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Show tTbe Bpbratm . Bntcrpnec. Wedne-.l .v. A,.,il 6. lie iss,,i ;1 S p., I. ., o.iilion, ivini; a Intel lusii.iy ,1 S.nt)L'!e cmiii'.y a:i;l its cuu-s uni p, yMll- ,.r,.'eis to M. F. MURRAY, - EDITOR. ASLEFF ON THE A little cbiM.tirfd rf plr,r, hnd rflloirr.1 li?t -liead on a railroad track aii-tl fjill -n a:-lrcp. The train v.-as almost upon him v. Iv:-r. a pass-iii? Btrang-er rushed forward and saved liict'trnir a horribie deat h. rorbp.ps ou are Vop on ilia track, too. You are, if you sie n. c ictnln tlis hacking1 coiirrri, tho hectic Hush, the Ions ot appetite, prowin? Trenkncss anti la?it;id?, whk-li h&c uncoii3oious)v crei'C v,uu ou. Wake up, or the train wiil Ik: u;m tou! Consumption, which thug ir.t'ui i-.v'.v i-pt'.-ca ita hold upon its victims whiL1 t!.- y aro unconscious un-conscious of ite approach, must t o takon in time, if it is to bo overcome. lr. I'ierce's Golden Mciiical Discovery tins cuitd t):ou-eands t):ou-eands of ca:-3 of tliia n;o?t tat'il of ralaoi.-1?. If taken in time, and given a fuir trial, it ia guaranteed to benefit or cure in . very ea?9 of Consumption, or money paid !'.. r it v.-jil be promptbi refunded. For Weak Lungs, Fpitting- of Blood, Shortness Short-ness of Ureath, Bronchm-. A?thrv.a, Severs r Coughs, and kindred affections, it ia an eiS- CopyrSght, 155, by "World's Dis. Met. ass'h. ft incuralile cfisc of t atrtrrh ia raafeatV 'Jf the Heoil, by the. proprietor-cf proprietor-cf Dr. Sture's Catarrh Remedy. Ouly M oenU. gold by drugg'L&u everywhere. Woven EplPplf! wire rckdblyQl BABBIT AND POULTRY f LfJETT5IG. j t MltmSlHKrO il 11 .tl io.v The Mullen Woven lire Fence Co., 11S and ISO A. Mil-I ., fl.io. MASON'S & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. DEALERS In' Oolite and Marble Monuments Head Stones, Etc, Stone Yard opposite T-itliinn Oil'iee on Main street, Manti. The Temple Hotel ! Mnln Street, Maiill. First Class Accommodations All those visiting the Temple should in- -4uire fortius house. Free ennveysuce to the Temple every day. Also Hay, (.rain and Stabling. John E. J,'e:;xlf (Pi-cyric:cr. zxusNfLxxo STONECUTTERS AND CARVERS. "W O v.Y.vi. eVi A Specially. 'Cut Rock Fronts for Buildings Neatly Neat-ly Executed. 'Two blocks Went ot I.oyrv'a Store, Mnmi |