cash on Monday, the ln dayof Apiil, liW at 11 o'clock . m. at the late residence of the deceased in ticiir.isoii r.nd Twelve Mile creek in said Sanpete connty. the foilowirg pereonal property, to wit: 74 3 ar.d I year old steer-. .IS calvef, 50 jeanines. '1 2-year old steers, ES cows and 0 Spanish ponies. Harmon J. Ciikistensen, Administrator of the estate of Jnlusll.Clilislensen. Dated March 41. 13M. E. M- WORKS PBOPRIRTOR OF THE .AUkindsof Siding;, Moulding, Floorin?, Doors, Windows. Sashes etc. constantly on hand and made to order. One block wesi from the Temple hotel. BARNARD WHITE, J. F. GRANT, F. R. SNOW, President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasure!. W.B.PRESTON, MORONI SNOW, W. W. BURTON, GEO. A. SNOW. DIRECTORS. Mfllili W fi IP (011)1(5! liUUrhn WabllluS JayEyeSee pgb a Canton Sulky Ppl C,PPer Plows Steel plows McCORMACK MACHINES CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT CO. We always carry a full stock of Wagons, Buggies and farm implements. House at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan a Milford, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. Manti Co-op, - Agents. "WALTEE STEINGHAM IS prepared to fill all orders for Lime large or small. - -will be delivered 'to any part of tlie town 01 County, at reasonable reason-able prices . |