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Show I I l ' THe St Ike Musio Dears ' f I ! .. 250,000 ESTEY ORGANS IN USE Cough-Cures Are abundant; but the one best kuowu for its extraordinary anodyne and expectorant qualities is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For nearly half a ceutury this preparation has been in greater demand than any other remedy rem-edy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and puV niouary complaints in general. "I suffered for more than eight months from a seveze cough accompanied with hemorrhage hem-orrhage of the lungs and the expectoration of matter. The physicians gave me ud, but my druggist prevailed on me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. tiid so, and soon began to Improve; my lungs healed, the cough ceased, and I be-t be-t ame stouter and healthier than I have ever been before. I would suggest that the name of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral be changed to Elixir of Life, for it certainly saved my life." F. J. Oliden, Salto, Buenos Ayres. "A few years ago I took a very bad cold, which settled on my lungs. I had night sweats, a racking cough, and great soreness. My doctor's medicine did me no good. I tried many remedies, but received no bene-Bt; bene-Bt; everybody despaired of my recovery. I was advised to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, as a last resort, did so. From the first dose I obtained relief, and, after using two bottles of It, wa3 completely restored to health." F. Adams, New Grelna, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREP EI) BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggist. Prtoe $1 ; lx bottles, $5. : . i Kzra Shomakcr, '- J limes Metcalf, Preident : z ,, , . . i :lA Directors X ! Albert Tuttle, Treasurer C ji.lm l Vlcn'-lf, ' : James Cowen, Mil linger. : r Henry Me Kerns. f :. N.c L'hi'isifiisen. ; THE CElNTarIL COMPANY "c-s.vvo.vXc-v. u PEAl.KR IN Wool - Hides - Pelts Twine Wool Sacks Etc. T illies wishing sarks will call on TUTTLE & CO, - - Mauti. Utah. THE UTAH CRACKER FACTORY Received the first prize for its SILVER BRAND CRACKERS At the late fair, October, 1811. HENRY WALLACE, - Manager. BEST CLOTHING STOCK IN MANTI TUTTLE & CO. G-eneial .ercad-Is BOOTS AND SHOES At bottom prices. Main Street, Manti. Utah. GEORGE A. LOWE S:ilt Lake City, Utah, dealer in all kinds of tirtt class AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Reapers, Crowii Mowers, Hodges' Headers, Planet Junior Horse Hoes and Garden Tools, Superior Press Grain Drills, t lie J. I. Case Threshing Machine, Ames' Sleam Engine, Left'el Turbine Wheels. Lane Saw and Shin-ftle Shin-ftle mill. Agencies in all Ihe principal towns in Sanpete and Sevier counties. Sclmttler Farm and Freight Wagons E. M- WORKS PROPRI&TOROF THE AU kinsof SUliufr, Moulding, Flooring, Doors. Windows. Sashes etc. constantly on hand and mada to order. Oaf block wes5 from the Temple hotel. 3 months TS-wrt 6 months $1,25. JUugG $ 5U. I OQ-" The brilliant, republic,., sntirioil. I LOV-t humorous weekly, it it rimed in , colors Every republican who kecks posted must take Jvul,e. Subscriptions rteeiveU I ut this office. I Fliimliiiif and Pipe Fitting Done on Short Notice MACHINERY OF ALL KIND5; REPAIRED AND ALL WORK WARRANTEES h. rTsloan, For anything in ihe line of horseshoeing, lite setting and general repaiing work. C'THEf SOWER VHAS" m No Second Chance, g lFERRYVs( SEEDS V M the largest in the world Merit Tells. H ff Ferry's Seed Annual for tSgx I tells the whole Seed story Sent fres for the b. asking. Don't sow Seeds till you get iu m Vp . M . F E RR Y & CO . ,DetroitMlchj It will piy you to bn 7 J'our Crockery, Lamps and Silverware " Glass, of us. BEST GOODS LOW PRICES CALLOWAY, HOOCIC & CO. 35 West First Soiuli. Salt Luke, Utab.- WALTEE STBIXGH1M IS prepared to fill all orders for Lime large or sniiill. will be delivered to any part of the town 01 County, at renson-:. renson-:. able prices. |