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Show Price. -- From the Eastern Utah Telegraph of April 8: The Price school will close two weeks from today. Dr. Moore, of Orang6ville, was in town I uesday of this week. Two car loads of government wagons were nnloaded at this point this week. A large number from Emery county are attending conference at Salt Lake this week. It is reported that Fort DnChesne will be abandoned, or at least a part of the soldiers now stationed there will be withdrawn. The fanners throughout the county are hnsy pntting their ditches in good order for the summer. Everything points to a large acreage being planted this year. A large acreage means a big crop and a big crop means prosperity pros-perity for the farmer and all classes of people. - We are informed that the Price base hall team has challenged the Honting- on team for a match game of ball to be played April the 10th and the acceptance of the same Is daily expected. The Huntington team is said to be a strong one and the Price boys will have to plav ball or victory will not perch upon their banner. Train No. 1. last Sunday morning, strnck a bull three miles east of Thompson Thomp-son Springs, in a cnt which derailed the mail an 1 baggage cars causing a delay of eleven honrs. No one hurt, although a tramp was on the top of the mail car stealing a ride at the time the accident occured but escaped without a scratch. He was thrown seieral feet into the air but was fortunate in landing land-ing in a snow bank. The -passengers were disposed to sympathize with the poor man and accordingly, opened up their hearts and purses and "gave' him a dollars. The unfortunate man thanked them for their kindness and went on to Thompson Springs and was gioriously drunk ere the traifu arrived at the atatio . |