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Show Salina. From the Ceutral 1 tab lJretsof .Vpril M. r.lLul pm lIiuj. d a opttQ tfrf t. a ; gray horses this week from Mr. Wilbur of the Daltou mine. - VvJ r " Another foot race will be run on the' 21st instant. This time it will be between Frank Ivie and Sperry. Thomas Hunt and wife, of Monroe", passed through Salina yesterday- going home. They had been visiting friends in MayQeld. W. P. Srown went down boiiie last Sunday to visit his family; at - Spanish Fork anil returned Wednesday evening. M; Bonloh arrived in town last-evening from Canada. His wife has been here for some time attending i an invalid sister. ''" '-(-. V. M Walters returned to Salina last evening. lie has made quite an extensive circuit since leaving here in the winter. W. W. Lisanbee, of Anuabeila? wa in town Wednesday evening. lie. was relnrning home from attending conference con-ference in Salt Lake City. A ditch was taken out to fun.. witter along the west side of the public Gquare. This move was made by - the school board preparatory to planting trees on their part of the block. Tre (He Oontra, who has been on trial at Provo on the charge of killing his wife, was convicted of manslaughter and was sentenced for eighteen years' at hard labor in the penitentiary. , The town council met pnrsuaat .16; adjournmeut Thursday evening auii about all the business transacted1 was the authorization of tho towiv marshal to appoint WillardH. Roblnsqu r deriuty assessor to assess the property, of the town .v-"'" i - A psriy was given in Redmond Thursday Thurs-day evening which must . have beeii a decided success in some .Respects. a least. The Salina boys -who-'atteBded came home at a very late honr racing their horses aud making noise enorigh to wake the town. The idea of moving the library to some cheaper quarters and suspending the free reading room during the summer sum-mer months,.!ias been mooted in some quarters but we are glad to say it was voted down by a good majority at the meeting of the association Wednesday evening. 11. Piatt, a buyer for the Deseret Wool mills of Salt Lake City, .was in town Wednesday evening The mills have run out of wool and ho was sent out to try and buy about 20,000 ponnds to keep them running for four or five weeks or until this season's clip cemmences coming in. |