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Show competitor, who cares nothing for principle and everything for office. If Mr. Cleveland looms up to-day as the strongest possible democratic candidate, it Is not becanse he has stirred from the position which he took years ago, but becanse his rarty sees him clearly, and the place which he occupies, upon the lifting of a light and strictly local fog. There ia a very simple reason why Mr . Clevelaud appears to be. the best candi- .. date for the democratic party in this month of April, 1892. The reason is that he baa been the best possible can-dldate can-dldate twelve months ont of every year since hs was governor of the state of New York. Jt-ia all very well to spend a harmless January in talking over the smartness of Mr. Bill's politics, and tbe tfleiencT of hts "machine;" but when summertime comes and democrats have to decide who shall represent them before be-fore the people of the country, they have to face one cold, hard, Inevitable fact: . ' that G rover Cleveland is the one man whom they can choose to stand for them, under whose leadership defeat would ba honorable and success proflt-'- able and creditable. Mr. Cleveland Is, has been, and must be In the coming campaign, the one candidate for the democratic party. He can cease to be its eandidate only when his party oeases :- to prefer principle to mere scramble for ; oflice. He stands for every doctrine of the democratic party that is worth re-apeaUnfr. re-apeaUnfr. believinsr in. fighting for. And that Is the reason why, when it comes to the serious choice of candidates, candi-dates, be appears as the practical and available man rather than bis smart |