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Show Terhaps no one habit is so universal as tea drinking, each people having its peculiar tea or closely allied beverage whose use has continued for ages, lu one place fie beverage is cocea; in others, coffee; in many, tea; in a few special localities, mate; but in only one small district' a9 the secretary of the Royal Bstanical Gardens points out. it is zcfTee leaf tea. The leaves of coffee contains .more theine, the agreeable principle of all these beverages, than j the berries, and they may be cheaply 'grown. Vet only 2,CO0,OCO persous drink j tea from the leaves of coffee, w hile over llii,0i)0.000, use the berries,' and 300,-I 300,-I ono.oriO nse tbe leaves of tea. The flavor fla-vor of the caffee leaf tea may be varied by manipulation of the leaves after gathering, hnt is ia general that of n combination of coffee and tea. |