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Show f 2 5 "I .5 f ? " s ,, ;, ,,, .,, .,.,lir j3 " i " i ; THE MANTi ROLLER fVliL LS I LOUIS F. BECKER, LESSEE. MASr-IVIIKIK (i!-- THE BEST uRADES OF FLOUR ftST- Onl.T-i Mini r-s. luln.CO solicited. Custom Work a Specialty. F'KOKKS -TONAL. - I' .- painter sad THorator. Vrtist.ie Sinn Wort a SpciailicS. Jlanti, " "'" CTRIMiHAM 'STRISC.ll AM. O . sentinel Art IMilois. lMlotmrnipliors Main Street, Manti. II. Sl'EWKY TOSSORUl, AltTISF Manti, rial.. J -J. HANSEN-, Gcneial II. iiselaiiM. r. v r,,, . stanti. I tali. THE TEMPLE DRUG STORE TIIHtK Iri ALWAYS ON HAND A Kl'I.l. st'l'Pl Y Ol' Lily of the Valley "J VAI.I.KY TAN RKUKI'IRS bite Rose FACE 1'0 DKP.S .Vhite Lilac y PKnFl'MKS nHlltl.VS LINIMENT h'ckey Clnh X Mown Hay J i7 A : FUJI. D TEA PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. vm'k TII . vnt.soN, J .Ul.Tiievs at Law and Land Olliee Annuls 23 North' J street, Prove. Mali J W. WI1ITKCOTTOS-. A.' 1. (i ASH. Whilecottovi ov Clash, Attm-neysjtl.su. Rooms 10 ar..l li, Paul; Pnihliii". l'rovo, l lali. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Work, Style, "Fit and Prices' Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailor s Triinminga At ivsiy - on Hand. Suits Made to -Order on Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor THE MANTI Mercantile Institution Invite attet tion to their large and vatied assoiimeut of ladies Newmarkets, Jackets Jack-ets and Shawls, misses' and children's Wraps, ladies' and misses' Muslin and Merino underwear; men and boys' "Suite. Overcoatvflais, Cap, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, r ' "' - Arctics. Ho'e, Gloves and Mitlens, Fascinatois in great variety; Satin, Moire and Velve.1 Ribbons in all shades; -54-fnch all wool Suiline.s at 60 cents per yard; Cashmetes from 55 cents to gi 25 per yard. Wm. T, Re i d, rUOBATi: i TTOIIXEV of Probate business promptly nt ' tended to, and titles i-ernred to Land under the vat ion? entries Oflice, Court Hou?e. Manti, I'tah. Wilkes & 6ba(iw":k, AND ATTORNEYS ftALT LAKK CITY, - HTAH. CITY DEU6 ST0SE, ! HEADQUAKTE33 FOfi- Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Per-fumery, Toilet Articles. Etc. MRS. I. 15. r.Pit'NEL, Prop fiiS-FIRST-CLASSWORK.-X 6tNTfE TREATMENT GUARANTEED. S1A-NTL TUAU TarriiT&lSAEY' I h e lnsuwuicc. MANTI. - - - - ' UTAH Authorized Agents for the U lowing Companies : Etna of Tiartfor.1... HarifoM of. Hnf'mi Cantinontniol N. Y. Home ri New i o; w Columbia of rmtluud. Ol.io. C.S.W5LKES. OFFICE IN U S-LAUD OFFICE BUILDING- Land Agent & Attorney -Obtains Patents lor Agricultural and Mineral Lands. BARNARD WHITE, J. F. GRANT, F. R. SNOW, ('resident. " Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer. W.B.PRESTON, MORONI SNOW, ' W. W. BURTON, GEO. A. SNOW. DIRECTORS: i j j ,1 .IIS! illIll s j ) i JayEye.SeejoT Canton , Sulky. ItS Clipper listed Plows " Eka Steel plows McCORMACK MACHINES CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT CO. Physician and Sivgeon. -fcneeiaJatti-n'ion sivcn to tile nn-e anil throat. Kairview City, I'tnli. ATTENTION Is especially directed to this pale as the estate is anxions to have a largo numher pres-nt at the sale. PROBATE SALK. Nolirc is hrreliy aiven.'tliat In pursuant of an orccr In Hie prohflle eomt iu oMl l"i' o county ot .Sanpete, Ti-rrii.ny of t'cili, ma. !. on tho 21 day of March l12. in the matter .if the estate of .lulus II, C'lirietenfui deceased, the iil.dei-H"ned, llie administrator ot t ho eMiee of aid'"ditescd, will fell at private, sale, to the leMhext bidder, tor cash on Monday, tlietih day oi ApJll. IS'.ei at 11 o'clock - m. iu the Inte resilience ol the deceased in IJiair.ison and Twelve .M lie creek in said Mlllipete count y. th o follow ii n ptnonal proper'-, to it : 71 ai.U I lear old Heer-. SS calves. W eiiTnns. '1 2- ear old eteerp, tSeous and .11 Kpan.sl. poo ice. lUiisiie. J.miOsibNSr.v. Administrator ol lliuenuto of .inliiB 11. 'nrii.iei.ieii. Drrttd March 21, lt&i. I We always ca'rv a full stock of Wagons. Buggies and farm implements. Houses j at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan a Milford, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. ' Manti Co-op, ; " - - ." -' " '. '-"'.' - Agents. |