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Show 7 Richfield. From the Advocate. - - Messrs. Snyder and Rosenstone says "April Fool " to those who expected , their dancing contest. The braes baud of Gleuwood is coming com-ing to the front in great shape under the able leadership of" Professor Hep-pier. Hep-pier. Though the hoys have been practicing prac-ticing bat thirty days, they are able to handle quits difficult music. There were an innumerable number of "fools" found on the first day of April One lady kept her husband waiting for dinner till nearly evening so that be would be able to relish some cotton rolls that she had prepared for him, bnt the way he picked his teeth, glared bleakly into vacant space, and looked sheepishly up at his better half, showed plainly that, be did not relish his cotton dinner bat was awfully "April fooled ." At 9:4u yesterday, the uth day of April 1S92. the corner stone of the grand Sevier connty conrt house was laid. Had it' been a tabernacle of no greater dimensions there would have been placed nnder it, in a stone box, or something else that would insure its preservaticn, a lot of historical facts pertaining to the history and progress of the stake, with the photographs of : the presiding officers of the stake |