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Show 1 of republicans they could not and would not oppose that party and therefore begged beg-ged to be excused from drawing a platform. plat-form. '", : Mount Pleasant. From The Pyramid of April ti: About twenty-five young men have left Mount Pleasant the last week to shear sheep on the different ranges, the most of them going to the Sevier county. The republican executive committee met at toe Pyramid oflice last Thursday evening to arrange for speakers, literature, litera-ture, etc. While in session a proposition proposi-tion was made to them by the liberal party as follows: The liberal party will elect three committeemen to meet a like number from the republican ranks to draft a straight republican platform to be submitted to both parties. The executive committee was in favor of the move and called a business meeting of the club for Friday evening. " Miss Pearl Ethier of the Ethier-Nownan Dramatic company which broko up in Nephi about two years ago, nas just married a late member of the Russel Dramatic, company, who is now employed em-ployed on the Spanish Fork Index, a paper which is edited by J. T. Jakeman who established tb.9 Ephraim Register. Tho liberal party of this city met in the Fourth ward sehoolhouse last evening. eve-ning. President Arilson called the meeting to order and Secretary Jensen read the minutes of the previous meeting, meet-ing, which uere adopted. The chair then called for the report of the committee com-mittee on platform adopted at the last meeting, and William Zabriskie arose to make a verbal report for the committee. commit-tee. He stated they had a report but no platform. They had concluded that they could cot draft a liberal platform, as the cause for which the liberal party was organized to fight was dead in our citv and they had nothing to oppose bnt republican and dsruocratic parties. The committee being composed entirely |