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Show ;:on. 1 1: oiuiKit. 1.1 the .ir.il.-n f:.iin in :ni ini-sanpi-tprnfiity I :.il. 1. iiitmy. in in.itcr I 11. i sti.le j .1 Ann.. Williams .l. c.- ised Order on I li-..n.-:t licnl i.i.i.nnt will siskin for j it, r 1 dcHrilic.lii.n. I ( n i.- i.iin-- n-u illin; the- 1 etitior. of l.mhfr I T -Intlic liic :ldii.ii,i-ti:iH.r with tli,. ,u ! :!.-. v I . tin- c.-t.ite of Anna William I l. I. a-lintf for 1111 iillowiiin-o or his liml ; ;.. :iy.l il.-.r, c f destr , hut inn ot si ; . Mute- am. ..:.' the ci i M-n entitled thereto. It i?..ider-.l that ::!! persons interested in , the c-lnteol' tlie s.iid Anne W illmius deceased ; lie nm I niirear 1,,-lnrc the probate- court of Sanpete county at the court room ot said court I in M ititioitv, fish territory on Monday tin; -:.lh day . t April, ls-.i; at 11 ..'clock, a ni. of : -ai l .lay then 1.11.I Uierc to show cause wliyian ni.leralli.M ins; said Sinai arcout and .lestti- hi.ti.ii. should not iio made of I lie residence of j said estate among the heirs or said deca.-ed t ace il .liiiL' to law. 1 And il 7s further ordered that a copy of their I order l.e pul.l.Mied tor three weeks before the said J-1I1 ,lav of April, l-lrj. in the st.NTISEL . a newspaper printed and publisher! in Manti . city .-an pete (oiintv, I tah territory. ; J .1, on johsson I'mbate judge. ! Dated Sla eh il, I-sri j Territory ot I tah, ( I anpee County. I "a I I John It. id, clerk of the probate court in ! : "! coiinny, 1 iah teraitoi y. In-rebv ; certify thai the foregoing is a lull, 'true anil i corn et ...pv ofthe oriKii al o-der on liearin" linal a.enui.t ami askini,' for deeeee ot ileslri i ''"li".? in the matter of Die estate ! Anne ! U ,ll,ai,.s.d.c. :i-..l,a.sitai.i)eu,s on die and of reeoid Ml my nllh c. W line mv hand mid nfneitil seal this 21st day of March. A . P.. ls'.u. 1-eai. I John K;-:id. l'rol.ato Clerk. |