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Show REMEMBER THE RELIABLE ONE - PRICE CLOTHING COMPANY OF SALT LAKE CITY Men's Suit-: Our 10, 12 and lt-dollar Sails now 5, 7 and 8 doilnis. tr Q A I Cr 3 fpTi f 17 F3 f! fW F" f . r l-r-t- A 1 1 I See our Men's White Laundried Shirts at C5 cents and 4 ply Collars at Fine Spring Overeats at iO dollars, worth 15 dollars. Men's Hosiery : WMOLtoALCi Ik-iP7 I H-') If I ETA I L jo cents and Cuffs at 20 cents. Underwear at 82i cents and 50 cents 2,000 ;mir Men's Brown Britieh Half Hose ;also fastblack, cost 30 c nts 1 V 1 &t ll V I Al l fj leach. We carry a lull line of Spring Hats at way-down prices. Ca'l lo import, now selling for 20 cent or six pair for 1. 15 and 17 WeSt U VJ LJ U J U U U U li V U SeCOnd Soilth. and tee us. No trouble to bIiow goods. WATCH OUR ILEGANT 1HSILAV WINDOW. ' " Our goods are marked down to the lowest notch in plain figures. GIIY, IOSS tflT1!?. Morlan Block aru mvesterm t nrrent time tabic In effect January 1, 18??. No. 11 leaves Manti for Thistle. C:.'to an. No. 1- arrives at Manti from ITistle, :i:50 pm. No 1 leaves Thistle fur all points north and west t:S8 am. No.oieaves Thistle for'all points norlli and west at 10:15 pm. No. i leaves Thistle for all point south ana east at pm. No. 4 leaves Thistle for all points south and east at 12. :lti am. No. 13 leaves Sprinaville for Eureka at 5 pm.; returning, No. 14 arrives at Springville from Eureka at 9:15 um. No. ft arrives at Salt Lake from SpriU"Ville and Eureka at 10 :f5 am. No. leaves Salt Lake for Sprinaville ana Eureka al 4 pm. No. 9 leavfs Salt Lake for Osden at 8:50 am: returning. No. 10 arrives at Salt Lake from Ogdeii at pm. No. 7 leaves Salt Lake for Itioahaiii at 8 am; returning No. if arrives at Salt Late from Bidftlmn at K pm. Nos 1 ,iil it, .! 12, i ami i:;. an.1 2 and 14 make connections. Pullman I'aLee Sleepers en ail through trains. No ehanees, elose comic. lions, salejy, speed and eomfoii. 1 O IKIIH.K, .1. II BENNETT liener.l Jlanagrr. Gen. Frt. A Pass At!t. A K. WELBY. Gen'l Supt. Gcncrul Oltices. Salt Lake i:ity Utah Sarpete Valley Railway. TTMK TABLK, NO. 5. To take effect Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1830. Goin North, Stations. tioinfj South. No. 1. No. 2. ft. m. p. m. 9. 00 Leaves Chester. Arrives 2.17 9. 12 Arrives ; Leaves 2.05. 9.30 Leaves Arrives 1.55 9.45 " 'Draper. Leaves 1.45. 10.10 " Fountain Green. ' 125. 10.30 ' 'Divide, ' ' 1.00. II. 10 "Main Street Ne) hi, " 12.15. 11.12 Arrives Nephi, Leaves 18.13. Trains run daily, Sunday excepted. Trains stop at stations marked 'only when signaled. heodobe narBACK, General Manager. U. S. KEhR, General Snperintendant. "PIKE'S PtAK ROUTE" fOLORAlU MIIAND RAILWAY. Superb St ent-rj . All Standard Gauge. Shortest Short-est line between Otfiien, ?alt Lake ansi au western points to Denver, t'olorado Spritt, Pueblo, i-nd all points t;t.sr. via tjlenwooti Spi iii-, A-pen, Leadville aucl-Mauiton. SCENERY I NEQUALED EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED Through Pullman sleepers and Pullman tourist cats between Denver andSanFran-ets.o. andSanFran-ets.o. Thruueli tbe heart of the Roeky mountain?. '1 he most eotnfitrtable, the safest and the grandest of ail trune-continental routes, iirfins ieave union depot, G?den, at 6:30 p in. Kio Grande Wen'ern depot, Salt Lnfce I 'itj, lie :S0 a. ro. and :S5 p. m. H. C Blrneti. General Aerent. 41 West Second South i-tref-t Stringham & Stringham, - THE BABY SNATCHERS. ARE GOOD AT TAKING BABIES" Fotografs while you wait but they are not like this et;hing. Beware of imitations imi-tations and get a genuine picture of yourself. PATENT OR fee NO 48-ptffe book free. Adt'resa W. T. F1TZ GEKALD, Att'y at Law, Cor. nth and F Sta , W auington, D. C. LIME FOR SALE in large and small quantities, tor further particulars wrile or apply to CRAWFORD . &. . BUCHANAN, MANTI, : : . UTAH. Walhev J3vos. . & flcv Co; tae Open the gates of reduction. Success stamped upon the tace of this gigantic sale of new goods. Go Monday to Walker Bros. & Fyler Co. and see unheard of novelties in jj different depaitmenis will be the cry of all. 3fiOB3' ttiice ftante. How is this lor a le.idei? 150 pair ot boys' knee pants, legular vahie 65 cenls, will be sold this week at 25 cents. f;t!t Suits III. II IIIIIUKJIII U llMB- XMainsSouthStvI'A I tienrietta 2res3 ooe. MiSoCi' fiosletB. BMUinere. SilM. Xace Hreaa Weta. Xe&foco CorOa. mo "Reflection is cast on rival dealers. We satisfy the people and that tells the story. Read eery word thoroughly. Cbance is one thing. Wisdom is another. The wise peison is net the one who gets ttui oppoiluniiv, but tbe one a ho knows Ihe opportunity when lie gels it and takes advantage of this great Chance. We start the ball moving on Monday next by exhibiting the greatest number of attractions ever offered to our patrons. The reputation we have established in onr weekly special sales will prove another an-other success on Monday. Jmportant notice. In the past it has been the impiession of a greai many lhat unless they are actually actu-ally de-irons of purchasing it will not meet with the approval of the house to show their goods as if they were going to buy. We wish to impress upon every man, woman and child that this is not the case with us. We wish to evtend a cordial Invitation to one and all that our beautiful stuck is open to the public. Eveeything will be shown indiscriminately indiscrimi-nately and no one over urged to buy. 150,000 dollars' worth of spring goods, silks and velvets, dress g-o Is, millinery, wraps, carpets, and gents' furnishings. Anew and elegant line of child's kilt in the choicest patttrns never here sold for less than J5 75 will he sold at our sale at f3 90. CbilS's Jersey Suits. At our special sale Monday we will place on sale fifty child's Jetsey suits in all spting shades, regular prices $x.5, Monday $2 .95. Men's $uits. We appear Monday with a phenomenal phenome-nal bargain, fitty men's clay worsted suits, ui regular 3o-dollar suiis at IS dollais. mew attraction in bargain basement. Peruse careiuily, ' Turkish bath soap worth 10 cents per cak; MeudaV 5 cents. WILFORD WOODRUFF, GEO. M. CANNON, TresiUfnt. Caslliti. Cash Capital, $300,000. Rjsme, $-200,000. Zian's Savings Bank A5D TRUST N09. I and 3, Kast Temple, Salt Lnke Citv L tah Savings business attended to with core and dispatch. Five per cent interest allowed compounded quarterly, on any eum tuoni 1, DIRECTORS: Vil'ord vtoodrcfr. George Q Cannon Joseph F. Smllh, Francis M 1 vmarl Angus M. Cannon, -Tames -Jack ' Lorenzo Snow, H. li. Claws'on. 1 (i. Webber, HeberJ Grant, t-reorge Reynolds. Anthon H. Lund L.G.Hardy. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SAVING? BANK IN CTAH. trelfmen?6 Kur dr,c'si,a "1 annrante. fair treatment. Save your monev with us that vou Javo ';t aui interest thereon when vou Ufiett it, juu. 3ttess oooos. f tenet) pattern $uits. Cbailtes Pe Orient, percaile iepbgr. Cballies 6c Bfxicaine. Victoria Xawnu. |