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Show Spring City. Svimnc City, April U, isie. The democrats f this pla-e had i gnrnd rally last Kiii:ay nitbt. Hon William II. King i1elmredtiuadilr.ru hat is causing gn.t dismav in the republicans' camp. The spe'ike r led out whith a few reiiiinks justifying those uiea-iures passed by t e legeblaluie.'j which the republicans have bieu iry ing to criticise, tie showed the sugar bounty questiou in its proper light. He then corrected u few of the misstatements mis-statements of Calvin, the Keasoner. The next point touched was the home rule bill. Mr. King read from the minority min-ority report on the bill aud then compared com-pared it with the majority report, shoeing shoe-ing plainly which party is on the side of jnstice. After touching briefly on these issues, the speaker eneounlered the tariff question. This being the ail importaut question before the people-great people-great attention was given to thin part of the speech. Mr King was evidently prepared for the conflict. He poured volley after volley of truth into the monster, aud as it gradually gave way under the steady fire of facts, the people could plainly see the delusion under which the republican party would be pleased to have them labor. The j speaker was frequently interrupted by j the applause, the audience evidently appreciating the efforts ofj the gentleman. gentle-man. The speech has had the effect of causing many, whose politics were doubtful, to fall in line in the democratic demo-cratic rauks. The republicans are crestfallen, and feel as though another speech ltke Mr. King's would leave theii paity iu Spring City without a membei. Mr. King enjoys being the first im-portet im-portet democratic speaker that the people peo-ple of our pltce have heard. The bght, previous to this, having been carried ou by the democrats with local talent, while the republicans have had several imported orators. Our local officers are to be commended for the zeal and earnestness with which they have car. ried ou the fight, and, should they continue, con-tinue, there is no doubt as to which party will be in the majority in our growing ber, Last Sunday evening fonr of Mount Pieasaot's promising youths were out enjoying the pleasute of a vide by moor-light moor-light with their best girl. Daring the course of their travels they visited Spring City. It appears from reports that they are all deeply interested in the study of astronomy, and, the evening eve-ning - being quit favorable lor the pursuit of information in that science, they were quick to seize npon the opportunity. oppor-tunity. As they were passing along Main street one of the students evi dently had made some new and startling start-ling discovery, and in his eagerness to impart it to his comrads, began yelling it the top of his voice. His fellow-students fellow-students were n:t slow to comprehend the importance of the discovery, and the entire company united in a general shout of joy. Now, it happened that Marshal Justesnn was near by at the time the glad shout went up, aud as he was not aware of the great benefit science was to receive from the researches re-searches of the group, ho immediately Dlaced the would be scientists onder arrest for disturbing the peaee. Ono of the boys gave security for their appearance appear-ance before Jnstice Baxter on Monday. The next day the boys were arraigned before the justice and paid fines amounting amount-ing to a total of 27 dollars. The girls were released after stating that they did not make any noise, it being impossible impos-sible for them to do so as the boys' arms interfered with all efforts made -y them ia that diroction. That dreaded scourge, diphtheria, has made its appearance in the family of Carl Hansen. His six year-old daughter dau-ghter being afflicted with the disease. It is a mild case, and should care be taken, but little harm will result from it. Our schools clone their third term to-morrow. Programs have been prepared pre-pared by the children, and interesting times are expected. County Assessor Petersen is making bis ronnds. He doesn't appear to have many friends. Tss Skntinri still grows ia popularity. popu-larity. The song of the farmer; ' Oh what shall the weather be?" Uiuuiiiiers are plentiful. |