OCR Text |
Show AN OltlUNANCi:. Aini-ndim; sections -1 ami 10 of chapter XV of the revised ordinance of .Vlanti city Sue. 1. lie it r,l aineil i I hi- eitv council of Mami citv, tint sec tinn i! of 1 hapter X V of til- rcvisou oniiaaiiofs of Mami c iiy be and in s.-.id -eotion. HC.l insi rtino in' "ion 'TlVrenf, s.. that mill section 1; mil rca.i, '-Iii-snrar.ee a-., nts Sin per annum.'- Si-:.'- 2. That section 10 of cliap'cr of the reused orilniaiiei-9 of Manti citv. he ami tin. same is hereby amended l,v striking out nil otter the words -iloliars " on line six of said soi uon Bi d inserlin;; in lieu thereof the vmr.ls, "or l.e unprisoiHil for a period ot not CM'iT.liK one hundred ,,v SKC. :l. All ordinance... : arts of ordinances ''"ll'J'jVl"'-' '" n'';l'""1' hereby ; '.vV'r'c," V-Y,'V. ;'; i;. i:.-l'. mh.jukib. Mmnrof M.n.ti Citv. I. rut lllil . tall. I I !.: tv"s.,,:p,tfi s. Mailt, City. . I N. W. Ami. 1-0,1. r., ..,,1. r i and for Mantf 1 ilv. do hen In rrrtilv that the Inroirnin" is a trie- :o . I can t e ,y of an 011lia.nl. 0 entitled "An nr.: a ai 10 A mend-nu Section l and loot ( l, ,p:i'i I- ilt.-enof tin- ken,-,! lirdinanrra of Mri.li Cilv. -a-pa-s.-d at th- ri ouiar session ot tl.e . !ty (Ouni il on 111, at--t l:,v of .March, A. II . l-'.i.'. as a.p n-011 r. . o, J 111 mv olli-e : In :e-tiinoiiy v. li-r-of I hi-ii imtosrt mv hand i ai..l attix th - iv.i-Dot-al -e.l ol M.nli cii'v Ihis Jllli .lav of Match. A lK.i.'. j 1 ru 1 N. W. Ai,i:i:-i.x. City Ticairdn. |