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Show Utah Star Routes. Contracts for carrying mails in I'tah other than by railroad have been let In I'tah by the postmaster general at Washington from July 1, isvi to June 30, li'.i-l, on the following named routes: From Cainevllle to Hanksville.tweekly, K. B. Young of San Franslsco, 115 dollars j per year; from Mammoth (0 Mammoth! station, daily, John A. Alexander of: Mobile, Ala., liio dollars; from Muncy, Nev.. to Smithville, Utah, weekly, V. H. Pease cf Salt Lake, H'M dollars; from Moab to Monticello, weekly, H. A. Law-ton Law-ton of Salt Lake, 72ti dollars; from Mouut Pleasant to Moroni, daily, V. H. PSase, 3r ilo'lars; from Mayfield to railroad station, daily, H. A. I.awton, 226 dollars; from Kalsas to Woodland, twice a week, H. A, I.awton 12G; from Mapleton to Springville, tri weekly, V. Voorhees of Choyenne, Wyo., SB dollars; from Chester to Moroni, daily, V. Voor heea, 19B dollars; from Mew to Hot Springs, daily, V. Voorhees, 119 dollars; from Lewiston to U'chmond, daily, V. H. Pease, 222 dollars. -- |