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Show Strictly Feminine Manti April, 1", lsi2. j 'lU'iir Joshna:-- As your sex barred! you from attending the rag bee Tit Miss ; Etta Vorhees yesterday, 1 will, accord-; in ? to premise tell you all about it.even ! though all of ns did pledge ourselves not to breath a word of what happened and, you dear Josh, must not tell anyone, any-one, or if yon do, be sure and tell them not to mention it, for we girls, would not have it known ior the world. In cider that yen may fully understand w hat took place, it will be necessary to tell who were there, and then, of conrse. you will be prepared for what I am abont to say. The married ladies consisted con-sisted of Mrs James l.owry, Mrs. l. ir en Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Ostler, Mrs. Spicer. Mrs I. D. and Mrs. Stephen Vorhees, of those ft ho contemplate getting married there were the Missis Ida and TUra Lowry, Sadie and Eliza Metcaif, Christie and Anna Ludvigson, Minnie Jasperson and Helen Larsen. It seems dear Joshua, that Mr. Isaac and Frankie Yorhses thoroughly understood the the uaturc of a rag bee, as they had both made arrangement to have a day off to which we girls had no objections. The forenoon was spent in listening to the Indian experiences as related by airs. Spicer. We all got so worked up over the story that Eliza Metcalf went and looked under the bed to be sure h ere were no Ind.ans present. At the close of this story Mrs. Hess told how two of the horrid "red skins'Tiad once tried to steal her canned fruit. This added to the excitement and we were all afraid Eita would furnish ns w .th canned Indians for dinner. At this stage of the game Minnie related a very pretty Indian story about two girls who had been stolen, and .Mrs. Hess came to her tMiunie) rescure by testifying that she had seen the stolen girl. This ended the Indian trouble and step3 were then taken to organize a class in the care and culture of ch!l dren. Mrs. Rowena Ostler was duly appointed chairman, while Sadie Metcalf. Anna Ludvigson and Dora Lowry were appointed as a committee of three to draft a constitution and bylaws by-laws for the regulation of said class. Etta nnnonueed that dinner was ready and we all adjourndd to the dining rot m where equal rights to all and special favor to none, was strictly adhered to. The dinner was splendid and just reminded Mrs. Spicer of a hotel clerk in disguise. This 9tory was the topic of conversation for the greater part of the afternoon. vf course, wo ail had our views ou the subject and it would have both amused an 1 confused yon dear Joshua, to have heard ns. Time will not permit me to write more, and what ever yon do don't let The Sentinel get hold of ihis letter. Write soon to your dear. Ohlks. Ob, my! I forgot to tell yon that Etta's face war'as long as fiddle wTien Hlal did not appear at dinner. P. S. The Santh ward is going to organize a base ball nine under the leadership of Mrs. Spicer while the North ward is to be headed by Sadie Metcalf. |